Bob Dole Switches To DEMOCRAT Party


RUSSELL, KS—Former Senator and presidential candidate Bob Dole has passed away at 98, marking his transition from a lifelong Republican to a reliable DEMOCRAT voter.

Said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. "We welcome him as a faithful DEMOCRAT voter for the rest of time."

According to DNC sources, Dole has already endorsed every local, state, and federal candidate with a "D" after their name, and will continue to support them via mail-in ballot.

Dole's late father, also a DEMOCRAT voter since his death, is glad to be joined by his late son in voting for DEMOCRATS, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison added.


I'm not familiar with the Democrat Party.

I have been registered with the Democratic Party since 1967,
but this Democrat Party that pachys keep talking about doesn't seem to actually exist.

ob·tuse | \ äb-ˈtüs , əb-, -ˈtyüs \
1formal : stupid or unintelligent : not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious or simple
Bob Dole was a real man. He didn't have a flambouyant personality, so he didn't get elected. He was rather soft-spoken.

He would have made a good president, though.
May dad, a life long Republican, thought Dole was a nice man, but didn’t vote for him last time he ran in Kansas, because he thought he’d abandoned Kansas and only cared about his higher political ambitions.
May dad, a life long Republican, thought Dole was a nice man, but didn’t vote for him last time he ran in Kansas, because he thought he’d abandoned Kansas and only cared about his higher political ambitions.

A Story for Every Occasion™.
No study ever done on voting turned up evidence of dead people voting like the republicans keep claiming

GW Bush had it studied for five years and found squat

Why keep lying about it you bag O dicks?
May dad, a life long Republican, thought Dole was a nice man, but didn’t vote for him last time he ran in Kansas, because he thought he’d abandoned Kansas and only cared about his higher political ambitions.

Didn’t he believe in a president being a president for all Americans?

Oh yeah

He was a lifelong republican
No study ever done on voting turned up evidence of dead people voting like the republicans keep claiming GW Bush had it studied for five years and found squat Why keep lying about it you bag O dicks?

Nope there was a recent study done and republicans are far more racist than black people
here it is
THIS is the recent study
Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans.
There is a huge ideological difference on this topic. Among conservative Americans, 49% consider most blacks racist, and only 12% see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27% see most white Americans as racist, and 21% say the same about black Americans.
Read more:
Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.
May dad, a life long Republican, thought Dole was a nice man, but didn’t vote for him last time he ran in Kansas, because he thought he’d abandoned Kansas and only cared about his higher political ambitions.

Towards the end, Dole had a problem getting the vote up.
Bob Dole was a real man. He didn't have a flambouyant personality, so he didn't get elected. He was rather soft-spoken.

He would have made a good president, though.

Agreed. I voted for him in 1996. A good argument can be made that 9/11 may never have happened with Bob Dole because he would have handled al-Qaeda properly, without being distracted about who was blowing him in the WH.

Sad but expected to see so many Trumpers bash Dole as RINO.
Bob Dole was a real man. He didn't have a flambouyant personality, so he didn't get elected. He was rather soft-spoken.

He would have made a good president, though.

He was one of the last moral and principled Republicans!

He just always ran against other more-liked candidates.

And how can anyone blame him for being a Never-Trumper?

I certainly don't! And neither does any principled and moral Republican- if there are any left!
He was one of the last moral and principled Republicans!

He just always ran against other more-liked candidates.

And how can anyone blame him for being a Never-Trumper?

I certainly don't! And neither does any principled and moral Republican- if there are any left!

Why you just gotta make up lies out the blue like a fucking dickhead?

"Unlike much of the longtime party establishment, former Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole supported Donald Trump in 2016."

"Bob Dole Endorsed Trump."

You're a shit tard of a weasel fuck.
Why you just gotta make up lies out the blue like a fucking dickhead?

"Unlike much of the longtime party establishment, former Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole supported Donald Trump in 2016."

"Bob Dole Endorsed Trump."

You're a shit tard of a weasel fuck.

OK, so he wasn't always a never Trumper! But he died one! He was a never-again TRUMPER- My BAD!