Bob Dole Switches To DEMOCRAT Party



Looks like you had a little accident again.
Agreed. I voted for him in 1996. A good argument can be made that 9/11 may never have happened with Bob Dole because he would have handled al-Qaeda properly, without being distracted about who was blowing him in the WH.

You're full of shit, as usual. 9/11 had NOTHING to do with how we "handled" al-Qaeda. :palm:

Sad but expected to see so many Trumpers bash Dole as RINO.

Do you have anything to support this bullshit other than "because you say so"? Yeah, I didn't think so. :palm:
He was one of the last moral and principled Republicans!

He just always ran against other more-liked candidates.

And how can anyone blame him for being a Never-Trumper?

I certainly don't! And neither does any principled and moral Republican- if there are any left!

^Dimwitted wonder dunce thinks Democrats are principled and moral. :rofl2:

You're full of shit, as usual. 9/11 had NOTHING to do with how we "handled" al-Qaeda. :palm:

Do you have anything to support this bullshit other than "because you say so"? Yeah, I didn't think so. :palm:

ROFL Is it just me or is it ironic when a person posts something so completely inaccurate in oversized font?

Yes; because they call me a RINO for supporting Dole's policy proposals.

RUSSELL, KS—Former Senator and presidential candidate Bob Dole has passed away at 98, marking his transition from a lifelong Republican to a reliable DEMOCRAT voter.

Said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. "We welcome him as a faithful DEMOCRAT voter for the rest of time."

According to DNC sources, Dole has already endorsed every local, state, and federal candidate with a "D" after their name, and will continue to support them via mail-in ballot.

Dole's late father, also a DEMOCRAT voter since his death, is glad to be joined by his late son in voting for DEMOCRATS, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison added.

Even Bob Dole is not as dead as the bullshit election fraud dead horse you idiots keep beating.
Even Bob Dole is not as dead as the bullshit election fraud dead horse you idiots keep beating.

Let 'em.
They are NEVER going to convince ANYONE whom is not already in their camp.

They are like Flat Earther's.

No point in debating with them.
Just smile and nod and pat them on the head.
Eventually, they will get tired and give up.
Kill myself? And then start a thread?


No, YOU kill YOURSELF, and I will run a test by starting a thread in which I make negative comments about YOU.


But if you want to kill yourself and then try to start a thread, I won't object.

Just kill yourself, OK? You won't be "bored" anymore, so it's a win-win.
ROFL Is it just me or is it ironic when a person posts something so completely inaccurate in oversized font?

Yes; because they call me a RINO for supporting Dole's policy proposals.

You sad, small minded, unintelligent person. My guess is you're a lonely fat, short little man who lacks any friends. :laugh: