Boehner keeps House gym open - is that really essential?

I didn't know that idiot was a veteran but it makes sence. I'll dig this idiot in even deeper than that.

He doesn't want Universal background checks which more than 90% of the people want and think will work and is the driving force for the current GOP that voted DOWN Universal background checks even when only years before they all wanted it. He constantly states "when do laws stop criminals" which is basic Nihilism and the complete disreguard of law.

He generally doesn't post until he makes no sense while holding a link that is all about stout beer. Reading his perspective on beer is more interesting than his perspective on wine and his perspective on beer is flamboyantly stupid.

He wants to end the ATF while posting links of people busted for drugs. If he truly is military then I would assume he is a nam veteran that was fed Meth and never got off of it.

The idiots tag line spells out Sexist as far as I can read, maybe I'm wrong on that one, but not the others.

And the idiot barely even talks until guns are brought up. And even when they are brought up he doesn't know much about them, he confuses facts to make his argument work.

Basic reasons cawacko. Welcome to JPP kid. Protector of the old druggies who get drunk and want to shoot people.

It is rather ironic when dimwitted leftists like you feign such care and tolerance then engage in inane judgmental rants like this; but you're a dimwit and can't possibly comprehend how utterly stupid you look. :rolleyes:
So I read you right as being young; you didn't put in a lot of years youngster. What branch of the service and why so short?

Marines, and I did 4 years, which is what MOST vets do. As for why, well let us see....Long hours, slave wages, stupid rules, even dumber SNCO's/Officers, shitty basing...I dunno, pick whichever you like best.
Marines, and I did 4 years, which is what MOST vets do. As for why, well let us see....Long hours, slave wages, stupid rules, even dumber SNCO's/Officers, shitty basing...I dunno, pick whichever you like best.

LOL; it took my dad 26 years in the Army to finally want out. But he did the Nam. Well, thank you for your short time; it is more than many other of us have given. Hopefully you benefitted from the experience...I find most whom I talk with are very respectful, something civilians show disdain for.
LOL; it took my dad 26 years in the Army to finally want out. But he did the Nam. Well, thank you for your short time; it is more than many other of us have given. Hopefully you benefitted from the experience...I find most whom I talk with are very respectful, something civilians show disdain for.

No need to thank me, I didn't do much of anything. But yeah, even if it was shitty, it was fun and worthwhile.
No, I think we should talk about it now when the agencies are 'shut down'. Why reopen dead weight?

Because people are suffering in the here and now, and discussing killing agencies like the DEA or ATF - or changing their focus - would and should take awhile.

And because re-opening the govt shouldn't be contingent on anything. Blackmail sucks.
Because people are suffering in the here and now, and discussing killing agencies like the DEA or ATF - or changing their focus - would and should take awhile.

And because re-opening the govt shouldn't be contingent on anything. Blackmail sucks.
you are being far too rational about this..
Obama has a staff of 400 in the WH despite the "shutdown", and I have no doubt Tekkygal knows that.

What a lying twat Tekkygal is.

Notice how she always manages to respond to people she claims to be "ignoring"?

She's despicable.

In the year 2000, there were 11,952 congressional staffers. How many today?