BofA aims new credit card at illegal immigrants

You boys are silly.

They don't need for the illegals they give credit cards to, to become legal citizens and then legally responsible for their debts. (I don't know that they're not now?) This is just another net. They send out mass offers to bad credit risks too, knowing full well that a number of them are going to default.

But they set the interest rates so high, that it is still very profitable for them to take those losses. Because enough do pay, and are thrilled to get a credit card at mafia-like interest rates. And so shall enough of these illegal immigrants pay, and you can bet they aren't getting 4.9 fixed rates, to make it nicely profitable.
You boys are silly.

They don't need for the illegals they give credit cards to, to become legal citizens and then legally responsible for their debts. (I don't know that they're not now?) This is just another net. They send out mass offers to bad credit risks too, knowing full well that a number of them are going to default.

But they set the interest rates so high, that it is still very profitable for them to take those losses. Because enough do pay, and are thrilled to get a credit card at mafia-like interest rates. And so shall enough of these illegal immigrants pay, and you can bet they aren't getting 4.9 fixed rates, to make it nicely profitable.

I disagree. I believe they have been told that these people will not be allowed to run up 30k in debt and then disappear back over the border.
I disagree. I believe they have been told that these people will not be allowed to run up 30k in debt and then disappear back over the border.

You can't stop someone from disappearing over the border, by making them legal citizens. They would have dual-citizenships and could return to their home country whenever they wanted to.

You can stop someone from running up 30 k in debt however, and that is by putting limits, which they do. And these guys are not getting high limits on their credit cards.
You can't stop someone from disappearing over the border, by making them legal citizens. They would have dual-citizenships and could return to their home country whenever they wanted to.

You can stop someone from running up 30 k in debt however, and that is by putting limits, which they do. And these guys are not getting high limits on their credit cards.

Wait till they break out the subdermal chips. It's about two years away.
Wait till they break out the subdermal chips. It's about two years away.

OH yes those are coming in the name of security...
Most of us will be eager to get them.
We are already using them on our children....

Small RFID chips are pinhead sized now and require no power. Just use a wand or walkthur and they can know all about you in a sec or three....

We will have cred card rfid chips too. Like the pay pass things on the toll roads and such.
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I don't forsee it.

Work on your envisioning skills then, because it's coming.
The VeriChip is expected to sell for about $200, but the price will undoubtedly be reduced as Americans leave the pasture and flock to be chipped. If used as a National ID Chip, the government will undoubtedly use tax money to pick up the cost of any tagging process.

Even without development, the chip could currently be used as a security tool, stirring debate over its potential use as a "Big Brother'' device to track people or invade the privacy of their homes or workplaces.

Let me guess your response. "Yeah, right! I'm SO sure."
Rats controled by implant at current ranges of up to 500 yards have been announced today and the concept of a national ID chip implant takes on more ominous tones.

The remote-controlled "roborats" can be made to run, climb, jump or turn left and right through electrical probes, the width of a hair, implanted in their brains. Control movements are transmitted from a computer to the rat's brain via a micro radio receiver strapped to its back. Eventually, the receiver can be made the size of an implantable ID Chip such as being developed by VeriChip.

One of the electrodes stimulates the "feelgood" center of the rat's brain, to reward proper actions with a "feel good" impulse. Two other electrodes activate the cerebral regions which process signals for mind control. In training, a shot of euphoria rewarded the rats for responding correctly, but after that they turned on cue without any need for reward, the researchers said in the scientific journal "Nature."
Work on your envisioning skills then, because it's coming.

Let me guess your response. "Yeah, right! I'm SO sure."

LOL! I love this quote:
"I have nothing to hide, so I wouldn't mind having the chip for verification,"

That is fabulous. Must be a republican. Well, I didn't know about this. But as long as I can say "No, how about instead, you shove the chip in your butt" then I'm not too worried. Weird stuff though.

Young shoppers want to pay with chip in body

Daily Mail (UK) 12 Oct 2006

Some customers are willing to have microchip implants as a means of paying in stores, a report out today says.

Teenagers are more open to the idea of having a high-tech shopping experience, the Tomorrow's Shopping World report suggests.

Around 8 per cent of 13 to 19-year-olds were open to the idea of microchip implants while 16 per cent wanted trolleys to be fitted with SatNav systems.
LOL! I love this quote:
"I have nothing to hide, so I wouldn't mind having the chip for verification,"

That is fabulous. Must be a republican. Well, I didn't know about this. But as long as I can say "No, how about instead, you shove the chip in your butt" then I'm not too worried. Weird stuff though.

Young shoppers want to pay with chip in body

Daily Mail (UK) 12 Oct 2006

Some customers are willing to have microchip implants as a means of paying in stores, a report out today says.

Teenagers are more open to the idea of having a high-tech shopping experience, the Tomorrow's Shopping World report suggests.

Around 8 per cent of 13 to 19-year-olds were open to the idea of microchip implants while 16 per cent wanted trolleys to be fitted with SatNav systems.

thanks for checking it out. it is amusing, and scary. I believe it will be offered as a solution to many problems which we are currently refusing to solve in other ways. National id, voter id, identity theft, etcetera. I fear that in just a few years it will be mandatory. this will be a watershed moment. will you still tell them to shove it up their butt when it becomes law?
thanks for checking it out. it is amusing, and scary. I believe it will be offered as a solution to many problems which we are currently refusing to solve in other ways. National id, voter id, identity theft, etcetera. I fear that in just a few years it will be mandatory. this will be a watershed moment. will you still tell them to shove it up their butt when it becomes law?

Most likely, unless things really change for me in a way I can't forsee.
Christians would flip if the chip became required to purchase...

"Woe to you O Earth and Sea for the Devil sends the Beast with wrath for he knows his time is short!... Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the Beast, for it is a human number, it's number is 666!"
I really don't see too much of a problem with this. If BoA wants to take the risk, let them. Secondly, I don't understand why citizenship should be a prerequisite for a credit card. Thirdly, something like this may be helpful to legal residents not just illegal residents. Fourthly, its not BoA fault congress can't get its $hit together and they've created a huge market for BoA to capitalize on. They see an opportunity and they are pouncing. That's what capitalism is all about.