BofA aims new credit card at illegal immigrants

I really don't see too much of a problem with this. If BoA wants to take the risk, let them. Secondly, I don't understand why citizenship should be a prerequisite for a credit card. Thirdly, something like this may be helpful to legal residents not just illegal residents. Fourthly, its not BoA fault congress can't get its $hit together and they've created a huge market for BoA to capitalize on. They see an opportunity and they are pouncing. That's what capitalism is all about.

It's the double standard. Try walking in there as a citizen and trying to get credit vissout your papers. and plus the natives will most likely pay somewhere along the line for the increase default rates which I'm certain will exist in the immigrant population, unless, like darla said, they pay a higher interest rate, which I doubt will happen, because libs like you will scream "RACISM".
Rats controled by implant at current ranges of up to 500 yards have been announced today and the concept of a national ID chip implant takes on more ominous tones.

The remote-controlled "roborats" can be made to run, climb, jump or turn left and right through electrical probes, the width of a hair, implanted in their brains. Control movements are transmitted from a computer to the rat's brain via a micro radio receiver strapped to its back. Eventually, the receiver can be made the size of an implantable ID Chip such as being developed by VeriChip.

One of the electrodes stimulates the "feelgood" center of the rat's brain, to reward proper actions with a "feel good" impulse. Two other electrodes activate the cerebral regions which process signals for mind control. In training, a shot of euphoria rewarded the rats for responding correctly, but after that they turned on cue without any need for reward, the researchers said in the scientific journal "Nature."

Hmm most people sit closer than that to the tube, and it is working pretty well on controlling them for now. Just what is in that V chip anyway ?

Darla, the inplants are coming and "we" will welcome them eagerly after the hyped up sales pitches we get.
We are chipping our kids out of fear they will get stolen now...
Christians would flip if the chip became required to purchase...

"Woe to you O Earth and Sea for the Devil sends the Beast with wrath for he knows his time is short!... Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the Beast, for it is a human number, it's number is 666!"
Remember the thread about the 666 dude claiming to be Christ holding a rally in FL. a major center of religious right conservatism...

#1) You're an idiot.
#2) Financing companies always charge higher interest rates for higher risk loans. If you have a credit score of 500 you will pay a much higher rate than a person would who has a credit score of 800. If what you suggest does in fact happen and other customers are forced to pay higher rates to make up for the losses you speak of then people would cancel their credit cards and move to a company that offers better rates.

There is no skin off of the back of J.Q Public. I suspect most of this false outrage is a product of xenophobia. God forbid dark people have a product that is convenient for them.

#1) You're an idiot.
#2) Financing companies always charge higher interest rates for higher risk loans. If you have a credit score of 500 you will pay a much higher rate than a person would who has a credit score of 800. If what you suggest does in fact happen and other customers are forced to pay higher rates to make up for the losses you speak of then people would cancel their credit cards and move to a company that offers better rates.

There is no skin off of the back of J.Q Public. I suspect most of this false outrage is a product of xenophobia. God forbid dark people have a product that is convenient for them.

And liberals always call it "racist predatory lending". There will be skin. we will be picking up the slack. why do you hate american citizens?

I don't want anything that will make it easier to send their money back home, either. I want them spending it in american establishmentts.

I basically don't want anything that will make the life of an illegal easier. I want them to stay in mexico.

Are you looking for a sea of brown unity against the white oppressor? Get real. They're taking opportunities from afro-citizens more than anyone else.
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And liberals always call it "racist predatory lending". There will be skin. we will be picking up the slack. why do you hate american citizens?

I don't want anything that will make it easier to send their money back home, either. I want them spending it in american establishmentts.

I basically don't want anything that will make the life of an illegal easier. I want them to stay in mexico.

Are you looking for a sea of brown unity against the white oppressor? Get real. They're taking opportunities from afro-citizens more than anyone else.

LMAO :p "Afro-citizens" that's a new one. Anyway, getting past your rudimentary vocabulary:

#1) They send cash home. Odds are they'd be spending $ here as it would be extremely difficult for them to leave the country and come back if you're referring to illegals

#2) Mexicans aren't the only illegal population.
LMAO :p "Afro-citizens" that's a new one. Anyway, getting past your rudimentary vocabulary:

#1) They send cash home. Odds are they'd be spending $ here as it would be extremely difficult for them to leave the country and come back if you're referring to illegals
Yes. They send cash home. As much as they can afford usually.
Educate yourself.
Latino immigrants such as Armenta will send $45 billion home this year, up from $30 billion in 2004. Yet they tend to be poor by American standards, with the majority earning less than $30,000 a year, according to a survey by the Inter-American Development Bank.

#2) Mexicans aren't the only illegal population.

Yes. And they all should be deported. What's your point?
Yes. They send cash home. As much as they can afford usually.
Educate yourself.

Again, you're an idiot. I said, "they send cash home" and you refute by stating that they "send cash home". The point is dumb@$$, that most would likely be spending the borrowed monies here in the US. Not sending it home. Not to mention that these people already have bank accounts set up in the US. If they just want to wire money, they already have that capability.

[QUOTEYes. And they all should be deported. What's your point?[/QUOTE]

You said that you wanted illegals to stay in Mexico. I pointed out that that contrary to your prejudiced inclinations illegals aren't all Mexican. So I guess my point is that you're an idiot for insuating that they are.
Again, you're an idiot. I said, "they send cash home" and you refute by stating that they "send cash home". The point is dumb@$$, that most would likely be spending the borrowed monies here in the US. Not sending it home. Not to mention that these people already have bank accounts set up in the US. If they just want to wire money, they already have that capability.
they can't send borrowed cash home? that's idiotic.
Yes. And they all should be deported. What's your point?

You said that you wanted illegals to stay in Mexico. I pointed out that that contrary to your prejudiced inclinations illegals aren't all Mexican. So I guess my point is that you're an idiot for insuating that they are.

I never said they were all mexicans. That was a strawman. And I said even non mexican illegals should be deported. Get your head on straight.

You suck at arguing.