Books they wanted or are wanting to ban


Black Kitty Ain't Happy
Let's start with this one.


Legion is a 1983 horror novel by American writer William Peter Blatty, a sequel to The Exorcist. It was adapted for the film The Exorcist III in 1990. Like The Exorcist, it involves demonic possession. The book was the focus of a court case over its exclusion from The New York Times Best Seller list.

You name a book they want banned and the reason why.
The Republicans are trying to White-Wash American History- Simply Put!!

It's a facade!

What Republicans are most concerned about is the fact that millions of High Schoolers graduate every year- and tend to vote Democrat!

So here comes the Critical Race theories and book-bannings- as usual!


Decent honest people, who have nothing to hide, are not afraid of the Truth!
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The Republicans are trying to White-Wash American History- Simply Put!!

It's a facade!

What Republicans are most concerned about is the fact that millions of High Schoolers graduate every year- and tend to vote Democrat!

So here comes the Critical Race theories and book-bannings- as usual!

I wonder if they wanted to ban this book because they know they're demon possessed?

"After parent complaints about the use of racist epithets in To Kill a Mockingbird; Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; The Cay; Of Mice and Men; and Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, the Burbank (CA) Unified School District superintendent issued a statement removing the books from the district’s required reading lists for its English curriculum and banned the use of the N-word in all school classes. The books will be allowed in classroom libraries, but no student can be required to read them. At a board meeting, the superintendent stated, “This is not about censorship, this is about righting the wrongs of the past.”

What if African-Americans heard the word 'Nigger'. They would probably go insane, or at least set themselves on fire and run in a circle. It's good that we have people (like Phantasmal) that will look after these people. Like little children ... looking for protection. 'The White Man's Burden'. Thank God the Wokesters have showed up.
Banning books, movies, etc., whether by conservatives or liberals is WRONG! PERIOD!

Future generations cannot correct wrongs if they are not exposed to them and understand the history of why they exists and how society over came them.
Banning books, movies, etc., whether by conservatives or liberals is WRONG! PERIOD!

Future generations cannot correct wrongs if they are not exposed to them and understand the history of why they exists and how society over came them.

Who want to ban the most? Think about that one.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Banning books, movies, etc., whether by conservatives or liberals is WRONG! PERIOD!

Future generations cannot correct wrongs if they are not exposed to them and understand the history of why they exists and how society over came them.

Who want to ban the most? Think about that one.

Nothing to think about. Conservatives of all branches have always been the majority when it comes to this. However, in the last 30 years or so you've had various liberal factions wanting to either out right ban or limit access or actually alter the content of various books, movies, etc.

I give credit where credit is due, and fault where it's deserved.
Nothing to think about. Conservatives of all branches have always been the majority when it comes to this. However, in the last 30 years or so you've had various liberal factions wanting to either out right ban or limit access or actually alter the content of various books, movies, etc.

I give credit where credit is due, and fault where it's deserved.

I am certain you have those examples from those 30 years.
Nothing to think about. Conservatives of all branches have always been the majority when it comes to this. However, in the last 30 years or so you've had various liberal factions wanting to either out right ban or limit access or actually alter the content of various books, movies, etc.

I give credit where credit is due, and fault where it's deserved.

What liberals wanted to ban books?
I am certain you have those examples from those 30 years.

Just a general reference to advocates wanting Mark Twain's books taken out of school libraries because they contained the "N" word....despite the man explaining and apologizing in a preface why that word was included.

Then more recently you have the movement to "gender neutralize" certain aspects of children's literature that's been around before I was born.

Again, I'm not saying that the various factions of conservatives haven't cornered the market on censorship....but I'm not going to excuse what's going on the other side of the ideological fence either. Fair is fair.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Both very anti racist for their time but the woke are incapable of understanding that.
What Is the Most Banned Book in America? For all time, the most frequently banned book is 1984 by George Orwell. (How very Orwellian!) The most banned and challenged book for 2017 was Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher.