Thanks, TOP.
Same to you and yours.
Thank for not taking my ball busting too seriously.
I do have an answer, by the way. For all too long, the football factories have enrolled "students" who ARE not qualified for university study. This is not some great revelation I am is a well-known fact of life.
There is no big deal to the fact that it appears there are "students" playing football at universities in Florida, for example who would not be able to obtain admission to Notre Dame or any of the military academies. What is a "big deal" though is that it appears there are "students" playing football at universities in Florida who could not qualify for entry at Podunk College...and who ARE accepted at those universities ONLY because they are exceptional athletes.
They ARE students because they have been accepted to university...but they are no more students than the people washing trays in the university cafeteria.
BOTTOM LINE: It gives some people a chance to at least attempt to make it get a shot at big time (great paying) professional sports.
Very few make it. Many wreck their bodies for the opportunities...but that is the way things go in that line of effort.
I'm coming to the conclusion that universities should cut the bullshit...and hire people to man their teams. It should be a job...a minor league job...that pays a decent wage. And it might level the playing field for schools willing to put money into that sort of opposed to research projects that might actually help the world.