Bowl Games

When boosters say "I will pay to hire Urban Meyer" they aren't saying "I will pay to hire Urban Meyer or just take the money and do whatever you want with it". It's "you take the money to hire Urban Meyer or I'm not giving you this money."

It wasn't a money issue. In fact it was shown keeping Helton would cost the University money. I guess I'm going to have to keep writing that over and over or until we tire of the discussion.

You don't see a danger in an alumni dictating to a University who they should hire to do what? Suppose next month that same alumni wants an unqualified brother in law to head the economics graduate program? That type of practice threatens the school's integrity

I am not getting tired of the discussion, although I see I'm never going to get you to think that perhaps USC's top five days are behind them, besides, beats exchanging personal insults with the trolls
As you should be....Pride in your school is key to success in so many ways:)

I don't see that, it is four years out of your life, perhaps a few more if you did graduate studies or were a professional student, but considering it was such a small amount of time out of your life it is hard to believe it did much to define who you are today. Educated you, but didn't define you, especailly given the age we were all at

Think most look at those years with rose colored glasses, nostalgia, I can remember mostly just wanting to be done so that I could get on with my life, there are more memorable moments in my life than the years I spent on college. Just never got the rah rah ray, be true to your school thing
I don't see that, it is four years out of your life, perhaps a few more if you did graduate studies or were a professional student, but considering it was such a small amount of time out of your life it is hard to believe it did much to define who you are today. Educated you, but didn't define you, especailly given the age we were all at

Think most look at those years with rose colored glasses, nostalgia, I can remember mostly just wanting to be done so that I could get on with my life, there are more memorable moments in my life than the years I spent on college. Just never got the rah rah ray, be true to your school thing
That's ok, too;) To each their own....we encourage school spirit, though...
I imagine that comes from so many educators in the family-I've been in school my entire motivated prideful students just seem to do better in the long run imho;)
That's ok, too;) To each their own....we encourage school spirit, though...
I imagine that comes from so many educators in the family-I've been in school my entire motivated prideful students just seem to do better in the long run imho;)

There's the problem. From a time you likely can't remember well, you've been in a school setting. To you, that is the real world. The real world knows that if you had to live in it, you couldn't survive.
You don't see a danger in an alumni dictating to a University who they should hire to do what? Suppose next month that same alumni wants an unqualified brother in law to head the economics graduate program? That type of practice threatens the school's integrity

I am not getting tired of the discussion, although I see I'm never going to get you to think that perhaps USC's top five days are behind them, besides, beats exchanging personal insults with the trolls

Wayne Hughes is an 'SC alum and billionaire founder of Public Storage. He's on the Board of Trustees. OJ Simpson actually thanked him in what many thought was his suicide note before the big Bronco chase. Hughes has donated something like $400 million to the school. He is the reason Pat Haden and Lynn Swann became AD's. On paper Haden is a Rhodes Scholar and worked in private equity so he's ostensibly a smart guy. He's also a narcissistic prick who thinks he's the smartest guy in every room he walks in and absolutely destroyed the athletic department with is incompetence. Swann is a great alum but didn't know what the hell he was doing either and had no interest in actually running the department.

So there's an example of a major donor having influence in hiring. But he still couldn't do it on his own. We had a corrupt President who was originally from Greece and had no clue about football. All he saw were dollar signs and he let Hughes have his way (Haden and Swann were ex-Trojans, not a brother-in-law).

Meyer is one of the best college football coaches living. This wasn't a hiring a relative type situation. This was a grand slam hire. School f'd it up.
There's the problem. From a time you likely can't remember well, you've been in a school setting. To you, that is the real world. The real world knows that if you had to live in it, you couldn't survive.
I'm surviving pretty the real world;)
By your own admission, you spent you life in a school setting. That isn't the real world.
Of course it is...about as real life as you can get....But go ahead...enlighten me....
What do you consider "real life"?
Of course it is...about as real life as you can get....But go ahead...enlighten me....
What do you consider "real life"?

Not when you've spent your entire life in a fantasy setting that is the opposite of living in the real world.
What "fantasy setting"? Did you go to school?;)

One that is nothing like the real world.

In the real world, when you fuck up, there are consequences. In the fantasy world you worked in, fucking up got your promoted.

I went to school then I went to work in the real world when you had to earn your way.
One that is nothing like the real world.

In the real world, when you fuck up, there are consequences. In the fantasy world you worked in, fucking up got your promoted.

I went to school then I went to work in the real world when you had to earn your way.
I went to school, went to work, and earned my
I don't understand your reference to "promotion"....
Wayne Hughes is an 'SC alum and billionaire founder of Public Storage. He's on the Board of Trustees. OJ Simpson actually thanked him in what many thought was his suicide note before the big Bronco chase. Hughes has donated something like $400 million to the school. He is the reason Pat Haden and Lynn Swann became AD's. On paper Haden is a Rhodes Scholar and worked in private equity so he's ostensibly a smart guy. He's also a narcissistic prick who thinks he's the smartest guy in every room he walks in and absolutely destroyed the athletic department with is incompetence. Swann is a great alum but didn't know what the hell he was doing either and had no interest in actually running the department.

So there's an example of a major donor having influence in hiring. But he still couldn't do it on his own. We had a corrupt President who was originally from Greece and had no clue about football. All he saw were dollar signs and he let Hughes have his way (Haden and Swann were ex-Trojans, not a brother-in-law).

Meyer is one of the best college football coaches living. This wasn't a hiring a relative type situation. This was a grand slam hire. School f'd it up.

You already told us the school didn't hire Meyer for,the same reasons ND didn't hire Meyer, are you saying what isn't good enough for ND is good enough for USC? Couldn't resist that one

Given it is Southern California, not Gainsville nor Columbus, you don't think perhaps the school thought Meyer wouldn't be a good fit in #Me too era, especially given the costs involved. The outside scrutiny and oversight he would face wouldn't be like any he had experienced in the past
Why would a State school need an endowment fund?

Because they are primarily research institutions and without those endowments funding research we'd probably still be talking with tin cans tied by strings if we had to rely solely on the government and taxpayers to fund research. Can you imagine how far basic science research (as opposed to applied science) would advance if funding was dependent solely on government, business and conservative taxpayers? We'd still be in the stone ages.
Because they are primarily research institutions and without those endowments funding research we'd probably still be talking with tin cans tied by strings if we had to rely solely on the government and taxpayers to fund research. Can you imagine how far basic science research (as opposed to applied science) would advance if funding was dependent solely on government, business and conservative taxpayers? We'd still be in the stone ages.

Endowments are about more than just research though. They are used for scholarships, attracting top professors, paying for new buildings and facility upgrades etc. States don't have unlimited budgets.
I believe it. USC has hit me up every single year since I've graduated for money (i'm assuming most/all schools do this). So I can imagine if you are older (and wealthier) they are only going to hit you up even more. I've told you my old man got his PhD from Ohio State and he's on an advisory board for the real estate program at the school. They are always hitting him up for money.

I've never received that first letter from Wright State asking me for money. Probably because I've never updated my home address with them. LOL

I'd have to think long and hard about including any of the colleges I attended in my estate planning as they treated me like crap when I ran out of money. I was denied on just about every source of student aid, other than loans, because my parents made a middle class income but I was living independently and my parents weren't in a position to help me financially and when I ran out of student loans they were like....get off our property. That and when I worked in academia doing research for three years I developed a very low opinion of academia.

Having said that, I'm sure that we had very different experiences but you would probably agree with me that when it comes to money Acadamia is a Well that can never be filled. Them and politicians. LOL
I've never received that first letter from Wright State asking me for money. Probably because I've never updated my home address with them. LOL

I'd have to think long and hard about including any of the colleges I attended in my estate planning as they treated me like crap when I ran out of money. I was denied on just about every source of student aid, other than loans, because my parents made a middle class income but I was living independently and my parents weren't in a position to help me financially and when I ran out of student loans they were like....get off our property. That and when I worked in academia doing research for three years I developed a very low opinion of academia.

Having said that, I'm sure that we had very different experiences but you would probably agree with me that when it comes to money Acadamia is a Well that can never be filled. Them and politicians. LOL

No doubt! And there's a big difference between making you annual donation and an estate planning. I give 'SC a few grand each year (or did until they retained Helton) but no way I am willing them my house. Haha.

Truer words have not been spoken than your last sentence. Universities are truly an endless pit of money. It's why they fund raise 24/7.
I don't see that, it is four years out of your life, perhaps a few more if you did graduate studies or were a professional student, but considering it was such a small amount of time out of your life it is hard to believe it did much to define who you are today. Educated you, but didn't define you, especailly given the age we were all at

Think most look at those years with rose colored glasses, nostalgia, I can remember mostly just wanting to be done so that I could get on with my life, there are more memorable moments in my life than the years I spent on college.
Kinda where I am though I'm immensely enjoying this season. Don't live and breath LSU football just look at it as entertainment and it sure is entertaining this yr.! I enjoy college football in general .
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I don't see that, it is four years out of your life, perhaps a few more if you did graduate studies or were a professional student, but considering it was such a small amount of time out of your life it is hard to believe it did much to define who you are today. Educated you, but didn't define you, especailly given the age we were all at

Think most look at those years with rose colored glasses, nostalgia, I can remember mostly just wanting to be done so that I could get on with my life, there are more memorable moments in my life than the years I spent on college. Just never got the rah rah ray, be true to your school thing

To each his own, everybody had a different college experience. But I come from a very different perspective than you. For many people college is the best time in your life. You are in an amazing environment during your formative years often making your best, or lifelong, friends. There's a reason so many people donate to their schools and watch their teams etc. It takes you back to that special time and place and you want future kids to share a similar experience you had.

And at least in my world we talk Universities and college sports all the time. It regularly comes up with friends and in business environments. And at least for top schools the alumni network lasts a lifetime. I call people up out of the blue today who are USC alums who I've never met to pitch business and will start the conversation by bringing up USC.

Now just because you go to a top school doesn't mean you will automatically be successful in life just as not going to college does not mean you will never have success. But there's a reason people pay as much as they do to go to (top) schools. And that's because they are far more than just a four year window in your life.