Bowl Games

Mine was a mix between yours and Archive's experience. My alma matter isn't exactly known for it's social life. More like it's known as the nations largest commuter college. Academically it holds it own with all the other schools in The Ohio State University System and I very much enjoyed my class room experiences. The Social life there was a dud though. LOL

Graduate School was a horse of a different color. I know most people who attend graduate/professional schools have a similar experience. Studying for very long hours and being treated lower than Whale shit by the profs. In retrospect I appreciate and respect the experience but fun or best time of my life is not what I experienced. Suffering, stress, constantly being hungry and working my ever loving ass off are the only things I really remember about grad school. It was a challenge and it made me a better person but fun it was not. LOL

I didn’t go to grad school but makes sense it’s a very different experience than undergrad. Different time in your life, different goals etc.
What I like most about LSU was it's first leader was a Great Buckeye and a Great American and one of the most hated persons in the South.
Sherman, right? So basically you’re an LSU hater. lol
Pretty obvious. No hard feelings . Im a Bama hater but we get along great!
And that's what we have in common is our passion for college football!
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Sherman, right? So basically you’re an LSU hater. lol
Pretty obvious. No hard feelings . Im a Bama hater but we get along great!
And that's what we have in common is our passion for college football!

Only in football. More like I’m an admirer of Gen Sherman. I actually work with quite a few colleagues who are LSU grads and are employed in the petroleum industry down there. I love Southern Louisiana. One of the most unique parts of the nation and second only to Miami in beautiful women.
Only in football. More like I’m an admirer of Gen Sherman. I actually work with quite a few colleagues who are LSU grads and are employed in the petroleum industry down there. I love Southern Louisiana. One of the most unique parts of the nation and second only to Miami in beautiful women.

Toledo of all places has beautiful women,it's the water!
There is a thread on FaceBook about Michigan whining about Alabama's last touchdown in the Citrus Bowl. It was called a "slap in the face" by one of the players. Personally, when it comes to bowl games, you are supposed to be able to play with the big boys.

But then someone told this story about Coach Woody Hayes, and I immediately thought of you, Mott.

"In 1968 OSU was thrashing Michigan they ran off 29 straight points for a 50-14 victory - but legendary Ohio State coach Woody Hayes wanted more. On the Buckeyes' last touchdown, Hayes elected to go for the two-point conversion. When asked afterwards by reporters for his reasoning? He replied simply,

"Cause I couldn't go for three." LOL"
There is a thread on FaceBook about Michigan whining about Alabama's last touchdown in the Citrus Bowl. It was called a "slap in the face" by one of the players. Personally, when it comes to bowl games, you are supposed to be able to play with the big boys.

But then someone told this story about Coach Woody Hayes, and I immediately thought of you, Mott.

"In 1968 OSU was thrashing Michigan they ran off 29 straight points for a 50-14 victory - but legendary Ohio State coach Woody Hayes wanted more. On the Buckeyes' last touchdown, Hayes elected to go for the two-point conversion. When asked afterwards by reporters for his reasoning? He replied simply,

"Cause I couldn't go for three." LOL"

Woody was an asshole,who wouldn't pass!
True, but if it were possible, I'd wager my view will turn out to be more realistic, if I was a USC loyalist I'd be happy as hell if they beat the rivals and made the Rose Bowl every few years so you could enjoy the spectacle of the event, least you will be able to see them play

Now tell us about USC basketball, there is certainly no tradition there

You don't know USC football history (or the PAC 12) if a Rose Bowl every few years is or should be the goal of the program.

However here's a post from the board today that sums up our University pretty well right now:

""We are trying to do all we can to make it a liberal-leaning, larger (too large now?) Ivy that attracts a large percentage of the student body as full-paying international students (mostly Asian, one of the highest totals of Chinese students in the country). A politically correct safe-space that deemphasizes athletics and the "well-rounded" education/development that was received in past generations.

They have done a great job of making it a more selective institution and in getting ever-higher tuition and fees outpacing inflation; however, this has raised tuition costs for all students, driving them to more student loans to get the degrees, educating internationals who take their skills back to their countries, while at the same time eliminating spots for US kids.

Who has benefitted? The educators' swamp -- administrators, diversity professionals, development officers, etc. Meantime, have the students really gotten a better education? Probably not, but the domestic students are graduating with staggering amounts of debt. I have to question whether this is what we really want the school to be. jmho.""