And anyone who is capable of reading this thread, knows you are a liar.
You're welcome!
And anyone who is capable of reading this thread, knows you are a liar.
Good... then make like a tree and FUCK OFF!
Nope. You can count on me to point out your scumbaggery every time you reveal it - which is pretty much every time you post, rube.
Having fun with the emoticons again, I see!
...You seriously should get a life.
You know, there is a thread somewhere in the database, you can search for it... specifically for bashing Dixie... blah, blah, whine, snivel...
Oh I am SO not whining. You just don't know how big I am smiling at this very moment as I type this!
Nothing gives me more pleasure than getting under the skin of a liberal. Which I obviously have with you.
Watching you attempt to deny that, as you continue to flail at me, is hysterical... better than any comedy on YouTube!
Whining! LOL... what? Couldn't you find the crying baby emoticon?
Don't flatter yourself. You get what you give, crybaby. Quit whining.
Enjoy yourself, rube. I'm sure this is the most attention you've gotten from a woman in years. Negative attention's better than none, right rube?
And what skillz you have! To get to a 'liberal', you must become a woman-hating scumbag - great tactic! Don't expect to come back from that one, though. You sealed your fate here with every woman reading this board. Your slime doesn't get under anyone's skin. It just confirms what we've all been witnessing from the inbred wing of the scumbag righties for years. Good job!![]()
Actually Rana's on vacation. And I am not sure Christie saw it. I better email it to them.
Awww.. Darla! I can't believe you're going to throw away what we had over something as silly as this.
Look, to you and Bijou, and all other women who might have been offended by my "cunt-face" remarks, I apologize! I shouldn't have been so crude, even though it was intentional and to prove a point. Bijou can't expect to run around this board hurling one tasteless insult after another, and not get something back. Still, I should have been more considerate of others, who weren't aware of the game that was being played. In the future, I will do my best to not use such inflammatory language.
I don't hate women, I have never hated women. I grew up in a family with four sisters, and I have three daughters. I have been blessed to have amazing and strong women around me my entire life, and I am sure they would have been shocked at my language as well. Again, I apologize, to you and to them, and to all other women, my words were inexcusable, and I take full responsibility.
Bijou, I am putting you on notice, if you ever hurl another string of tasteless insults at me, you will go on the IA list, and I won't speak to you here again about anything. You may not have enough class to mind your manners and be respectful of others, but I do, I know better, I was raised better. I won't be goaded into something like this again.
Fuck off, scumbag. Put me on ignore.
I might as well, because it appears you have no intention of doing anything but being a foul-mouth jerk.
Apparently, you think your vagina gives you this right.
Your sorry-ass excuse for an apology still blamed others for what you do. Grow up, asshole. You'll get respect when you earn it. You haven't.
I don't think I blamed anyone but myself. For the record, you can look back over the 15 years I have posted on this board, the one before, and the one before that, and you won't find me ever saying such a thing. This is why it should be obvious to anyone who is familiar with my posting, that it is completely out of character, and there must have been some rational reason... I gave that reason, almost immediately after the comment was made. If you don't like hearing that kind of thing, I would suggest you tone down your own insults and put downs, because THAT was the reason you got what you did. Now you can pretend that you did nothing wrong, and you are a victim, I don't really give a shit. I apologized to you and others who may have been offended...or who WERE offended, if that makes you feel better... but I don't expect it does, because you are a miserable person who needs an outlet for your hate.
It has nothing to do with what I *like* or *don't like* hearing. Your posts reflect upon YOU and do not hurt me in the least. All your scumbag misogyny did was alert others who YOU are. In your warped perception, people quake and squirm at such rants. Here's a newsflash for ya - you're mostly laughed at. I provoked your insecurities by poking at your ignorance, and in response you let loose the rabid chihuahua. Begin walking upright and behaving like a civilized adult rather than a vicious, woman-hating little scumbag and I'll consider talking to you agin. Until then, run along, mutt. You're dismissed.