I cant slog thru raw legisative language, i rely on interpretative summations, from varius site, i even watch FOX News - a 60 minute newscast, with good foreign coverage - not Richard Engle stuff, but more than< snippet 30 sec.>. Most of us get our news from TV and websites.
I multisource, look what seems to be common acceptance, and look for bias.
"Bias" might be that, or it might be something covered, other sites dont.One man's insight is anothe mans' hype.
I also go to Huff Po. I don't know you all well enough, if you aren't quoting Rush, that a plus, he's aswollen cyst on political commentary.
I'm just having problems trying to understand "what's your beef?" - we all know there are slanted sites, the only way i know of is to read OP-Eds.
and commentary, along with a firm grasp of the facts of policy. Americans are fairly ignorant of foreign policy STILL trying to nationbuild Afg.
I hear very litle discussion of drones, and "collateral damage" - just "we got bin Laden", also I hear way to much "Obama is a Keynenian."
Endgame: each poster/citizen has to find the truth, this board is helpful, i do agree thoughtful posters makeup a boards' quality.