Why would I boycot the left? I'm not a redneck and I have an IQ over 70. That pretty much excludes me from being a Republican by todays standards.
LOL! Yeah, pretty much!
Why would I boycot the left? I'm not a redneck and I have an IQ over 70. That pretty much excludes me from being a Republican by todays standards.
Yea! Same here. Now excuse me while I go watch Fox News.The point of debate is to actually have an honest discussion based on facts, not on propaganda from the extreme.
I don't care how "telling" you think it is. I am no longer going to support left-wing blogs and propaganda mills....just not gunna!
Oh it's hilarious! You Libs can sit here and insult us and be vile and disgusting with every post, before rambling more of your nonsense... and we are expected to behave like innocent little children in Sunday School class? NO NO NO my dear... not how it's going to work!
You fire off a crack at me, and you can expect one right back in your face. And mine HURT!
Bijou has ran around here doing this for days and days, the same shtick... lob an insult, reel off some disgusting put-down, and then try to make a point, and I am tired of ignoring it. You people can either tone down the insulting constant ad homs, or you best grow some thick fucking skin. That's all I can say.
Boy I can tell you haven't debated PiMP much.Just more mindless babble that ignores that most liberals are at the very least every bit as intelligent as you are.
The notion that everybody should stick their head in a bucket before debating critical issues defines where the intelligence is not.
He pretty much is. You on the other hand are a reactionary.???...you consider Grind to be a conservative?.....
You don't understand. To right wing reactionaries anything slightly to the left of Attila the Hun is a commie pinko liberal.Grind considers himself to be a conservative. At least that is what he has told me in the past. "you forget that I'm a conservative Darla just because i'm such a cool guy" is a direct quote in fact.
I have yet to see him call himself a liberal, can you find that for us? Or perhaps this is another one of those things that you're just "good with" even though the facts state otherwise?
Pesonally I think it's a lof of fun.I actually prefer that Dixie does not read my posts. I hate to cause him confusion and anguish.
Meltdown on Aisle 3! Can we get a mop please??
Oh give me a break. She said nothing remotely comparable. Pull up your big boy pants Dixie. Stop making excuses.
Nope. They don't. But clearly, your little feewings get hurt when you get called out on your stupidity, your arrogance, your ignorance, your classlessness, your vileness, etc.
It's you who has the thin-skin, rube. That's why every one of your posts teems with vitriol. You're like a paranoid little chihuahua around a bunch of big dogs. The very existence of your inadequacy puts you automatically on the defensive at all times.
No, my feewings are fine. I pride myself in being able to be just as classless and vile as any liberal, especially you. I guarantee you, my classless tasteless ad homs are going to be more evocative and repulsive, just because I understand what those words mean and you don't. If we are going to discard our dignity and get down in the gutter with insulting trash talk, you are going to lose that battle every time, because I am much sharper than you'll ever be. If we are going to compare each other to dogs... you are a toy poodle... 'nuff said.
I pride myself in being classless and vile.
Winning a contest over who can be more classless and tasteless and repulsive isn't what being sharp is about dixie. I mean you won that hands down. I didn't even see her compete in that contest. I don't think you understand what sharpness means.
Winning a contest over who can be more classless and tasteless and repulsive isn't what being sharp is about dixie. I mean you won that hands down. I didn't even see her compete in that contest. I don't think you understand what sharpness means.
Grind considers himself to be a conservative. At least that is what he has told me in the past. "you forget that I'm a conservative Darla just because i'm such a cool guy" is a direct quote in fact.
I have yet to see him call himself a liberal, can you find that for us? Or perhaps this is another one of those things that you're just "good with" even though the facts state otherwise?
He cannot control himself. He is too stupid to recognize that he humiliated himself irretrievably, pages ago. Every subsequent post is a failed, desperate attempt to save what face he thinks he might still have left.
It's pathetic.
why are you saving all my quotes?![]()