Boycott the Left!

LOL... oh no no... there was no meltdown!

I thought we were playing a game... 'Throw out tasteless adhom insult, then make a point'... I was just following suit.

Oh, right. A game. Find the post I made where I make a comment about you that was as slimy as yours. Oh, wait...

Another failed attempt to save face - Dixie was 'playing a game'.

Why don't you go fuck yourself with a razor blade, cunt face?

A cursory examination of your stupid point reveals, the ONLY sources you consider "unbiased" are left wing propaganda outlets. Maybe that's your problem?

This is unbelievable. The gender based harassment here has really gone over the top lately. I know the mods aren't going to do anything about it, though I am collecting usf's posts for the next time the dumb fucks try to tell me to play werewolf with him (and I can't wait to post them all in one shot in response). But I'm seriously done with it. I've tried ignoring it, and I've tried calling the attention of others to it in the hopes that general condemnation would clean things up. But the truth is that the men here simply don't give a fuck.

So, you guys are going to get it back both barrels from now on.
Oh, right. A game. Find the post I made where I make a comment about you that was as slimy as yours. Oh, wait...

Another failed attempt to save face - Dixie was 'playing a game'.


"Quit whining, crybaby. And while you're at it, why don't you check the bullshit-spewing as well?"

Now... Granted, my personal tasteless ad hom insult was much better than yours, this is true!

...but I always play to win, toots.
This is unbelievable. The gender based harassment here has really gone over the top lately. I know the mods aren't going to do anything about it, though I am collecting usf's posts for the next time the dumb fucks try to tell me to play werewolf with him (and I can't wait to post them all in one shot in response). But I'm seriously done with it. I've tried ignoring it, and I've tried calling the attention of others to it in the hopes that general condemnation would clean things up. But the truth is that the men here simply don't give a fuck.

So, you guys are going to get it back both barrels from now on.

"Quit whining, crybaby. And while you're at it, why don't you check the bullshit-spewing as well?"

Now... Granted, my personal tasteless ad hom insult was much better than yours, this is true!

...but I always play to win, toots.

No worries, rube. In the contest for who's the most tasteless, disgusting, vile and classless turd, you win - hands down. ;)
"Quit whining, crybaby. And while you're at it, why don't you check the bullshit-spewing as well?"

Now... Granted, my personal tasteless ad hom insult was much better than yours, this is true!

...but I always play to win, toots.

It was disgusting, sexually violent, and beyond the pale. You owe her an apology. You should be ashamed.
This is unbelievable. The gender based harassment here has really gone over the top lately. I know the mods aren't going to do anything about it, though I am collecting usf's posts for the next time the dumb fucks try to tell me to play werewolf with him (and I can't wait to post them all in one shot in response). But I'm seriously done with it. I've tried ignoring it, and I've tried calling the attention of others to it in the hopes that general condemnation would clean things up. But the truth is that the men here simply don't give a fuck.

So, you guys are going to get it back both barrels from now on.

It's not unbelievable. It's completely believable. This is to be expected from the neanderthals. Let it roll off your back. Dixie is merely the poster child for the ignorant white males who feel threatened by anything that might rock their good-ole'-boy status quo. It's why he defends every ill-informed inanity he posts, even after he's been debunked and humiliated. Dixie's own insecurities are reflected in every insult and misogynistic comment he makes. I just laugh at him. I don't call him 'rube' for nothing. :)
YEa ME! Now maybe you can refrain from such games in the future, and we can talk like civilized adults?

Fuck off, rube. You're not a civilized adult. You're an ignorant blowhard. When you are capable of demonstrating something other than white trash scumbaggery in just ONE of your posts, I'll consider addressing you as something other than a white trash scumbag. Clear enough for ya, rube? :D
Meltdown! Meltdown!1!1!!

I don't think you had a meltdown. Is that like a criminal trying to get off by pleading insanity? I think you said something way over the line and should apologize. I have never seen you talk like that before, did I forget something? I am completely shocked by that post, I thought it was out of character but maybe my memory is shot. I guess ignorance was bliss.
It's not unbelievable. It's completely believable. This is to be expected from the neanderthals. Let it roll off your back. Dixie is merely the poster child for the ignorant white males who feel threatened by anything that might rock their good-ole'-boy status quo. It's why he defends every ill-informed inanity he posts, even after he's been debunked and humiliated. Dixie's own insecurities are reflected in every insult and misogynistic comment he makes. I just laugh at him. I don't call him 'rube' for nothing. :)

I know, I know. I find it very difficult to let some things roll off my back. And I really don't get it.
There is nothing funny about it.

Oh it's hilarious! You Libs can sit here and insult us and be vile and disgusting with every post, before rambling more of your nonsense... and we are expected to behave like innocent little children in Sunday School class? NO NO NO my dear... not how it's going to work!

You fire off a crack at me, and you can expect one right back in your face. And mine HURT!

Bijou has ran around here doing this for days and days, the same shtick... lob an insult, reel off some disgusting put-down, and then try to make a point, and I am tired of ignoring it. You people can either tone down the insulting constant ad homs, or you best grow some thick fucking skin. That's all I can say.
I know, I know. I find it very difficult to let some things roll off my back. And I really don't get it.

Calling me cunt face and telling me to fuck myself with a razor blade has zero effect on me because he's a two-dimensional ass-clown.

By making such posts, he tells the entire forum everything any decent person reading needs to know about what a classless little turd he is.

I love free speech. :)
Oh it's hilarious! You Libs can sit here and insult us and be vile and disgusting with every post, before rambling more of your nonsense... and we are expected to behave like innocent little children in Sunday School class? NO NO NO my dear... not how it's going to work!

You fire off a crack at me, and you can expect one right back in your face. And mine HURT!


Nope. They don't. But clearly, your little feewings get hurt when you get called out on your stupidity, your arrogance, your ignorance, your classlessness, your vileness, etc.

It's you who has the thin-skin, rube. That's why every one of your posts teems with vitriol. You're like a paranoid little chihuahua around a bunch of big dogs. The very existence of your inadequacy puts you automatically on the defensive at all times.
I've not posted about this yet, but it has come up in numerous threads lately. Whenever we are 'debating' with the liberals here, they have this tendency to support their viewpoints with assorted links to various blogs or websites, who have espoused whatever insanity they are spewing at the moment, and of course, we all click on the links and see what they are reading to make them think the way they are on the topic. We do this because, we have come to expect rational and reasonable dialogue, with honest and credible presentation of facts and supporting evidence from the Internet. But the Internet is full of all kinds of presences. Some are reputable, some not so much.

A website's success or failure, depends largely on the number of 'hits' or 'click-throughs' it gets in a given period. If no one bothers to go to your site and read what you have posted, then advertisers aren't interested in spending money on ads, and your website is a failure. It's all about generating traffic. Now, it occurs to me, that most of these left-wing radical propaganda mills out there, are supported mainly by liberals, but much of their traffic, is coming from us conservatives, who are duped into clicking the links, to see what the idiots are yammering about.

I have been on an active campaign to boycott Liberal propaganda outlets. I encourage ALL conservatives to join me. This is what you should do... Whenever you encounter a link from a lefty... do a quick google check on the source. Usually it is a "dot org" and there is information about who/what/why regarding it. I have found that about 90% of the time, the lefties here are posting stuff from liberal special interest groups, who have no intention of being honest, and who are reaping the benefit of your clicks to their pathetic websites.

I refuse to participate. IF you can't make your argument using legitimate news sources or credible journalistic outlets, then your point can't be made, as far as I am concerned. I am fed up with seeing liberals generate false statistics by outright deceit, in order to remain viable online. Stop the fraud, and start checking your links before you click. No need WE should support these idiots with our clicks anymore.

Why would I boycot the left? I'm not a redneck and I have an IQ over 70. That pretty much excludes me from being a Republican by todays standards.