Riley is a might want to visit the Dylan bio to see whose side may have ‘"inspired" him before you spew....
(But aren't you're old enough to know better than to be so incredibly vile and disrespectful..‘and not to make it about "sides"....)
You've said not a word of sympathy for the victims...
Nope....your kids
they want to kill for racism
But those types of places aren’t suffering repeated shootings. Where do most shootings occur in this country? They are generally either domestic violence shootings or gang/drug related. And outside of domestic violence issues most shootings are done by young people in areas with other young people. Young kids aren’t shooting up hospitals and nursing homes
The attitude in handling them. That is a big part of it I think. I like many on this board was raised with guns around. Parents, adults, everyone taught you to respect the weapon. It was not a toy. That respect for things taught by parents and communities has faded over the years.
Not only do people not have respect for things, more importantly, they have no respect for each other. I think therein lies the problem.
Riley is better than Dylan
your side inspired Dylan
You've already been told that Roof explained in his OWN manifesto that he was inspired by your POS State Media lies about Zimmerman. Why do you keep spreading your lies, Goebbels.
link asshole
he was a fucking racist with guns you wanted him to have