Like what? Pumped full of meth, fentanyl, and cannabinoids?
I am not a lawyer, but I haveread the core allegations the Floyd family filed in their federal lawsuit against: the Cty of Minneapolis; MPD officer Derek Chauvin and three of his colleagues who were with him while Chauvin was restraining George Floyd in custody.
Basically, the Floyd Family Lawsuit argued that the four officers showed a "reckless disregard" for Floyd's civil rights (THAT'S BULLSHIT) by using deadly force (BULLSHIT) in a non-deadly situation (BULLSHIT and this can be proven) and that the city engaged in a culture of "killology" (I'D BE INTERESTED TO SEE THE OBJECTIVE LEGAL EVIDENCE FOR THIS HYSTERICAL BABBLE - "KILLOLOGY" WTF, precisely, is that ?, failed to terminate dangerous officers (EVIDENCE ? and fostered a culture of racism (HARD OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE ?
What do you think ? To me, it's a no-brainer. A good team of Defence Attornies would see thrown out of court for sure.
I think a very good defence could be mounted by the City of Minneapolis. But it was being run by extreme, radical neo-socialists; chicken-shits and Milquetoasts like Mayor Jacob Fret, and the rest of the City Council who are Democrats with the same extreme, radical "progressivist" views as Frey has. So they happily caved in and threw away the $27,000,000. It's a fucking disgrace, IMHO !