Breaking News: Hillary Clinton

Most of us thought the power of congress, justice and the senate would keep a person from doing too rogue as president. Trump proved those safeguards can be trampled.
Trump has not violated anything in the Constitution of the United States. No safeguards have been trampled.
It will be nice to go back to a normal presidency. Trump is stupid and a crook. He respected no boundaries. We have 3 weeks before we escape this insanity.
What crime? You keep saying he's a crook. What crime was he convicted of?
Breaking News.... after pounding attacks HRC is dropping out of the presidential race!

It’s just Biden v Trump left.

Whose Twitter feed did you copy that from? Do you want to tell us now or do I have to embarrass you for plagiarizing like your boy Biden

We all know you don’t possess the creativity to think of this on your own.

Come clean now