Breaking News: Hillary Clinton

I don't trust any polls.

I trust exit polls more than I do REPUBLICAN Ballot Handling Officials!

Exit polls were never wrong before DOnald Trump started cheating in elections.

Makes me think, that a lot of Democrat ballots were stuffed into trash cans AND NOT COUNTED IN 2016!

Anytime more exit polls suggest that more people voted Democrat on election day- than what added up in the end- CAN MEAN ONLY ONE THING- THE REPUBLICANS CHEATED! BECAUSE NO ONE LIES ABOUT WHO THEY VOTED FOR- WHAT IS THE POINT IN THAT?


You cannot Trust Donald Trump! You cannot Trust Trump supporting Ballot Handling officials either!

Because of this mystery, the Democrats asked for recounts in the mid-western states that Trump narrowly won the election with fewer than 17.000 votes- BUT THEIR REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS STOPPED THE RECOUNTS AT TRUMP'S REQUEST AFTER THE ELECTION OF 2016!


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Satire goes in General Politics. It is not a current event. Stop being deliberately obtuse and you won't have this problem.

Satire is not an event at all, but it was a direct reference to the topic of this thread. You know that.

Using your definition, tuns of things that are not current events are discussed in APP. You just dont like what I posted.
Satire is not an event at all, but it was a direct reference to the topic of this thread. You know that.

Using your definition, tuns of things that are not current events are discussed in APP. You just dont like what I posted.

If SNL was considered "current events" because it has satire it would be a news program and not a comedy show. Satire does not belong in Current Events. Either put it in General Politics or Off Topic or I'll just delete it. This has been too exhausting.

Again, stop being purposefully inane and you won't have this problem. I moved your thread... next time I'll just close it or delete it, this conversation is useless.
If SNL was considered "current events" because it has satire it would be a news program and not a comedy show. Satire does not belong in Current Events. Either put it in General Politics or Off Topic or I'll just delete it. This has been too exhausting.

Again, stop being purposefully inane and you won't have this problem. I moved your thread... next time I'll just close it or delete it, this conversation is useless.

SNL is a show very often, especially the "news" segment, based on current events.

If you want to delete it, that is your right. It is however, not based on objective rules, incase you were pretending it was.
SNL is a show very often, especially the "news" segment, based on current events.

If you want to delete it, that is your right. It is however, not based on objective rules, incase you were pretending it was.

Current Events is not the place for Satire. I told you where to put it, it is not difficult. Since you seem to need it this will be the last I say on this subject so you can post some more nonsense about how your base comedy is somehow the same thing as News and get in that "last word" that you clearly so desperately need.

I'll type slowly. If you want to post satire, post it in General Politics or in Off Topic, stop pretending you don't know the difference.
Current Events is not the place for Satire. I told you where to put it, it is not difficult. Since you seem to need it this will be the last I say on this subject so you can post some more nonsense about how your base comedy is somehow the same thing as News and get in that "last word" that you clearly so desperately need.

I'll type slowly. If you want to post satire, post it in General Politics or in Off Topic, stop pretending you don't know the difference.

Many leftists get their "political news" from Jimmy Kimmel, SNL, Colbert, and the other late night shows, and I suspect that Brad* does, too.
Current Events is not the place for Satire. I told you where to put it, it is not difficult. Since you seem to need it this will be the last I say on this subject so you can post some more nonsense about how your base comedy is somehow the same thing as News and get in that "last word" that you clearly so desperately need.

I'll type slowly. If you want to post satire, post it in General Politics or in Off Topic, stop pretending you don't know the difference.

I did not say it was the same thing as news. There is the current event, then there is the news surrounding it. We discuss that current event all the time, that discussion, no matter what form it takes is not a current event.

You are really into fooling yourself. Think about it.