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There should be more female serial killers, maybe an opportunity for diversity and positive discrimination policies.

There are plenty of female serial killers, they're just more subtle. (Probably alot more than we even know).

But female 'spree' killers are very rare.
Dear gawd, she had a child in the car! Poor kid

Was she killed? (The driver, not the kid.) I havent heard that confirmed.

I bet she's found to be drunk or on prescription drugs.

Edit: driver was injured, not killed. Not critical.
This is a psych ward patient not in the hospital.
Not political

Yes! Just like the moron who tried to take a fake bomb thru the Orlando (?) airport security line recently.

What is the point of that? None...he's nuts. He has major problems.
Sometimes there are just no other words that express our feelings as well.

I'm going to try to remember the next time someone goes on a shooting spree to point out to you that sometimes there are no other words to express our feelings.
am I the only person whom doesn't smoke weed??

I mean I did.....but I gave it up, because i'm not sick, and really don't want the hot gasses..
am I the only person whom doesn't smoke weed??

I mean I did.....but I gave it up, because i'm not sick, and really don't want the hot gasses..

I dont. I dont have a problem with pot or people smoking it, I just dont like inhaling smoke in general.

Thank God. If I'd liked smoking cigs when I tried it at 13 I'd never have had the willpower to kick the habit.

(And it's 'who,' not 'whom' :) )
right about now, that sounds like an excellent idea. Luckily it wasn't directed to me. This feeling too will pass. ;)

I haven't in over 40 years, unlikely to start now, though today would be a good day for escape.