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Cool video being released now! On the crash into the barricade and chase.

You can see 2 plain clothes cops/security too, interesting. THey are already picking this apart and they're right....this untrained (presumably) woman got away and led them on quite a chase. Bit criticism they didnt shoot sooner.

OTOH, even tho they did eventually shoot, if they had all pumped bullets into the car, they likely would have shot the kid.
This is interesting, they are saying she lives in CT. Wonder if she drove all the way down there just for this?
I haven't in over 40 years, unlikely to start now, though today would be a good day for escape.
I quit about a year ago, was just habitual, about the time I decided being a gym rat is better in the long run. Hope you feel better :-)
The chase apparently stretched across downtown Washington: it started at the security barriers outside one icon, and ended at the barriers outside another.

It began near the White House, at 15th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW. Oregon residents B.J. and Susan Campbell saw a black Infiniti driven by a woman heading west on Pennsylvania, into a security checkpoint. The driver went about 20 yards, B.J. Campbell said, before rapidly turning the car around at the concrete security barriers.

“The Secret Service guy was just having a cow,” B.J. Campbell said. “Yelling at her and banging on the car.” The Secret Service officers pulled a black metal gate into her path and she slowed to try to go around it. Then the agent moved the gate in front of her again.

At that point “she just gunned it,” B.J. Campbell said. “She ran the barricade down and the guy; knocked him up onto her hood. He rolled off into the street, and she tore off down Pennsylvania Avenue.” The whole encounter lasted about 20 seconds, he said.

Another witness said the man was an off-duty officer in plain clothes holding a lunch cooler in his hand.

A few moments later and about 1.7 miles away, eyewitnesses reported seeing a black car speeding through Capitol Hill streets, pursued by several police vehicles.

Video taken by the channel Alhurra showed officers pointing guns at a black coupe at the foot of Capitol Hill. The car then sped away from the officers, circled around two different traffic circles, and then spent east on Constitution Avenue toward the top of Capitol Hill.

House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) took to Twitter to thank the police. “We all owe the Capitol Police a debt of gratitude for their work every day; no finer examples of professionalism & bravery,” Boehner wrote.

Press conference:
"We are not releasing any info on the driver, we are not releasing any info on the driver..."

"She was pronounced later."

Heh, good job.

At least the kid is uninjured from their statements.She looked ok in the video.
It's interesting to realize that these days, the authorities must be extremely careful and circumspect in these early interviews and press conferences...they have no idea what will turn up later in bystander pics and videos. A good thing IMO.
I dont. I dont have a problem with pot or people smoking it, I just dont like inhaling smoke in general.

Thank God. If I'd liked smoking cigs when I tried it at 13 I'd never have had the willpower to kick the habit.

Same here. I took a couple puffs as a teenager of a cigarette, realized it was way too tempting and addictive, and never smoked again.

And now I wouldn't inhale smoke whether it's pot or cigarettes. Forest fires are pretty nasty too. Now a nice fire in the wood stove - no problem with that!
am I the only person whom doesn't smoke weed??

I mean I did.....but I gave it up, because i'm not sick, and really don't want the hot gasses..

research vaporisers, and yes, we are all potheads, except for the dickfuck conservatards. That's why they suck so much, they are not mellow.
Believe me, you don't want to see me "not mellow" There is an old saying; "When the blacksmith gets all excited and agitated, it's best to just agree with him."

Internet tough guy?

Same here. I took a couple puffs as a teenager of a cigarette, realized it was way too tempting and addictive, and never smoked again.

And now I wouldn't inhale smoke whether it's pot or cigarettes. Forest fires are pretty nasty too. Now a nice fire in the wood stove - no problem with that!

Vaporize! :)