BREAKING: President Trump *was* the intended target of the shots fired at Trump International Golf Club according to CNN

I think the daily mail lied about what he said

I read other news that never quoted him saying that
Same. I think they fabricated the quote.

This is the original quote:

"Ryan is my father, and I don't have any comment beyond a character profile of him as a loving and caring father, and honest, hardworking man. I don't know what's happened in Florida, and I hope things have just been blown out of proportion, because from the little I've heard, it doesn't sound like the man I know to do anything crazy, much less violent. He's a good father, and a great man, and I hope you can portray him in an honest light," he said.
Nonsense. Trump has put hundreds of DOJ officials at risk of violence. He has put immigrants at risk of violence. He has put election workers at risk of violence. He has openly advocated for his opponents DONORS to be put in jail. He has created an environment where violence against your political opponents is not only okay, but the only way to address your grievances. What you are spreading is hate and ignorance. Stop whining.
you need to go stand in the corner and fuck yourself.....we'll let you know when you can come back to talk to civilized people........
I think we should just hang this motherfucker and leave him swaying with the birds pecking out his skull to send a message to other commie roaches that want to get froggy.

When those days ended this country started it's decline
Same. I think they fabricated the quote.

This is the original quote:

"Ryan is my father, and I don't have any comment beyond a character profile of him as a loving and caring father, and honest, hardworking man. I don't know what's happened in Florida, and I hope things have just been blown out of proportion, because from the little I've heard, it doesn't sound like the man I know to do anything crazy, much less violent. He's a good father, and a great man, and I hope you can portray him in an honest light," he said.
The rotten apple is laying right next to the tree
Nonsense. Trump has put hundreds of DOJ officials at risk of violence. He has put immigrants at risk of violence. He has put election workers at risk of violence. He has openly advocated for his opponents DONORS to be put in jail. He has created an environment where violence against your political opponents is not only okay, but the only way to address your grievances. What you are spreading is hate and ignorance. Stop whining.
You are a lying motherfucker. They just roll off your fingers. WTF is actually wrong with you?
Not even close, ain’t those on the left who continuously insult and belittle others, especially individuals in powerful positions, that is your Messiahs behavior, even today he took the time to tell the cult he hated Taylor Swift
Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox, Anchovies.
And it turns out he voted for Trump and has a rap sheet for gun inFractions along with being a covid denier

Turns out, you didn't show any sources for any of that. We know he's donated repeatedly and constantly to the Democrat party. How do you know he voted for Trump? Show us his "rap sheet." If he indeed has one, how did he travel outside the US through Europe to Ukraine?
If this guy has previous criminal history and apparently has at least one firearms charge--it's not clear if any of his past convictions were for a felony--he shouldn't have been able to purchase a firearm. So, where and how did he get it? Seems to me that all the laws on the books weren't enough to keep him from getting a firearm and carrying out this attempt.

I could also toss in that he apparently doesn't have a job and isn't some 'trust fund baby' so the question is, where did he get the money to do all of this? An AK 47, etc., costs money. Buying or renting a car costs money and takes credit. Flying around like from Hawaii where he apparently lives to Florida takes money. Who was financing him?
You are a lying motherfucker. They just roll off your fingers. WTF is actually wrong with you?

Your avatar was an LGBTQ person being violently assaulted. So maybe you should ask yourself that question Joseph. You have enough time now since you can’t go into your ‘job’.
“Popularity bump?”

Anything but, just another reminder words matter, and if one continuously personal insults people it has consequences
Amazing how both assassins, were obvious guntards, and after two attempts now, proved to be idiots alligned with Republicans, and this last one actually voted for TRUMP in 2016.

These Trumptards are turning out to be some Wierd Wallies aren't they?
If this guy has previous criminal history and apparently has at least one firearms charge--it's not clear if any of his past convictions were for a felony--he shouldn't have been able to purchase a firearm. So, where and how did he get it? Seems to me that all the laws on the books weren't enough to keep him from getting a firearm and carrying out this attempt.

I could also toss in that he apparently doesn't have a job and isn't some 'trust fund baby' so the question is, where did he get the money to do all of this? An AK 47, etc., costs money. Buying or renting a car costs money and takes credit. Flying around like from Hawaii where he apparently lives to Florida takes money. Who was financing him?

ROTFLMFAO!!! Yes he must be a hired assassin. Because when you pay big bucks for one you want a guy like this. Cold. Efficient. Flies under the radar. My God how stupid can you get?

He voted for Trump in 2016. He has had over 100 encounters with law enforcement. How did he get the gun? Gosh I can think of multiple ways. Straw buyer. Private sale. Maybe a gun show. Borrowed it from someone. The problem is the availability of guns. Do you think the guns in Chicago are in the hands of legal buyers? lol at you.,
Words matter, you can’t personally insult and belittle people without expecting consequences

Funny how reports quote “in the vicinity” of MaraLago while Trump and a right wing conspiracy site “libs on tik tok” immediate frame it as an assassination attempt on Trump
Agreed. If a party or person keeps ramping up the heat, then someone, somewhere is going to boil over.

The alleged assassin could have been many of the people on JPP. Ryan Routh is awaiting a mental health assessment. At best, it appears he's very passionate. IMO, he's a bit wacko.

What we know about the man detained after apparent assassination attempt on Trump​

Ryan Wesley Routh, a 58-year-old owner of a small construction company, has been detained in connection with an apparent assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Florida, according to three law enforcement sources....

  • Views on global politics: In a self-published book, Routh weighed in on the political situations in Afghanistan, Taiwan, and North Korea. He further detailed his support for Ukraine, and said he tried to enlist in the war but was turned away at the Poland-Ukraine border.
  • Affordable-housing builder: Routh said on his LinkedIn page that he started a company in 2018 called Camp Box Honolulu in Hawaii, which builds storage units and tiny houses. A story in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser said he donated a structure for homeless people.
  • Son speaks out: Oran Routh said he hopes everything has “just been blown out of proportion” and it’s not like his father “to do anything crazy, much less violent.” He called his father “a loving and caring father, and honest hardworking man.”
ROTFLMFAO!!! Yes he must be a hired assassin. Because when you pay big bucks for one you want a guy like this. Cold. Efficient. Flies under the radar. My God how stupid can you get?

He voted for Trump in 2016. He has had over 100 encounters with law enforcement. How did he get the gun? Gosh I can think of multiple ways. Straw buyer. Private sale. Maybe a gun show. Borrowed it from someone. The problem is the availability of guns. Do you think the guns in Chicago are in the hands of legal buyers? lol at you.,

100 encounters with law enforcement.

And got probation every time