BREAKING: President Trump *was* the intended target of the shots fired at Trump International Golf Club according to CNN

The guy was mentally ill, has had several run ins with the law, but was allowed to buy a gun in Florida, that’s the problem, not whether he is Republican or Democrat.
ROTFLMFAO!!! Yes he must be a hired assassin. Because when you pay big bucks for one you want a guy like this. Cold. Efficient. Flies under the radar. My God how stupid can you get?

I'm just curious how he financed doing this.
He voted for Trump in 2016. He has had over 100 encounters with law enforcement. How did he get the gun? Gosh I can think of multiple ways. Straw buyer. Private sale. Maybe a gun show. Borrowed it from someone. The problem is the availability of guns. Do you think the guns in Chicago are in the hands of legal buyers? lol at you.,

More gun laws won't solve the problem, and the cost of a gun buy back program would bankrupt the nation. The problem isn't nearly as much the availability of guns as it is the commonality of criminals. Maybe we should be looking at what in a society produces more criminals and work on reducing those factors to eliminate people wanting to commit crimes.
ROTFLMFAO!!! Yes he must be a hired assassin. Because when you pay big bucks for one you want a guy like this. Cold. Efficient. Flies under the radar. My God how stupid can you get?

He voted for Trump in 2016. He has had over 100 encounters with law enforcement. How did he get the gun? Gosh I can think of multiple ways. Straw buyer. Private sale. Maybe a gun show. Borrowed it from someone. The problem is the availability of guns. Do you think the guns in Chicago are in the hands of legal buyers? lol at you.,
You have no fucking idea who he voted for ever. Why do you lie when it's not even necessary.