BREAKING: Trump says he’s going to overturn the 14th Amendment with an executive order.

Here is the definition of domain from Black's law dictionary.


Definition and Citations:​

The complete and absolute ownership of land; a paramount and individualright of property in land. People v. Shearer, 30 Cal. 658. Also the real estate so owned. The inherent sovereign power claimed by the legislature of a state, ofcontrolling private property for public uses, Is termed the “right of eminent domain.”2 Kent, Comm. 339. See EMINENT DOMAIN.A distinction has been made between “property” and “domain.” The former is said tobe that quality which is conceived to be in the thing itself, considered as belonging tosuch or such person, exclusively of all others. By the latter is understood that rightwhich the owner has of disposing of the thing, llence “domain” and “property” are saidto be correlative terms, ‘lite one is the active right to dispose of; the other a passivequality which follows the thing aud places it at the disposition of the owner. 3 Toullier, no. S3.

You shot yourself in the foot long ago.

Shooting yourself in the foot or in the head would be your domain. You own it.

(You probably can't see what I did there.)

Dick, can I call you Dick? I think I will.

Dick, you put up one of the greatest self-owns in JPP history in this thread. You destroyed your own argument, and you didn't grasp it until I pointed it out. Your howling and thrashing at this point only add to the entertainment - and your humiliation.
Dick, can I call you Dick? I think I will.

Dick, you put up one of the greatest self-owns in JPP history in this thread. You destroyed your own argument, and you didn't grasp it until I pointed it out. Your howling and thrashing at this point only add to the entertainment - and your humiliation.
English seems to be hard for you. History also seems to be something you are no familiar with. If you want to shorten my name, call me Ben.

Do you think the Biden administration owns you? Can they sell you at any time? That would be the only way your interpretation of the word domain could possibly work.
Again you’re missing my point that this is an apples to oranges comparison. That is you’re comparing someone who didn’t know better (Archie) to someone who does. That is why this is an anachronism. Your applying 2024 values to 1970 values when a lot has changed in our cultural values since then.

I will still support Archie because he had the moral courage to change. That’s no small thing.

Okay, Meathead.
Dick, can I call you Dick? I think I will.

Dick, you put up one of the greatest self-owns in JPP history in this thread. You destroyed your own argument, and you didn't grasp it until I pointed it out. Your howling and thrashing at this point only add to the entertainment - and your humiliation.
Sybil and his silly sycho socks.
You squawk like a Parrot too. You’re argument is another one of your inane strawman arguments.
Fallacy fallacy. No strawman occurred here.
I didn’t say Smoot-Hawley caused the Great Depression you nincompoop.
Smoot-Hawley was enacted after the Great Depression started and I stated it made the situation worse, which it did.
Prices fell during Smoot-Hawley. That's not making it worse.