I start these threads to promote a rational discussion of the events shaping our nation.
But, of course, trying to do that at JPP is often an exercise in futility because most people come here looking for something emotionally stirring to get into. Many are simply looking for someone of opposite political leanings to unload their frustrations on. And that sadly drives many mature posters away.
Academic threads rarely exist at JPP due to lack of interest. They get scrolled off the first page where they quickly decay into forgotten thread world.
So, for a thread to have some holding power and get discussion, it becomes imperative that it has to have a provocative edge to it.
It has to have a hook.
Racism is a good hook for JPP.
Other good hooks are guns, climate change and abortion.
Trump used to be a good hook but that has faded.
It is an easy formula.
Put a thread out there with a hook to set off the personal troll competition. That ensures the thread will be constantly bumped. That way, others can come in, ignore the predicted food fights, and have a grown-up alternative discussion about the OP, which the trolls may comment on, but are largely ignored by people who don't appreciate downer nastiness.
It's a strange symbiosis, but I'll take it if I get a chance to participate in a rational discussion of the events shaping our nation.