Breonna Taylor Gone One Year. Rightful Protests Today. Black Lives Do Matter.

It's in your face hoax, just like Covid, so I wouldn't expect you could understand. Thanks for confirming. You are a low IQ dumbfuck

QED. Thanks again for confirming you believe the Mars landing and COVID are hoaxes.
Hello blackascoal,

Excellent words and thoughts good brother, but as you can see they fall on deaf ears in this thread and much of the right wing throughout America, this is who they are. Better to deal with them as they are without the illusion of them being normal people concerned about the best interest of this nation,

Spot on. We have to deal with the situation on hand, not the situation we wish we had.

There comes a point in life when you realize that you are probably never going to see things change during your life, but the good ones among us know we have to keep pushing for the meaningful change we want to see. Closed minds are unlikely to change overnight, but wise minds know a large seemingly immobile object can sometimes be moved with patience by applying a little pressure over a long period of time.
Hello blackascoal,

Spot on. We have to deal with the situation on hand, not the situation we wish we had.

There comes a point in life when you realize that you are probably never going to see things change during your life, but the good ones among us know we have to keep pushing for the meaningful change we want to see. Closed minds are unlikely to change overnight, but wise minds know a large seemingly immobile object can sometimes be moved with patience by applying a little pressure over a long period of time.

Like you, j haven’t given up my friend. On the contrary, I am more optimistic then I have ever been. The voices of consciousness, like yours, speaks louder than the whining of the ignorant today and the vermin are on the run .. literally on the run.
If you were repressed because of your heritage you'd understand.

We need to end the hatred.

We need to accept who we are as a nation, a diverse collective of very different people.

The sooner we find civility, respect and unity, the stronger we become.

We need it now.

Find brotherly love in yourself if it is dormant.

It is there in all of us.

That's how we make America greater.

Rightful protests, or Soros-organized and paid riots, hmm?

This is how you fuck your neighbor's property up over nothing.

I've seen real and somewhat justified riots, boy. This organized and paid for Soros bullshit full of brainwashed idiots ain't even close.

They lack the uhh,,vehemence of real and somewhat justified rioting.

And the NG put those rioters down with headshots in my day.
Rightful protests, or Soros-organized and paid riots, hmm?

This is how you fuck your neighbor's property up over nothing.

I've seen real and somewhat justified riots, boy. This organized and paid for Soros bullshit full of brainwashed idiots ain't even close.

They lack the uhh,,vehemence of real and somewhat justified rioting.

And the NG put those rioters down with headshots in my day.

Did you receive that idea with an aluminum beanie or did you decode it with your ring?
Did you receive that idea with an aluminum beanie or did you decode it with your ring?

You ever been in the middle of a vehement riot?

I saw an NG shoot a rioter in the head, and he dropped on the sidewalk, and it was starting to burn him.

Who the fuck wears a brown plaid wool long sleeve button down jacket in Miami? And then tries to throw Molotov cocktails at National Guard stationed on the corner?
Mr. dead on the sidewalk and burned himself, that's who. I went to school that day and didn't think too much of it.
Was passing by in a car. Somebody tried to stop me from looking.
But I remember.
I also remember a former green Nova..some kinda ugly green..olive maybe?

They flipped one over at the end of my block and set it on fire.

The next day it was pink with black polka dots dots all over it and upside-down. :dunno:

I thought the paint was an improvement, but that car was not driving anymore. Ever.
Somebody owned that ugly POS and didn't deserve to lose it.
You ever been in the middle of a vehement riot?

I saw an NG shoot a rioter in the head, and he dropped on the sidewalk, and it was starting to burn him.

Who the fuck wears a brown plaid wool long sleeve button down jacket in Miami? And then tries to throw Molotov cocktails at National Guard stationed on the corner?
Mr. dead on the sidewalk and burned himself, that's who. I went to school that day and didn't think too much of it.
Was passing by in a car. Somebody tried to stop me from looking.
But I remember.
I also remember a former green Nova..some kinda ugly green..olive maybe?

They flipped one over at the end of my block and set it on fire.

The next day it was pink with black polka dots dots all over it and upside-down. :dunno:

I thought the paint was an improvement, but that car was not driving anymore. Ever.
Somebody owned that ugly POS and didn't deserve to lose it.

Sounds like someone got the Brown Acid.
The cops legally entered the home of the woman holding the stash for her drug dealer boyfriend. Drug dealer scumbag opened fire,....she got shot in the crossfire. Bad decisions by herself and scumbag led to her death. You can say anything you want,..... but the cops wouldnt have even been there if not for both of them leading scummy lives.

Oh, come on, Stone. Don't piss on our leg and tell us it's raining. You misunderstand cause and effect either intentionally or actually. Whether or not a crime was committed that justified the presence of the police in the first place, their job is to apprehend their suspect, not shoot him or anyone around him. You're trying to say that if a child misbehaves and the parent just meant to spank him but ended up "accidentally" killing him that it was the kid's fault for telling a lie.
Oh, come on, Stone. Don't piss on our leg and tell us it's raining. You misunderstand cause and effect either intentionally or actually. Whether or not a crime was committed that justified the presence of the police in the first place, their job is to apprehend their suspect, not shoot him or anyone around him. You're trying to say that if a child misbehaves and the parent just meant to spank him but ended up "accidentally" killing him that it was the kid's fault for telling a lie.

No, Stone was absolutely correct.
Tell ya go be dealing some drugs and shoot at teh popo and see what happens. K?
I bet you end up dead. This ain't rocket surgery here.
No, Stone was absolutely correct.
Tell ya go be dealing some drugs and shoot at teh popo and see what happens. K?
I bet you end up dead. This ain't rocket surgery here.

They broke into his house. If they had died, I would not feel badly.
I start these threads to promote a rational discussion of the events shaping our nation.

But, of course, trying to do that at JPP is often an exercise in futility because most people come here looking for something emotionally stirring to get into. Many are simply looking for someone of opposite political leanings to unload their frustrations on. And that sadly drives many mature posters away.

Academic threads rarely exist at JPP due to lack of interest. They get scrolled off the first page where they quickly decay into forgotten thread world.

So, for a thread to have some holding power and get discussion, it becomes imperative that it has to have a provocative edge to it.

It has to have a hook.

Racism is a good hook for JPP.

Other good hooks are guns, climate change and abortion.

Trump used to be a good hook but that has faded.


It is an easy formula.

Put a thread out there with a hook to set off the personal troll competition. That ensures the thread will be constantly bumped. That way, others can come in, ignore the predicted food fights, and have a grown-up alternative discussion about the OP, which the trolls may comment on, but are largely ignored by people who don't appreciate downer nastiness.

It's a strange symbiosis, but I'll take it if I get a chance to participate in a rational discussion of the events shaping our nation.

When I read your OP on the last page, I was going to compliment your tenacity and consistency. You are unfailingly polite, have interesting thoughts and opinions, and express them well. I joined JPP for an experience like the one you demonstrate. I like to have stimulating conversations and respectfully disagree with people. Unfortunately, the ratio of sincere posters to bottom feeding trolls is pretty miserable. I've had lots of enjoyable dialogues here. I've also had lots of mud fights. You're either better or more patient that I am, or both. My exasperation with the Trumpists -- and their refusal to renounce him -- has driven me to uncivility more than once. Plus, I never start it, so that gives me some comfort. ;)
Didn't we tell you not to take the brown acid?
Lemme ask you something though, who was Arthur McDuffie?
He was a Marine veteran, I'll tell you that much. He came from good people, too.

Then you understand what the BLM marchers are protesting about.
In 1979, McDuffie, a 33-year-old insurance agent and former Marine, was beaten into a coma by up to a dozen white Dade County police officers after he ran a red light on his motorcycle. The officers immediately tried to cover up their crime to stage it as an accident.

McDuffie died several days later from his injuries. An investigation lead to arrests, but five months after McDuffie was buried, an all-white jury in Tampa acquitted the officers.

Forty years ago, the May 1980 McDuffie riots broke out in Miami, drawing international attention. The National Guard was called in to calm the city and the neighborhoods that were set aflame. Many in Miami’s black communities bitterly recall how justice was not served in McDuffie’s case.