Bridge Tragedy followup: America's appalling underinvestment in our infrastructure

I don't think the bridge was Bush's fault, cawacko.

I do have no problem pointing out the misguided priorities of those who cheered us into this war, and spent a trillion dollars on Iraq, including tens of billions to fix iraqi roads, bridges, and schools, rather than spending that money here. If that makes me partisan, I'll wear that label ;)
You dont think the Department of State could have anticipitated that the new law would lead to an increase in applications for passports. My 15 month old son was reqired to have a passport to go to Bimini, an island 47 miles from Miami. 15 months old!

They did try to anticipate it, however, there was more initial demand from individuals with no travel plans than they thought. But they are slowly decreasing the time of processing. The expedited service is running as normal again. My buddy got his in two weeks. I have mine coming regular to see how long it takes.... but my travel isn't until late November, so I figure I am good.
I don't think the bridge was Bush's fault, cawacko.

I do have no problem pointing out the misguided priorities of those who cheered us into this war, and spent a trillion dollars on Iraq, including tens of billions to fix iraqi roads, bridges, and schools, rather than spending that money here. If that makes me partisan, I'll wear that label ;)

I'm not even trying to defend Bush. Look at the work being done on the Bay Bridge in San Francisco it's being handled by the state of California. It's not the federal government. Decisions are being made by Arnold and the mayor's or S.F. and Oakland.
They did try to anticipate it, however, there was more initial demand from individuals with no travel plans than they thought. But they are slowly decreasing the time of processing. The expedited service is running as normal again. My buddy got his in two weeks. I have mine coming regular to see how long it takes.... but my travel isn't until late November, so I figure I am good.

Just think... if we hadn't wasted billions digging a hole in boston... they might have been able to spend a few million to fix this bridge....

I'm not even trying to defend Bush. Look at the work being done on the Bay Bridge in San Francisco it's being handled by the state of California. It's not the federal government. Decisions are being made by Arnold and the mayor's or S.F. and Oakland.

And they got no federal funds for this ?

Virtually all road and bridge work is handled by the states. Fenderal funds are usually involved on any large projects though.
I'm not even trying to defend Bush. Look at the work being done on the Bay Bridge in San Francisco it's being handled by the state of California. It's not the federal government. Decisions are being made by Arnold and the mayor's or S.F. and Oakland.

The seismic retrofit might be from state money, but the bridge is Interstate 80. Thats a federal interstate, eligible for federal funding.

Same with the minneapolis bridge. I think that was on an interstate too.
You obviously missed the four-part series the NY Times did on the privatization at every level of government.

Yeah, because I don't read the NY Times.

The day the federal government doesn't put out a balance sheet I'll believe you that's its private.
Ok, so that makes it privitized?

Effectively yes.
Lobbiests primary purpose is to steer govt (ie TAX) dollars to businesses or to get reduced taxes and regulations on businesses.

School vouchers are privitization as well.

virtually all the highway construction and maintenance in KY are privitized.
Prisons are becoming privitized.
The state park system is largely privitized.
We will probably have rent a cops instead of state troopers soon.
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Yeah, because I don't read the NY Times.

The day the federal government doesn't put out a balance sheet I'll believe you that's its private.

that is the beauty of a privitized govt, it is not accountable and does not have to put our a balance sheet. This war is being financed off the books.
Effectively yes.
Lobbiests primary purpose is to steer govt (ie TAX) dollars to businesses or to get reduced taxes and regulations on businesses.

School vouchers are privitization as well.

There are lobbyists for a million different groups. What makes you think they are business only? And lobbyists only call for tax cuts? Lobbyists want money going to their groups. If that means higher taxes then they are all for it. Lobbyists are not ideological.

The vouchers comment is just random.
that is the beauty of a privitized govt, it is not accountable and does not have to put our a balance sheet. This war is being financed off the books.

look at how gov't handles S.S., Medicade and Medicare. You think that is all on the books?

By your definition our government has always been private.
look at how gov't handles S.S., Medicade and Medicare. You think that is all on the books?

By your definition our government has always been private.

Yep that is on the books, How do you think the defecit dropped since Regan, spending the SS surplus on general funds. All that is on the books.
The war is not, it has all virtually all on been supplemental spending bills. Which are not showing up on the budget for balance purposes. 1/2 trillion off the books...

Those you mentioned are on the books that is why republicans whine about them...

do a bit of research on the amount of contracting out and privitization the govt does now vs 20 yrs ago.