Bridge Tragedy followup: America's appalling underinvestment in our infrastructure

Yep that is on the books, How do you think the defecit dropped since Regan, spending the SS surplus on general funds. All that is on the books.
The war is not, it has all virtually all on been supplemental spending bills. Which are not showing up on the budget for balance purposes. 1/2 trillion off the books...

Those you mentioned are on the books that is why republicans whine about them...

do a bit of research on the amount of contracting out and privitization the govt does now vs 20 yrs ago.

How do you figure the deficit has dropped since Reagan?
Let me guess. You don't read the NY Times because when you do it challenges what you thought about the world, is that about right? For instance, when you read about the huge privatization of government at every level, and you see the numbers, and you see where it's coming from, maybe that would turn you off to them 'cause you'd write it off as liberal propaganda, yes?
Let me guess. You don't read the NY Times because when you do it challenges what you thought about the world, is that about right? For instance, when you read about the huge privatization of government at every level, and you see the numbers, and you see where it's coming from, maybe that would turn you off to them 'cause you'd write it off as liberal propaganda, yes?

Or perhaps he doesn't read it because the NY Times has become little more than a trashy tabloid.
How do you figure the deficit has dropped since Reagan?
It was dropped from what it would have been had not the SSI surplus not been used as general tax revenue.
Congress approved and Regan signed off on using the surplus as revenue.
They did try to anticipate it, however, there was more initial demand from individuals with no travel plans than they thought. But they are slowly decreasing the time of processing. The expedited service is running as normal again. My buddy got his in two weeks. I have mine coming regular to see how long it takes.... but my travel isn't until late November, so I figure I am good.

Not true, the Department of state web cite even says that times are increasing lately. I paid extra to get my son's expidited, they told me it would take 7 to 10 days...

It took 4 weeks. THey could not even give me a reciept for travel within 14 days untill my congressman had to get involved and fax me a reciept.
Passports, I sent mine off a few months ago for renewal, Have not seen it back yet.
One reason I decided to keep working for a while ;)
It is an economic policy so we will spend more money here vs abroad :)
It cannot be just a freak accident , there was some detected or undetected flaw or weekness in the bridge.

Its up the the Structural Engineers to figure it out and prevent it from happening again.

I hear it did not have enough redundancy.

no this type of bridge dosnt have any redundancy.

but i say freek because i think alot of vary certin condision made this happen, i am not saing they wasnt any negligence, i am sure there was, is, but was the neglegence of one or a small group of people, or is there neglegence in the way bridges are handeled, and maintained. personly i think it will come down to the later of the two or maybe both.

its had sevral problems over the years just as alot of other bridges and overpasses have.
Let me guess. You don't read the NY Times because when you do it challenges what you thought about the world, is that about right? For instance, when you read about the huge privatization of government at every level, and you see the numbers, and you see where it's coming from, maybe that would turn you off to them 'cause you'd write it off as liberal propaganda, yes?

Yeah, that's it dude. First off I read the San Francisco Chronicle and Los Angeles Times everyday. If you are not aware neither of those papers are bastions of conservative thought. I live in San Francisco. This is a city where in 2000 Ralph Nader got more votes than George W. Bush. This is a city where the Mayor's race is between a Democrat and a Green with no Repulican candidates even running. This is a city where there is not one elected Republican. The Bay Area (9 counties) has only Democrats representing us in Congress.

I tell you this because I've spent a good part of my life here and this is what I've been exposed to. So I find it laughable that I would be afraid to hear thoughts or ideas that don't necessarily agree with mine.

Do you read anything that offers conservative thought or opinion that may differ from yours?
Yeah, that's it dude. First off I read the San Francisco Chronicle and Los Angeles Times everyday. If you are not aware neither of those papers are bastions of conservative thought. I live in San Francisco. This is a city where in 2000 Ralph Nader got more votes than George W. Bush. This is a city where the Mayor's race is between a Democrat and a Green with no Repulican candidates even running. This is a city where there is not one elected Republican. The Bay Area (9 counties) has only Democrats representing us in Congress.


Jesus Christ, it's f'ing Utopia!

You know, I probably could be there today Cawacko. Years ago, I don't know if you remember, but I had quite the crush on Ornot, the brainy socialist. My first exposure to such. But I never dreamt he could be interested in a silly girl such as myself, and then that idiot Tex turned my head, and well, we all know the rest of that story.

Wow. Talk about the shining city on the hill of bright dreams. Maybe someday I'll get there. Every American girl has to have her dream.
Jesus Christ, it's f'ing Utopia!

You know, I probably could be there today Cawacko. Years ago, I don't know if you remember, but I had quite the crush on Ornot, the brainy socialist. My first exposure to such. But I never dreamt he could be interested in a silly girl such as myself, and then that idiot Tex turned my head, and well, we all know the rest of that story.

Wow. Talk about the shining city on the hill of bright dreams. Maybe someday I'll get there. Every American girl has to have her dream.
You know Darla you could have more Liberal utopias like that if you and the rest of the left would just respect the Constitution and put forth your idealogy on the local level rather than try and force universal healthcare, Medicare, SS, etc... on the entire country.

"The difference between libertarianism and socialism is that libertarians will tolerate the existence of a socialist community, but socialists can't tolerate a libertarian community." – David D. Boaz (1997)
Jesus Christ, it's f'ing Utopia!

You know, I probably could be there today Cawacko. Years ago, I don't know if you remember, but I had quite the crush on Ornot, the brainy socialist. My first exposure to such. But I never dreamt he could be interested in a silly girl such as myself, and then that idiot Tex turned my head, and well, we all know the rest of that story.

Wow. Talk about the shining city on the hill of bright dreams. Maybe someday I'll get there. Every American girl has to have her dream.

LOL! How did I end up in a liberal uptopia??? Is God playing a cruel joke on me? :)

You know, I know almost none of the story of you and Tex. How did I miss it? I know people wrote stuff on the other board but I could never tell what was real and what wasn't so I pretty much stopped paying attention to it.
LOL! How did I end up in a liberal uptopia??? Is God playing a cruel joke on me? :)

You know, I know almost none of the story of you and Tex. How did I miss it? I know people wrote stuff on the other board but I could never tell what was real and what wasn't so I pretty much stopped paying attention to it.

Oh most of that written after the fact was BS. I'd tell you the story, but it's so freaking retarded, that I'm embarrassed to.

I have no idea how you ended up there!