And if they ignore the training?"NEETs, or young people "not in education, employment or training," now comprise one-fifth (1.2 million) of British 16- to 24-year-olds. In the 16 to 19 age bracket, 11 per cent are classed as NEETS, double the proportion in Germany and France -- and this despite massive spending on "welfare to work" initiatives by Gordon Brown since he declared, on taking up the reins of power in 1997, that "staying home is not an option."
This is an issue I deal with on a daily basis. With the expansion of the EU into Eastern Europe and the relaxation of immigration controls, Britain, more than any other nation in Europe has seen a massive influx of migrant labour taking up the low skilled jobs that were traditionally taken up by this demographic. Welfare to work is only at the beginning of its implimentation, with the plan to reduce Lone Parents on Income Support and those claiming incapacity benefit.
As for NEETS, most are now being forced into training schemes as a condition of their benefits
It sounds to me like you are blaming Eastern European workers for "taking jobs", we hear this over here with Mexicans "taking jobs" but the reality is that they are just jobs people (born here) do not want to take.
Yet because we don't allow much welfare, young people still work or are in school.