Britain 10 years later after Left-wing Labor Party Elected

"NEETs, or young people "not in education, employment or training," now comprise one-fifth (1.2 million) of British 16- to 24-year-olds. In the 16 to 19 age bracket, 11 per cent are classed as NEETS, double the proportion in Germany and France -- and this despite massive spending on "welfare to work" initiatives by Gordon Brown since he declared, on taking up the reins of power in 1997, that "staying home is not an option."

This is an issue I deal with on a daily basis. With the expansion of the EU into Eastern Europe and the relaxation of immigration controls, Britain, more than any other nation in Europe has seen a massive influx of migrant labour taking up the low skilled jobs that were traditionally taken up by this demographic. Welfare to work is only at the beginning of its implimentation, with the plan to reduce Lone Parents on Income Support and those claiming incapacity benefit.

As for NEETS, most are now being forced into training schemes as a condition of their benefits
And if they ignore the training?

It sounds to me like you are blaming Eastern European workers for "taking jobs", we hear this over here with Mexicans "taking jobs" but the reality is that they are just jobs people (born here) do not want to take.
Yet because we don't allow much welfare, young people still work or are in school.
I been there a few times. London and Wales. Usually just around London. I used to live in Germany and would fly there every now and then. I just really like the city. I'd move to Germany too lol or a number of other places. I'm sick of it here. In my experience it is actually LESS free than most other places.
Well they've both gotten less free. When I was in Britain in 2003, I never seen so many signs in all my life. Even tiny bits of grass had signs that you couldn't walk on the grass with government workers who would literally tell you off if you touched their grass, stupid stuff like that.
I've also been to Phoenix and you are much freer there, well at least based on going in 2001.
I been there a few times. London and Wales. Usually just around London. I used to live in Germany and would fly there every now and then. I just really like the city. I'd move to Germany too lol or a number of other places. I'm sick of it here. In my experience it is actually LESS free than most other places.

BF: I wouldn't have expected this from you, the former conservative-leaning republican!
BF: I wouldn't have expected this from you, the former conservative-leaning republican!

It's not like it's a compliment to you and your ideology. Arizona is getting more rules and more Democrat like and now has a Dem governor.
Californication creepation.

I been there a few times. London and Wales. Usually just around London. I used to live in Germany and would fly there every now and then. I just really like the city. I'd move to Germany too lol or a number of other places. I'm sick of it here. In my experience it is actually LESS free than most other places.

I have also lived in Germany and visited England...kinda /sorta...was in Scotland(Glasgow) area I thought I was in England...but hey the guys and gals scolded me...they said England was South where the Girlie guys for Germany loved the beer and party atmosphere...but I will take the USA any old day over Europe...!
I've become disillusioned to the point of not caring about whether or not my taxes are 10% or 20%.

I'm tired of being told I'm "underage" because I'm not 21. I'm tired of having a religious theocrat yell in my face everytime I tell them I'm an atheist. I would like people to be more accepting, and Americans are far too judgemental. Freedom can be limited by more things than the government.
England ruled when I was a kid, candies were cheap with lots of candy stores, you could actually do betting machines as a kid and the comics there rock with the Beano and the Dandy.
Then you visit it as an adult and all you can think is: Holy shit, how does anyone live here, everything is so expensive!
Candy is about the only thing that is cheaper there.
It's not like it's a compliment to you and your ideology. Arizona is getting more rules and more Democrat like and now has a Dem governor.
Californication creepation.


I thought all those people leaving California & other blue states were leaving for political reasons, and would lead to more conservative representation in states like AZ...

Were you wrong on that DeMano?
I've become disillusioned to the point of not caring about whether or not my taxes are 10% or 20%.

I'm tired of being told I'm "underage" because I'm not 21. I'm tired of having a religious theocrat yell in my face everytime I tell them I'm an atheist. I would like people to be more accepting, and Americans are far too judgemental.
Who yelled in your face? I'm sure you're not asking that literally but still that is false perception. In 8 years of internet debate, I've never once seen anyone scream at someone because they are an athiest.

Freedom can be limited by more things than the government.
Not by force it can't.

I've become disillusioned to the point of not caring about whether or not my taxes are 10% or 20%.

I'm tired of being told I'm "underage" because I'm not 21. I'm tired of having a religious theocrat yell in my face everytime I tell them I'm an atheist. I would like people to be more accepting, and Americans are far too judgemental. Freedom can be limited by more things than the government.

It's called growing up...we have all been there and done that...well everyone over twenty one that is...I was in a hurry as a youth...but never complained about it...just waited for my I wish I were sixteen was way more fun...I said sixteen because thats when I got my DL...that was all I really cared about!

I thought all those people leaving California & other blue states were leaving for political reasons, and would lead to more conservative representation in states like AZ...

Were you wrong on that DeMano?

It's a fair question, I've revisited that thought. I think a lot of Californians are indeed leaving Cali for lower taxes and less economic regulation but at the same time some of them bring their view that the state should legislate more on personal issues like smoking for instance.
Almost like they are making their new state more like Cali, but not too extreme, which is pretty much where they stand more politically now too.

It's a fair question, I've revisited that thought. I think a lot of Californians are indeed leaving Cali for lower taxes and less economic regulation but at the same time some of them bring their view that the state should legislate more on personal issues like smoking for instance.
Almost like they are making their new state more like Cali, but not too extreme, which is pretty much where they stand more politically now too.

I lived inArizona from was a blast..if'n ya liked the outdoors and all it had to offer...smacked of the OK corral back all the Cali transplants are trying to make it another Cali subdivision...but to there dismay... they get a cute suburb house...then find out the rattlesnakes like the new decore...they run like hell losing equity after trhey find out govt regulations don't apply to snakes...justice is natures revenge via the snake and scorpions!
Well they've both gotten less free. When I was in Britain in 2003, I never seen so many signs in all my life. Even tiny bits of grass had signs that you couldn't walk on the grass with government workers who would literally tell you off if you touched their grass, stupid stuff like that.
I've also been to Phoenix and you are much freer there, well at least based on going in 2001.

Well I've lived in S. Korea, Germany, Panama, Saudi Arabia and I've visited most of Europe, Canada, and Japan and the only place I felt more dummy restrictions than the US was Saudi Arabia.
I lived inArizona from was a blast..if'n ya liked the outdoors and all it had to offer...smacked of the OK corral back all the Cali transplants are trying to make it another Cali subdivision...but to there dismay... they get a cute suburb house...then find out the rattlesnakes like the new decore...they run like hell losing equity after trhey find out govt regulations don't apply to snakes...justice is natures revenge via the snake and scorpions!

You have no idea what you are talking about. Back to the bottle with you.
BF: I wouldn't have expected this from you, the former conservative-leaning republican!

I don't even know what I am anymore. I'm disillusioned like Watermark and my social freedoms are more important to me than paying higher taxes.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Back to the bottle with you.

I think you are drowning your sorrows in the bottle...cut and run mentality..and dip shit...I did live in Arizona as well as many other places in my lifetime! so I am speaking from experience...dah!...The US of A still rocks now as it did then...:rolleyes: