Burning Flags

The American obsession with a piece of cloth has long been a source of wonder for non-Americans. I guess you hold it in such fervent, almost religious esteem because you basically have no history and everyone has to have something to cling to. So your flag is like a piece of flotsam after a ship wreck whereas other nations have lifeboats. Well, anything is better than nothing, I guess. If someone burned a Union Flag would I get upset? No, I really dont think any Brit would. We would probably just shrug our shoulders and say: I wonder what his problem is. Oh, sorry, I mean THE Union Flag, not one of yours.
We could say the same thing about the Queen except flags are cheaper.
I will repeat what I said for those of you who are clearly totally clueless.

Ex-pats, Brit, yank pr Chinese work to keep factories open in their home country. They are the people who keep you working and dont ever forget it. Thousands of American ex pats work tirelessly to make your country better.

I think you owe them an apology.

So how does it feel to have terminal butt-hurt?
We could say the same thing about the Queen except flags are cheaper.

Of course you can and there are millions of British citizens who would share your views. The queen is not akin to a religious icon. Neither is our flag, her flag or any of the flags which make up the Union flag.
I will repeat what I said for those of you who are clearly totally clueless.

Ex-pats, Brit, yank pr Chinese work to keep factories open in their home country. They are the people who keep you working and dont ever forget it. Thousands of American ex pats work tirelessly to make your country better.

I think you owe them an apology.

And I'll restate for you, ex-pats have nothing to offer the commonwealth, and are of no consequence.
True but Damo's right. In America you have the right to be an asshole and an idiot. If we outlaw that then we degrade what our flag stands for. Freedom.

I also believe that someone has the right to burn the flag; but I also have the right to put the fire out, by any means necessary.
And I'll restate for you, ex-pats have nothing to offer the commonwealth, and are of no consequence.

So you do not recognise the importance of your export trade? You do not see how your banks and financial institutions contribute to YOUR well being (Not including the recent nonsense).
Do you work? Do you actually make stuff or do you shine shoes? If you make stuff then there is a good chance that some of whatever you make is destined for overseas markets.
Who in the name of anything, do you think makes that possible? Some freakin arsehole in Stupidville, Alabama? Who runs your embassies, Who keeps an eye on your safety?
Friggin thick yank twat!
Of course you can and there are millions of British citizens who would share your views. The queen is not akin to a religious icon. Neither is our flag, her flag or any of the flags which make up the Union flag.
The same is true here Lo. Every county has it's nuts. We just have more of them.