He informed the UN he was going in and asked them to remove them to safety... And Saddam had said they had free reign but the inspectors clearly were being led around and didn't have this free access...

where do you get ''that'' from?

link please :)
The future will always shape the foregone years. I.E. ...as a whole.. most now view the Clinton Presidency in a much favorable light than 5 or 6 years ago...
Iraq .. now 3.5 years old is shaping out to be one of the most embarrassing blunders in American History. One needs only to ask thy self a single question; why did we go into Iraq? Weapons of Mass Destruction? Do I believe Iraq had them? Possibly...after all ... the Intelligence reports before and after Bush were pretty much in agreement. Many Democrats were in agreement. But.. 5 years after 9/11(when official hunt for WMD's began), we still have not found convincing evidence that they existed.
So.. why did we go into Iraq? To spread Democracy and free the Iraqi People from a opressive Dictator. Sounds noble.. but did the Iraqi people ask for this noble favor? Well, 3.5 years later the threat of a major Ciivl War continues to disrupt and kill thousands upon thousands of Iraqi people. I dont believe the Iraqi people requested this type of favor.
So why did we go into Iraq? How about the obvious... to strategically
place ourselves in a position of power in what is the Oil Farm of the world. Everyone in Washington knew the truth from the get go.. but all played dumb. This was all about Energy Folks.. and it is a dirty game and one that that needs to come to an end.
The Democrats are just as guilty as the republicans ... not all.. the few that did state the obvious can hold their heads up high and utter those words.. "I told you so" ..
One thing though.. when all is said and done we will be in debt to the Iraqi people for a long, long time ... get ready for Iraq to replace Israel as the number one recipeint for foriegn aid.... for many years to come.

I agree.
The future will always shape the foregone years. I.E. ...as a whole.. most now view the Clinton Presidency in a much favorable light than 5 or 6 years ago...
Iraq .. now 3.5 years old is shaping out to be one of the most embarrassing blunders in American History. One needs only to ask thy self a single question; why did we go into Iraq? Weapons of Mass Destruction? Do I believe Iraq had them? Possibly...after all ... the Intelligence reports before and after Bush were pretty much in agreement.


In his heart, I think bush "thought" and "assumed" iraq had WMD. Many people did.

Where I take exception, is that I think Bush distorted the intelligence - deliberately. To sell his war. He and his cronies made statements like they "knew for a fact" and there was "simply no doubt" that he had WMD. They cherry-picked the intelligence, to give a false sense of "certainty" that he had wmd. He had control of the intelligence agencies, and had more access than members of congress did. If anyone should have known better, it should have been BUsh.

And there is no doubt in my mind, that bush deliberately hyped and exaggerated the iraqi "nuke program", and the alleged collaborative ties to al qaeda.
where do you get ''that'' from?

link please :)


Pay particular attention to this part:

Unfettered Access Was a Myth

The phrase “immediate, unrestricted, and unconditional access” is oft repeated in Security Council language and sounds potent in the Security Council chambers in New York City. Implementing such access is another story. Practical measures taken to carry out inspection activity inevitably warned Iraq of what was coming, and the necessary compromise gave Iraq an advantage.

For example, Resolution 707 clearly states UN aircraft may fly anywhere and land anywhere. But this does not mean that inspectors can simply load up a plane, fly into Iraq, and land unannounced at some airport near a site designated for inspection. Iraq has, with good cause, an active air defense system. UNSCOM therefore had to establish procedures for notifying Iraq of UN flights over its territory to ensure they would not be shot down, but by doing so they gave Iraq advance warning of inspections. (Such procedures also applied to the U-2 surveillance aircraft flown by the United States on behalf of the UN.)

Such compromises marked all steps of inspection work and were a never-ending source of friction between the inspectors and the Iraqi government. The result of the pragmatic measures taken to conduct inspections was that Iraq was given advance warning.
Old link, Damo.

Your link is September 2002.

By March 2003, the inspectors had adequete - if not 100% perfect - access to thoroughly inspect iraq.
Old link, Damo.

Your link is September 2002.

By March 2003, the inspectors had adequete - if not 100% perfect - access to thoroughly inspect iraq.
The link is from the person talking to the UN just previous to invasion. The link was from late 2002. Saying that they had "unfettered" access has been a cry of the left, however up to the point of entry the inspectors consistently complained about sites that were cleaned before they got there, that it was clear that somebody was informing them of where they were going next...

I'm not saying that there were WMD there or something, but there was a strong appearance by Iraq of working to "hide" something that created a feeling of inspection teams that they were not being forthright...
The link is from the person talking to the UN just previous to invasion. The link was from late 2002. Saying that they had "unfettered" access has been a cry of the left, however up to the point of entry the inspectors consistently complained about sites that were cleaned before they got there, that it was clear that somebody was informing them of where they were going next...

I'm not saying that there were WMD there or something, but there was a strong appearance by Iraq of working to "hide" something that created a feeling of inspection teams that they were not being forthright...

Damo, September 2002 was before the inspectors were even in Iraq, and before Resolution 1541 was even passed.

The inspectors weren't even in Iraq until around December of 2002.

Your link is irrelevant to the issue of the inspections, that were initiated in accordance with resolution 1541.
Damo, September 2002 was before the inspectors were even in Iraq, and before Resolution 1541 was even passed.

The inspectors weren't even in Iraq until around December of 2002.

Your link is irrelevant to the issue of the inspections, that were initiated in accordance with resolution 1541.

Chief Inspectors Report to UN, March 7 2003:

Inspections in Iraq resumed on 27 November 2002. In matters relating to process, notably prompt access to sites, we have faced relatively few difficulties and certainly much less than those that were faced by UNSCOM in the period 1991 to 1998. This may well be due to the strong outside pressure.

Damo, September 2002 was before the inspectors were even in Iraq, and before Resolution 1541 was even passed.

The inspectors weren't even in Iraq until around December of 2002.

Your link is irrelevant to the issue of the inspections, that were initiated in accordance with resolution 1541.
Much of the State of the Union Address covered the fact that inspectors reported being obfuscated and not having unfettered access. Again in February those same reports were brought...


In his State of the Union address on January 28, US President George Bush emphasized that Iraq had not made full disclosures of its weapons programs, and promised that Secretary of State Powell would disclose information about weapons programs and ties to international terror organizations in a speech to the Security Council to be delivered February 5.

While we know that they were misled by intelligence on WMD, nobody has suggested they were "lying" about those reports...

I'm still getting stories from back then. Actual news sources are tough to find while there are a ton of opinion pieces on the subject....
Anyway my statement was mostly in support of Care's claim that we "kicked them out" than it was to say that it was all Iraq's fault. We asked the UN to get them to leave just before invasion.
Anyway my statement was mostly in support of Care's claim that we "kicked them out" than it was to say that it was all Iraq's fault. We asked the UN to get them to leave just before invasion.

You put that in quotation marks, like care actually said that. She didn't.

Here's what she really said:

WHAT? Bush pulled out our inspectors right before he attacked Saddam...

That's a pretty accurate statement by care. And toby was flat out lying.

Saddam didn't kick the inspectors out, Blix reported that they had reasonably good and adequate access (if not 100% perfect), and Bush nevertheless requested that the inspectors be "pulled" out.
You put that in quotation marks, like care actually said that. She didn't.

Here's what she really said:

WHAT? Bush pulled out our inspectors right before he attacked Saddam...

That's a pretty accurate statement by care. And toby was flat out lying.

Saddam didn't kick the inspectors out, Blix reported that they had reasonably good and adequate access (if not 100% perfect), and Bush nevertheless requested that the inspectors be "pulled" out.
I put it in quotes not because I thought Care said it but to show what I was supporting... Bush informed the UN he was going in and asked them to remove the inspectors. Only the lefties, particularly you and Desh, can find contention in agreement.

And before you get all into "Quotations are for quotes" crap, remember this is a messageboard and not your English 305 class in College.
It still ceases to amaze me how well our government's "mind control" programs that they learned from the experiments of the Nazi's have worked on some of us....over the decades. :(
Saddam didn't kick the inspectors out, Blix reported that they had reasonably good and adequate access (if not 100% perfect), and Bush nevertheless requested that the inspectors be "pulled" out.

And I stated that WHO requested that the inpectors leave? Do you remember my post at all or do you really WORK THAT HARD to find contention where none exists?
WHAT? Bush pulled out our inspectors right before he attacked Saddam....

Saddam had agreed to the inspectors free reign within his country...ONCE AGAIN, Bush pulled the inspectors out.

you really don't expect anything approaching intellectual honesty from that disgusting piece of shit, do you care?