Bush Makes Power Grab

Although barely mentioned in the mainstream media, Bush's new directives give him dictatorial powers in any kind of "emergency" such as a Reichstag fire. The directives allow Bush to end constitutional government, to end the courts and Congress, and to set up special camps for bad citizens.
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Ahh you do still operate on political faith where the midia is concerned, don't you ?

Still believe the media is a liberal beast and is not controlled by big money....
I believe that they are controlled by big money, but they hire people who lean that way and thus write that way. Shoot, in that same paper I read an editorial that was speaking about a local radio personality that said, "I don't want to see him taken off the air for believing something, that is unpopular in the media circles we run in.

It takes special powers of ignorance to pretend not to notice such "lean" as never mentioning "illegal immigrant" and instead using the PC terminology like a slave-mind to the borg. Or reading an article on a new gun law that is passed that has an anti-gun rant all put on the front page, then on page 18A the actual news that they are reporting on. Which do you think will be most read?

Attempting to say that they aren't leaning that way when it is so very clear is like a person saying that FOX News editorial shows don't lean to the right. It takes special powers of gullibility.
More info:

A Congressional Research Service study notes that under the National Emergency Act, the president "may seize property, organize and control the means of production, seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, institute martial law, seize and control all transportation and communication, regulate the operation of private enterprise, restrict travel, and, in a variety of ways, control the lives of United States citizens."

The CRS study notes that the National Emergency Act sets up congress as a balance empowered to "modify, rescind, or render dormant such delegated emergency authority," if Congress believes the president has acted inappropriately.

NSPD-51/ HSPD-20 appears to supersede the National Emergency Act by creating the new position of National Continuity Coordinator without any specific act of Congress authorizing the position.

NSPD-51/ HSPD-20 also makes no reference whatsoever to Congress. The language of the May 9 directive appears to negate any a requirement that the president submit to Congress a determination that a national emergency exists, suggesting instead that the powers of the executive order can be implemented without any congressional approval or oversight.

Homeland Security spokesperson Russ Knocke affirmed that the Homeland Security Department will be implementing the requirements of NSPD-51/ HSPD-20 under Townsend's direction.

The White House had no comment.

So, Damo, you think they are creating this kind of power in the Executive with plans to hand it over to the Democratic party?
Seriously, if this goes into effect he could pretty much be the dictator, shoot not even pretty much it even includes tribal authorities.

I don't give a rats ass who it is, I don't want this happening in MY nation on MY watch. This needs to be removed from the "directives" as quickly as possible.


"Bush Makes Power Grab" is about as informative today as the headline "Elvis Eats Chicken" would have been in 1976.

Elvis was in the same 'Armor' unit as I was...albeit a little before my time...but alas in my Bros time..and for your info Elvis loved Banana and peanut butter sandwitches(Maybe some chicken...or was that snake...never mind the taste is the same)....then again maybe it was banana and mayo..oh well! Where is Pricella...she is my age...I want Prissy!
You need to disabuse yourself of the notion that somehow liberals are for freedom. They've been wanting to destroy individuality for a while now.

got a link for these allegations?

Typical right winger tactic to try and shift the spotlight off bush's power grab and onto the left.
Bush's power grab is all about the NWO. you want to criticize bush, pretending your precious dems are somehow not involved.

Fight the darkness, uscitizen. Fight The alien hierarchy

the what??? Hyperdimensional beings???

holy chit, wherethef*** am I???
got a link for these allegations?

Typical right winger tactic to try and shift the spotlight off bush's power grab and onto the left.

I fully admit bush is making a power grab. Where are the dems on this issue? Why aren't they talking about it? That's my point. They're ALL in on it.
got a link for these allegations?


You are the pawn refusing to think, not I. Your opinions are, as I suggested, best likened to a disease: an illness that weakens the individual, making him or her vulnerable to predatory interests.

You're playing right into their hands, you ninny. You adamantly deny that they are able to do what they do every day: manipulate the very desires by which you make your "free" decisions. You're free do choose alright: you freely accept their programming simply because you refuse to admit they can reach into your precious, sovereign self.

The soovereignty of self is an illusion.
I fully admit bush is making a power grab. Where are the dems on this issue? Why aren't they talking about it? That's my point. They're ALL in on it.

all democrats everywhere are in on some nefarious plot to rob everyone of their freedom? are you serious? are the republicans sitting by or are they in on the plot too?

I mean a viable link... one from a credible source... got one?

AHZ sed:
You need to disabuse yourself of the notion that somehow liberals are for freedom. They've been wanting to destroy individuality for a while now.

So ornot is not credible? Ornot, you have an issue with this punk badmouthing you?
all democrats everywhere are in on some nefarious plot to rob everyone of their freedom? are you serious? are the republicans sitting by or are they in on the plot too?

It seems both groups are in on it. They argue about what type of amnesty to give, and lie silent as your constitution is prepared for suspension during any "catastrophic" emergency, regardless of place.

The silence is deafening. Instead I will prepare.