Bush policy lead to N. Korean nuclear test!


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They tried this under president Clinton but he put a stop to it, under much critisizm by R's!
They didn't try to test under Clinton. That is hogwash. They had just begun the program. They were paid by Clinton to supposedly end the progress of their program. They took his money and used it to continue the program behind their backs. And then when they finally needed material to build the weapons (when they had reached all that they could do without the material) they kicked out the UN from their nuclear sites and took what they needed.

It's false history to report otherwise.
Apparently, pinheads are trying to nail down the 'ignorant vote' here, because most intelligent people understand why N. Korea acquired nukes, and it had nothing to do with Bush. But please, don't stop with your ignorant blather, I think it might actually help steer people away from your lunatic party. Any party who can spin their failed Clinton policy with NK into "Bush's Fault" is dangerous, when it comes to nukes in the hands of rogue nations.
They didn't try to test under Clinton. That is hogwash. They had just begun the program. They were paid by Clinton to supposedly end the progress of their program. They took his money and used it to continue the program behind their backs. And then when they finally needed material to build the weapons (when they had reached all that they could do without the material) they kicked out the UN from their nuclear sites and took what they needed.

It's false history to report otherwise.

Any attempt to excuse Bush in this is also false history. When early in his presidential stint he was visited by The President of South Korea Bush denounced South Korea's "sunshine initiative" with North Horea and called Il names publicly and derided him, just as Chevez called Bush recently. Then he refused to contact or engage North Korea. Many commentators now see this wrong-headed appraoch to international diplomacy and foreign affairs as what it is and the result has been a breakdown of relations all around the globe. We see the same thing over and over again. Bush won't talk to anyone who he feels is beneath him and since he is quite arrogant that is a rather long list of people.
Clinton ran the same type of multilateral talks with Il that Bush stated he would. This is getting just plain laughable!
I realize the stupid dem program had a large hand in it but Good Job George Bush for attacking Iraq...the only one of the Axis not worthy of it lol.

Grats on having Groundhog Day in Iraq while NK builds nuclear weapons and threatens the world.

Not only is the GOP a bunch of pedophiles and pedophile lovers...turns out they aren't so smart when it comes to foreign relations either.
I realize the stupid dem program had a large hand in it but Good Job George Bush for attacking Iraq...the only one of the Axis not worthy of it lol.

Grats on having Groundhog Day in Iraq while NK builds nuclear weapons and threatens the world.

Not only is the GOP a bunch of pedophiles and pedophile lovers...turns out they aren't so smart when it comes to foreign relations either.

This is what I was trying to say. I'm not saying that Bush was faultless, just that Clinton wasn't really any better. It's simply blinders to ignore that their program progressed to the point of needing actual material while under Clinton's pay them off policy.
They didn't try to test under Clinton. That is hogwash. They had just begun the program. They were paid by Clinton to supposedly end the progress of their program. They took his money and used it to continue the program behind their backs. And then when they finally needed material to build the weapons (when they had reached all that they could do without the material) they kicked out the UN from their nuclear sites and took what they needed.

It's false history to report otherwise.

cite? Because I believe President Clinton had the nuclear program HALTED and not going anywhere...

When Bush called them the axis of evil and pulled out of the deal... they started the program again!
Rubbish. If it were halted they would not have reached a position where the materials would make the difference. It takes years to get there, years that they were given by a program that paid them to hide it.
That statute of limitations has expired on blaming Clinton.

Bush has been in office for six years.

North Korea going "nuclear" has been a concern since the Reagan adminstration. Previous adminstrations at least contained and put the brakes on north korean nuclear development.

The uranium the north koreans developed in the 1990s, was on ice. They hadn't built bombs.

North Korea became a nuclear power on Bush's watch.
This is stupid. N. Korea had not reached the point where material was needed at the beginning of Clinton's pay them off scam. They were then magically ready when Bush becomes President exactly how? It was because they did what they could behind the scenes. Pretending that this pay them off scam worked because you want it to be that way is just pretense.
I also agree that they feel they can do just about anything now as we are tied up in Iraq.
This is stupid. N. Korea had not reached the point where material was needed at the beginning of Clinton's pay them off scam. They were then magically ready when Bush becomes President exactly how? It was because they did what they could behind the scenes. Pretending that this pay them off scam worked because you want it to be that way is just pretense.

You appear to be unaware that in 1994, the North Koreans were deemed to be months away from a plutonium bomb. The plutonium program was put on ice, with the clinton agreement. There is no threat of plutonium enrichment from north korea. The plutonium enrichment program was iced.

What happened, is that in the late 1990s - probably around 1998 - our "good friends" the pakistanis gave N. Korea the technology for uranium enrichment. And the north koreans exploited that loophole. Uranium is much more difficult, and takes longer to enrich than plutonium.

Bush has had six years to deal with it. He failed. This is a strategic failure by the united states of the first order.
So in 1998 they exploited a "loophole" and it was Bush's fault? The Governor of Texas had what to do with that? You, sir, are being disingenuous.
So in 1998 they exploited a "loophole" and it was Bush's fault? The Governor of Texas had what to do with that? You, sir, are being disingenuous.

No, I'm saying the Clinton treaty did exactly what it intended to do: put the North Korean plutonium program on ice. And on ice is where its been since 1994. Yes, it would have been nice if Clinton had the ability to see into the future, and predict that the pakistanis would helpe the koreans get uranium enrichment techonolgy. But, it didn't happen. Too bad clinton wasn't a mind-reader.

Now, when we found out our "friends", the pakistanis, where helping the North Koreans, with uranium enrichment in 2002, that was clear evidence that bold american action was needed.

Bush twideled his thumbs and failed.
Except it didn't. They traded for information with another nation, worked in the background to proceed in that new direction, and when they reached it they immediately ended all connection with that treaty by kicking the UN out. Without that work in the background during the years of the payoff scam they wouldn't have reached that point by the time that they did.
The payoff scam gave them the time to find help and to continue in the background until they were ready while getting paid for it.
In short,

-Clinton found out about N. Korea's plutonium enrichment activities (which must have begun under the Bush 41 and Reagan adminstrations) in 1994 and put a stop to it. I don't recall Clinton or his supporters ever blaming poppy bush or reagan for letting korea embark on a plutonium program.

-Bush 43 found out about N. Korea's uranium enrichment program (another and separate path to the bomb - done with the help of the Pakistanis) in 2002, and Bush failed to put a stop to it.
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To be more accurate, Bush needed the backing of Pakistani Dictator Musharrif and so was willing to overlook a little nuclear indiscretion and pay a healthy finders fee of $40B up front to him for siding with the coalition of the bought and paid for. It wasn't anything that couldn't have been forseen, and now we have this, and Bush is still ranting about Iran and Iraq and the Middle East. Oh, and, I almost forgot, Democracy...