Bush policy lead to N. Korean nuclear test!

how many troops do we have over in south korea and japan... are they threatend by this ?
"Is this really the kind of irresponsible leadership America is looking for? The kind of people who will make such a blatant policy mistake, then try to cast the blame for complete failure onto someone else, who wasn't even in office at the time? "
hahahahaha....if the topic were Iraq and the "war on terror", I couldn't agree with you more!
I would be all for destroying the facility via air strikes.

But is there any legal justification or precident for doing it?
what if covert opps isnt an option, what if any covert mission just wasnt a sure thing ? would you still risk it ?
Here's a plan... Bush should just say, what the fuck... they all want to call me a cowboy, they all want to blame everything on me, anyway... I'm going to send the B-2's to the capital of Iran, Syria, North Korea, and Venezuela, armed with 1m nukes, and inflict a little collateral damage, as a final warning. If they are so eager to get involved with the big dog, in a nuclear confrontation, let's get it on! After the initial attention-getter, he issues a 48 hour deadline to turn over all nuclear-related materials to the UN and IAEA, or we will release the list of cities to be targeted next week, with the next higher level of nuclear technology in our arsenal.

We have the SDI technology to eliminate any potential retaliation, and we have a much larger and more sophisticated arsenal of nuclear weapons, and until people like Kim Jong and Hugo realize we mean business and the game playing is over, they will continue to become more bold and potentially dangerous to the world. The US is reasonable, we can be diplomatic with reasonable people, and have been more than willing to do so to this point. We should not be intimidated by third-world wannabes, who are way too big for their britches. Wake them up to reality by rocking their world, light their asses up one good time, and then let them know they have an option that would not require their total obliteration.

Oh... but The World will hate us, of course!
What if intelligence later proves to be wrong, like Iraq?

That's highly probable given recent events. Hence the quoting around the word intelligence. However, given his brazen and explicit annoucements about having tested a nuclear weapon, I'd be incline to trust our intelligence on this threat.
That's highly probable given recent events. Hence the quoting around the word intelligence. However, given his brazen and explicit annoucements about having tested a nuclear weapon, I'd be incline to trust our intelligence on this threat.

didnt iraq use their wmd's ?
Here's a plan... Bush should just say, what the fuck... they all want to call me a cowboy, they all want to blame everything on me, anyway... I'm going to send the B-2's to the capital of Iran, Syria, North Korea, and Venezuela, armed with 1m nukes, and inflict a little collateral damage, as a final warning. If they are so eager to get involved with the big dog, in a nuclear confrontation, let's get it on! ........

And this is why you're dumb a$$ will never be anything more than a keyboard warrior.

what an assine thing to do. Have you learned nothing over the last 6 years?
Like ignoring a memo entitled, "Bin Laden Plans to Attack the United States"

Like Clinton?

1. A statement which was true in 1993, 2001, and TODAY!
2. No, I didn't lay complete blame on Clinton, I go with the 9/11 Report, that there was blame on every level.

Il's testing of a nuke, confirms the Clinton/Albright policy failure with NK. We already knew it had failed, and they were working on a nuke, but now we can confirm that the negotiated treaty with NK failed completely. In spite of this revalation, we awake this morning to pinheads blaming Bush for it, as usual.
1. A statement which was true in 1993, 2001, and TODAY!
2. No, I didn't lay complete blame on Clinton, I go with the 9/11 Report, that there was blame on every level.

Il's testing of a nuke, confirms the Clinton/Albright policy failure with NK. We already knew it had failed, and they were working on a nuke, but now we can confirm that the negotiated treaty with NK failed completely. In spite of this revalation, we awake this morning to pinheads blaming Bush for it, as usual.

Actually, as Cypress very clearly and articulately explained earlier in this thread, Clinton's administration stopped the korean's from developing plutonium weaponry. The Uranium enrichment happened under bush's watch. But at this stage placing blame gets us no where, we need to focus on what we plan to do about it.
And this is why you're dumb a$$ will never be anything more than a keyboard warrior.

what an assine thing to do. Have you learned nothing over the last 6 years?

Yes I have. I have learned that the UN is totally useless, and Democrats have no clue about how to protect America and her interests. I have learned that negotiating with unreasonable people is pointless, and the longer we try to believe it's possible, the longer we are being complete fools. I believe the world has lost respect for the US, and they need to be reminded precisely who we are. I've also learned that Big Stick Diplomacy, is about the only thing these fruitcakes understand.
how does the war in Iraq reflect on the republicans' ability to keep us safe?

the fact of the matter is that our position in the world has been so marginalized by the war in Iraq that every tinhorn out there thinks he can slap us like we were girliemen.... and they do...and we bluster and rant and ACT all tought, but do nothing because of that loss of stature.

Big tough cowboy Bush let this little goggle-eyed korean tinhorn slap us hard by disobeying our express wishes and testing an ICBM ON OUR BIRTHDAY... and Bush did SHIT about it. He's a paper tiger - a lame duck stuck in a quagmire that will consume the rest of his presidency and that the next president will have to somehow extricate us from.... only THEN will we have a chance of regaining our place at the head of the world community