Bush policy lead to N. Korean nuclear test!

Just the crap we give them to pay them for not going after nuclear weapons.... You know the stuff they take and use to pay for the program that happens under our noses.
I did some quick research and found that NK's major trading partners are Japan, China and SK.
However they have been linked with weapons sales to virtually all oil exporting countries...now the axis of evil designation by bush becomes clearer....
Apparently, pinheads are trying to nail down the 'ignorant vote' here, because most intelligent people understand why N. Korea acquired nukes, and it had nothing to do with Bush. But please, don't stop with your ignorant blather, I think it might actually help steer people away from your lunatic party. Any party who can spin their failed Clinton policy with NK into "Bush's Fault" is dangerous, when it comes to nukes in the hands of rogue nations.

pinheads are trying to nail down the 'ignorant vote' here, because most intelligent people understand why N. Korea acquired nukes, and it had nothing to do with Bush.

You might be right. From the beginning, Bush was clueless about North Korea:

1) Bush in 2001: “Why should I care about North Korea?”

In State of Denial, Bob Woodward recounts a conversation between then-Gov. George W. Bush and then-Saudi ambassador to the U.S. Prince Bandar, in which Bush wonders why he should care about North Korea. “I get these briefings on all parts of the world,” Bush said, “and everybody is talking to me about North Korea.”*

2) President Clinton told incoming president elect Bush, that al qaeda was the biggest national security threat to the United States. President Bush also recalls that President clinton also emphasized North Korea, and the palestinian-israeli conflict. **

* thinkprogress.org

** page 199 9/11 Commission Report
For Cy and equally uninformed

Pyongyang started the program in the 1960s with Soviet help, and over the next two decades China provided various kinds of support. In 1986, the North began operating a newly constructed 20-megawatt thermal (MWt) reactor near the city of Yongbyon--a major milestone.

AFTER MEETING in New York July 28, the Executive Board of the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO) settled on a cost-sharing arrangement for the $4.6 billion light-water reactor (LWR) project, the centerpiece of the 1994 U.S.-North Korean Agreed Framework. Under the accord, Pyongyang agreed to freeze and eventually dismantle its existing nuclear facilities in exchange for the construction of two 1,000-megawatt (electric) LWRs and annual shipments of heavy fuel oil until the first reactor is completed. KEDO provided no details on the cost-sharing arrangement, but State Department spokesman James P. Rubin said on July 30 that the United States had not made "a specific financial commitment."

Its very telling that Clinton and his supporter didn't bloviate a bunch of hot air, blamiing Poppy Bush for allowing a plutonium bomb program to be launched in Korea under the watch of Poppy. The clinton's dealt with the plutonium program, and to this day its been on ice.

Prissy, I really would like to get back to this. I almost pee'd my pants from laughing this morning at work when I read it. What left-wing blog did you pull this idiocy from?

Plutonium isotopes are one of two fuels for nuclear fission, the other being Uranium isotopes. Uranium occurs as a resource naturally, while Plutonium does not exist in nature. Where does Plutonium come from? ....I'll let you research that one for your homework, Prissy.

In 1994, the US and NK reached an agreed framework, to bring NK into compliance with the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.
(....not to be confused with Prissy's concept of a Plutonium Enrichment Non-proliferation Treaty.)

The agreement called for NK to dismantle its nuclear weapons programs, and submit to IAEA inspections, in return for light-water reactors and easing of sanctions. Almost immediately, just months after signing the agreement, NK failed to allow the first IAEA inspection, and they have basically violated the agreement ever since.

If you look at the timeline to the NK ordeal, you can clearly see how ineffective it has been to talk. Since 1994, all we have done, is talk and beg Kim Jong to talk. You know, I think for once, I would like to see some third-word asswipe begging US to talk! I want THEM sending a French/Russian envoy to the US to beg Condi Rice into sitting down at the table and talking!

Why is it, this little, Yoko Ono-looking bitch, gets to stand on his balcony clapping, with that stupid grin on his face? Well, it's because people like Bill Clinton, Madeline Albright, and Jimmy Carter, have embolden him and made him relevant, by showing weakness and a total lack of balls, on the part of US Policy. There is no respect, they all know we don't want to fight, we want to talk.
Its very telling that Clinton and his supporter didn't bloviate a bunch of hot air, blamiing Poppy Bush for allowing a plutonium bomb program to be launched in Korea under the watch of Poppy. The clinton's dealt with the plutonium program, and to this day its been on ice.

Prissy, I really would like to get back to this. I almost pee'd my pants from laughing this morning at work when I read it. What left-wing blog did you pull this idiocy from?

Plutonium isotopes are one of two fuels for nuclear fission, the other being Uranium isotopes. Uranium occurs as a resource naturally, while Plutonium does not exist in nature. Where does Plutonium come from? ....I'll let you research that one for your homework, Prissy.

In 1994, the US and NK reached an agreed framework, to bring NK into compliance with the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.
(....not to be confused with Prissy's concept of a Plutonium Enrichment Non-proliferation Treaty.)

The agreement called for NK to dismantle its nuclear weapons programs, and submit to IAEA inspections, in return for light-water reactors and easing of sanctions. Almost immediately, just months after signing the agreement, NK failed to allow the first IAEA inspection, and they have basically violated the agreement ever since.

If you look at the timeline to the NK ordeal, you can clearly see how ineffective it has been to talk. Since 1994, all we have done, is talk and beg Kim Jong to talk. You know, I think for once, I would like to see some third-word asswipe begging US to talk! I want THEM sending a French/Russian envoy to the US to beg Condi Rice into sitting down at the table and talking!

Why is it, this little, Yoko Ono-looking bitch, gets to stand on his balcony clapping, with that stupid grin on his face? Well, it's because people like Bill Clinton, Madeline Albright, and Jimmy Carter, have embolden him and made him relevant, by showing weakness and a total lack of balls, on the part of US Policy. There is no respect, they all know we don't want to fight, we want to talk.

I always find it interesting how Bush Worshippers don't like to talk about Bush in times like these. Its obvious to Dixie, that everything that could have been done with regard to N.Korea that would have had any effect, stopped on January 19th, 2001. God Forbid Dixie's exalted leader have some responsibility in this.

Did W have any relevance in the last 5 1/2 years Dixie, or did the ability to wage effective Foreign Policy end in 2000, right before your blue jeaned bunny came to power?
Its obvious to Dixie, that everything that could have been done with regard to N.Korea that would have had any effect, stopped on January 19th, 2000.

Actually, I think this happened in 1994, just months after signing the agreement, if you mean, with regards to diplomatic resolution.
Okay, so after 1994, nothing could be done. Good on you Dix. Sheesh.

Yes, after we sat down and negotiated with the bastard in good faith, and he immediately violated his part of the agreement, nothing diplomatic could be done. Why? Well, because you can't trust him, he doesn't honor his agreements! So what use is it, to enter into agreement with someone you know is not going to honor it? I know you are a smart guy, so maybe you can tell me, what would be the purpose in reaching further diplomatic agreement, with Kim Jong Il?
Yes, after we sat down and negotiated with the bastard in good faith, and he immediately violated his part of the agreement, nothing diplomatic could be done. Why? Well, because you can't trust him, he doesn't honor his agreements! So what use is it, to enter into agreement with someone you know is not going to honor it? I know you are a smart guy, so maybe you can tell me, what would be the purpose in reaching further diplomatic agreement, with Kim Jong Il?

So, let me get this straight. We negotiated in him in good faith in 1994, then he violated his part of the agreement, and then nothing diplomatic could be done. So therefore, the political climate of 1994 under Clinton is all that mattered and everything that could have been done with regard to North Korea was done and botched in 1994. Nothing else could have been done to preclude North Korea from detonating a nuclear bomb this week.

Damned Clinton.
So, let me get this straight. We negotiated in him in good faith in 1994, then he violated his part of the agreement, and then nothing diplomatic could be done. So therefore, the political climate of 1994 under Clinton is all that mattered and everything that could have been done with regard to North Korea was done and botched in 1994. Nothing else could have been done to preclude North Korea from detonating a nuclear bomb this week.

Damned Clinton.

Pretty much. If the UN, Clinton, Albright, and Carter had balls, things might could have been done back then. Since they don't, nothing was done, and that is the point. By the time Bush enters the equation, NK already had what they needed to make a nuke, several of them, actually. Once a nation is to that point, there is not a whole lot you can do from a diplomatic standpoint, and completion of the objective becomes paramount to them. I'll ask you once again, what would be the purpose in further negotiation with NK, after violating the original agreement?
Pretty much. If the UN, Clinton, Albright, and Carter had balls, things might could have been done back then. Since they don't, nothing was done, and that is the point. By the time Bush enters the equation, NK already had what they needed to make a nuke, several of them, actually. Once a nation is to that point, there is not a whole lot you can do from a diplomatic standpoint, and completion of the objective becomes paramount to them. I'll ask you once again, what would be the purpose in further negotiation with NK, after violating the original agreement?

Okay, thanks for nthe confoirmation.

You ask: I'll ask you once again, what would be the purpose in further negotiation with NK, after violating the original agreement?

Probably not much. You ask the wrong question. Its the question you DON'T ask that is most suspect.

What could have been done since, specifically in the last 5 1/2 years? Did W's foreign policy help or hurt the strength of our position with the DPRK? For you to absolve all respoibility, positive or negative, from the W, is very, very telling.
tell me beefy...did you honestly think that Dixie would be capable of placing any blame on his blue jean baby for any foreign policy mistakes?
cite? Because I believe President Clinton had the nuclear program HALTED and not going anywhere...

When Bush called them the axis of evil and pulled out of the deal... they started the program again!
Correct if I'm wrong, but Madeline Albright admitted the Clinton admin knew the Norks were cheating.
That statute of limitations has expired on blaming Clinton.

Bush has been in office for six years.

North Korea going "nuclear" has been a concern since the Reagan adminstration. Previous adminstrations at least contained and put the brakes on north korean nuclear development.

The uranium the north koreans developed in the 1990s, was on ice. They hadn't built bombs.

North Korea became a nuclear power on Bush's watch.

NK couldn't have become a nuclear power on Clinton's watch. They did not have enough electrical power generation infrastructure needed to run the fuel fractioning and centrifuge program.
No, I'm saying the Clinton treaty did exactly what it intended to do: put the North Korean plutonium program on ice. And on ice is where its been since 1994. Yes, it would have been nice if Clinton had the ability to see into the future, and predict that the pakistanis would helpe the koreans get uranium enrichment techonolgy. But, it didn't happen. Too bad clinton wasn't a mind-reader.

Now, when we found out our "friends", the pakistanis, where helping the North Koreans, with uranium enrichment in 2002, that was clear evidence that bold american action was needed.

Bush twideled his thumbs and failed.

Oh, see it prevented Anal rape. Clinton never siad he was going to prevent vaginal rape....
I'm saying the Clinton treaty did exactly what it intended to do: put the North Korean plutonium program on ice.

This is a lie, anyway. The agreement negotiated by Clinton, with NK, was to bring them back into compliance with the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, and called for complete discontinuing of their nucelar weapons programs, it had nothing to do with the specific enrichment of plutonium or uranium, both were prohibited under the agreement.

Its the question you DON'T ask that is most suspect.

What could have been done since, specifically in the last 5 1/2 years?

I thought I answered you, after we learned that Il couldn't be trusted to negotiate in good faith, there was no further diplomatic solution, nothing could have been done to change the inevitable, republicans nor democrats have a magic feather to tickle Kim Jongs ass and make him change. If Bush hadn't been such a pseudo-liberal, he might've lit up Kim Jongs little world and gotten results, but of course, liberals would have had a cow about that.
Dodge, Divert, Obfuscate.

Clinton and his supporters never blamed predesessors for foreign policy crises, when Clinton was on watch. Although he could have if he wanted.