Bush to bail out homeowners!

LOL Yeah you might just fill in for Dixie here yet.

I don't know why I keep falling for the same delusion that you are a rational debater.
You are stuck in your ways and you just throw out stupid irrelevant one-liners whenever you can't come up with anything. What a waste of life, I'm sure your wife is much better off. Loser.
I don't know why I keep falling for the same delusion that you are a rational debater.
You are stuck in your ways and you just throw out stupid irrelevant one-liners whenever you can't come up with anything. What a waste of life, I'm sure your wife is much better off. Loser.

Good lord...from the guy who spent who knows how long digging up a thread where another poster said she was "fat," because it seemed to give him "satisfaction"...
"You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves." – Abraham Lincoln

Am I in the twilight zone?

LadyT making market arguments. Jarod, I am not sure about, but I thought he was a Dem. Even USC understands that the real interest being protected here are the wealthy bankers, he just argues the conservative status quo mantra again.

this is a common prejudiced that permeates conservatives. Contrary to what believe, dems and liberals (especially on this board) are very economically savy and understand the fallout of said intervention by the government.
Yeah Dano's editing of quotes is getting tiresome.
No, your constant repitition is getting tiresome. Plus he doesn't edit the post, he edits the name. There is a difference between one and the other.

Now SF and Cypress edit actual quotes with stuff like "Fixed that for ya" afterward. But making fun of your name? You are too sensitive.
But you do realize the Dems aren't blaming irresponsible people right? Instead they are all blaming the lenders, because hey people who freely take out loans can't be responsible for knowing what could be above their heads can they?
..... Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has an agenda that calls for “stiff penalties to deter fraud and protect consumers against abusive lending practices.” "

What is the big deal, if you buy a house you can't afford then oh well at least you got to live in that house for some period of time and boohoo you have to look into a smaller house or apartment, that's a lot better than some get in life who never see a single year in a house.

This is why you've become such a joke.

You quote from Obama was fine. Unless of course you support predatory lending and abusive lending policies.

You seem to want to blame the dems for this when its Bush that's leading the pack!
No, your constant repitition is getting tiresome. Plus he doesn't edit the post, he edits the name. There is a difference between one and the other.

Now SF and Cypress edit actual quotes with stuff like "Fixed that for ya" afterward. But making fun of your name? You are too sensitive.

Take pity on poor uscitizen, when I change his name to abusedcitizen he is confunded with that enormity of puzzling deception...

There you go uscitizen, I edited Damo's name so you won't feel all alone.
Damo, please don't freak out, I knew I've wounded you bigtime with that name, I mean "quote" change. Hopefully you can grin and bear it, if not I am here for you man! It will be ok, deep breaths.
" Bush to bail out homeowners!"

Ya it figures. Republicans only talk about personal responsibility. They want to be in your bedroom and your finances. Democrats are no better on the financial issues but at least they don't pretend to be.
So just don't pay your mortgage for 3 months and you get to refinance for cheaper. Lol @ you dumb fucking kool aid drinking republicans. Why should I vote for you closeted (R) faggots when you do this shit? Got an answer Dano?
No, your constant repitition is getting tiresome. Plus he doesn't edit the post, he edits the name. There is a difference between one and the other.

Now SF and Cypress edit actual quotes with stuff like "Fixed that for ya" afterward. But making fun of your name? You are too sensitive.

OH well damo just keep defending your con buddies.
Okay. If that's what you come away with, so be it.

It's ok Damo. Dano does need someone to help him out, and I say this without one trace of sarcasm. Totally sincere. I mean, when he gets himself on the ground, and let's face it, that's pretty often, everyone lines up to take a kick at that poor bastard, even other conservatives. I've noticed.
so be it.

I just can't see it any other way. Why else would you respond in the way that you did ?
Because it was reminiscent of recent complaints that I have had. I did note that Cypress and SF change actual quotes, I guess Cypress is a Con Buddy.