But I only downloaded 5 illegally!

Well record off the radio then, don't download, because there is a legal difference. And duping things checked out from the library is fully illegal.

You guys might not care if guys in suits deliver a summons or not, but I do.
Well, I don't think it should be illegal. Thats no more illegal than hearing a song on the radio and recording it with your tape player. Record companies have been screwing us for years. They can kiss my butt.


you right about its no more illeagal recording a song from the radio, witch is technicly illegal.

the thing is now with downloading em instead of ripping like you say, is that they have proof that you actuly did it, and there is a paper trail.

i think it should be illeagal... but it should be a hell of alot cheeper... relly what this is all about is that the major record labels have alot more compitition now, and they will not make nearly as much $$$ as they used too. they are getting all the $$ while they still can
you right about its no more illeagal recording a song from the radio, witch is technicly illegal.

the thing is now with downloading em instead of ripping like you say, is that they have proof that you actuly did it, and there is a paper trail.

i think it should be illeagal... but it should be a hell of alot cheeper... relly what this is all about is that the major record labels have alot more compitition now, and they will not make nearly as much $$$ as they used too. they are getting all the $$ while they still can

recording tv shows and duplicating em is also illeagal... like i said above, now they can prove it
alright this is pretty far out their... but any way...

say someone downloaded your DNA or your kids DNA, and started making copies of you or your kid and giving or selling em to others that would use em for whatever reason.

ok this is a lil far fecthed but just tring to make a point, and no i dont think people can be property
They can't tell what you record off of TV unless you have DVR/Tivo. Can you get the recording out of the Tivo box ?

Everything we do leaves a trail on the net though.
Those darn fools still getting busted for downloading kiddie porn are perverts and STUPIDO!
Like I said, the music industry has been screwing us for years. I have no sympathy for them. And I don't think it should be illegal.
And that means we listen more than talk politics? Honestly, if most of us cared about music as much as we do about politics we'd be on a music site, not a politics site.

Nah, I love music. I'm always downloading new songs onto my ipod.

But I've paid for every single song.
Right. I am just giving an opinion on why most people are not answering this thread to deny downloading. I don't think most of us download because most on this site are more interested in other pursuits.

Is there anything that you won't argue about?
Am I the only one here who has not performed illegal music downloads ?
No, I have no downloaded music at all, no pirated software, and no downloaded ringtones. The creator of the work deserves to be paid.
Looking at my collection of vinyls, cassattes, CD's, VHS, DVD's and software I could pretty much guarantee that I have contributed as much or more dollars to these forms of media than anyone who has contributed to this thread .. .. so if I have a few downloaded songs (which by the way I more than likely already purchased on one of the above platforms) i dont feel guilty.
I understand that rationale klaatu. But the law is the law. That is my point.
Many people in prison have no feelings of guilt either.
I don't feel that consumption of a certain controlled substance is wrong either, but understand that if one is caught you pay the price.
I understand that rationale klaatu. But the law is the law. That is my point.
Many people in prison have no feelings of guilt either.
I don't feel that consumption of a certain controlled substance is wrong either, but understand that if one is caught you pay the price.
Jury nullification. Those who believe that they have done nothing wrong have the power, on a jury, to simply let people off the hook without regard to what was written as law.

Personally I download from iTunes, but I pay for what I get. I only do that when I don't want a whole album, only a song or two from an album.

Yes, I love music, but clearly I don't obsess about it like people I have seen on music forums, like we do about politics.