But I only downloaded 5 illegally!

LOL. No, I really have. Maybe it's because I'm a writer, but I respect other people's creative output and believe they should be paid for it.

I do think that itunes charges too much.
As an aspiring -- read: frustrated -- author myself, I can relate to the principle. But let's get real here.

You've never borrowed a CD from someone to load up a particular track? Never ripped an MP3 from an internet or radio broadcast? If you really haven't then I'm genuinely impressed. I don't feel particularly guilty, you understand, but I'm definitely impressed.


I did the Limewire thing for a while until my conscience got the better of me. I do have some tracks from borrowed CDs. I do have a few things I've recorded "off the air" as it were. Most of my music I bought, however. And, like Klaatu, I've got a lot of music.
As an aspiring -- read: frustrated -- author myself, I can relate to the principle. But let's get real here.

You've never borrowed a CD from someone to load up a particular track? Never ripped an MP3 from an internet or radio broadcast? If you really haven't then I'm genuinely impressed. I don't feel particularly guilty, you understand, but I'm definitely impressed.


I did the Limewire thing for a while until my conscience got the better of me. I do have some tracks from borrowed CDs. I do have a few things I've recorded "off the air" as it were. Most of my music I bought, however. And, like Klaatu, I've got a lot of music.

No, I never did. In the interest of full disclosure I should state that I am a technology retard, and have no idea how to "rip an mp3 rom a radio broadcast". I just got an ipod for christmas to show you how backwards I really am. I was impressed that I learned how to use it easily enough. But I'm lucky I can go to itunes and legally download music onto it. You just have to enter your credit card, and see, a credit card, I know how to use.
Darly, I have made my living off of the bleeding edge tech for many years.
I own no Ipod or blackberry or palm pilot :D
I did finally get a cellphone last year due to job requirements.
I have been thinking about getting an MP3 player though....
To use while on the tractor and lawnmower.
Darly, I have made my living off of the bleeding edge tech for many years.
I own no Ipod or blackberry or palm pilot :D
I did finally get a cellphone last year due to job requirements.
I have been thinking about getting an MP3 player though....
To use while on the tractor and lawnmower.

Yeah you should. They are great. I use mine a lot since I got it. I even put it in at work sometimes. I think it lowers your blood pressure. It makes me feel less stressed. It annoys my co-workers though. Especially when I start belting out the lyrics to Son of a Preacher man.

That other stuff, I have no idea. My friend just got a blackberry and a bluetooth. And I saw him the other night, and he's got this thing in his ear, unconnected to anything, and he's like, oh yeah it's a blue tooth, and it's connected to my ipod and my cell phone and my black berry and i get all my emails, you gotta get one. Like I really want to be getting my emails and phone calls 24/7. No thanks.
Yeah you should. They are great. I use mine a lot since I got it. I even put it in at work sometimes. I think it lowers your blood pressure. It makes me feel less stressed. It annoys my co-workers though. Especially when I start belting out the lyrics to Son of a Preacher man.

That other stuff, I have no idea. My friend just got a blackberry and a bluetooth. And I saw him the other night, and he's got this thing in his ear, unconnected to anything, and he's like, oh yeah it's a blue tooth, and it's connected to my ipod and my cell phone and my black berry and i get all my emails, you gotta get one. Like I really want to be getting my emails and phone calls 24/7. No thanks.
I swear to God, thsoe Blue Tooth headsets are a scam. They're just a yuppie pacifier. Half these yo-yo's probably don't even have them connected: it just lets them stand in line at Starbucks and babble to themselves while imagining they look important. In fact, they just look like loons babbling to themselves, of course.
I swear to God, thsoe Blue Tooth headsets are a scam. They're just a yuppie pacifier. Half these yo-yo's probably don't even have them connected: it just lets them stand in line at Starbucks and babble to themselves while imagining they look important. In fact, they just look like loons babbling to themselves, of course.

LOL! I've thought the same thing myself.
I like my bluetooth. I only turn it on in the truck. It sits in there all lonely at all other times.
Like I really want to be getting my emails and phone calls 24/7. No thanks.

There's a woman after my own heart! E-mails are great so that you can access them on your time and at your convenience. I used to have a cell phone for road emergencies, but it stayed turned off in my briefcase and wasn't worth even the low monthly fee. I don't want people to be able to get in touch with me whenever they feel like it!
I was wondering the other day about the effect of the information age on educations. It is now sort of like most everything in college being gotten from Cliffs notes aka the net and search engines...I wonder how many actually read the whole book to get the entire content.
I am not sure what this will mean but expect it to mean something down the road.
I was wondering the other day about the effect of the information age on educations. It is now sort of like most everything in college being gotten from Cliffs notes aka the net and search engines...I wonder how many actually read the whole book to get the entire content.
I am not sure what this will mean but expect it to mean something down the road.

I'm afraid that it's not a good sign for the future of critical thinking -- but then we're not seeing a whole lot of that in schools now or for the past several years anyway, are we! I worry that students will assume that whatever superficial information they may gain from glossing over information in 'net sources is all there is. We see that all the time; far too many even comprehend that there's much, much more involved than they can read in a quick synopsis written by someone whose opinion they're not in a position to evaluate.

Take wikipedia, for instance. It can be a valuable resource, no question, but it is written by individuals and there's not time or room to present all the information that might pertain to a topic. Neither does much seem to be referenced. Last time I looked up something, I went away with far more questions than answers! Students who rely on such sources, without further direction, may not even be aware that there are or should be further questions. That's my concern.
I think that most people are connected, therefore they have access to many times over the information that was presented to them in the past. Just as history classes teach one where to look for information, it also teaches nowadays, vetting the information. A child who gets an "F" because they access Ahmadenijad's website on the Holocaust rather than getting more information will not make that mistake again. They'll check for futher information.

Hence the reason I dislike most ethnics classes in Colleges as the textbooks that are required are usually written by the Professor themselves. Churchill was a great example of one-sided teaching with almost no critical thinking. Grades often suffered for those that questioned his perception on Native American studies.

If we wish our children to learn critical thinking, then they must be required to use it rather than be punished for it. When a Poli-sci teacher creates a Bully Pulpit for their own views it is a sad state of affairs...

If a student is able to get a passing grade after reading only cliff's notes on a subject then the teacher is not doing their job.
Hmm that brings up many other questions about just what a Teachers job is....

Of course the teacher has to teach the books or they will have those like Dixie in there that will foul up the class for everyone else.
In all fairness I must say that I believe the penalty imposed on "casual" downloaders of music for their own use its disporportionately high. I believe the monetary penalty is much higher than it is for far more serious crimes.
I believe the penalty should be 10X the retail price of the product they "stole".
And all should go to the owner of the property stolen, not the state. Court costs should cover the state. Unless of course the state aims to profit from crime ? ;)
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I have downloaded tunes, but they are mostly tunes that you can not find any other place...the ones that are no longer available for purchase.
If I could buy them legally, I would...I swear! I downloaded those tunes for a 60th anniversary slideshow presentation for my parents.
I didn't resell or use for profit, just for fond memories for two 80 years olds and their children!