Butt hurt liberal protesters standing in street get car-owned

I was expecting something like this:

A bike makes sense where you live. Less parking hassles and cut through the traffic.
Since this thread is about discussing the driver(s) brought up in this thread, are you attempting to derail the subject matter?? :dunno:

The racist loving Pastor brought his enthusiasm for attempted vehicular homicide, which is felonious driving, to the thread.
I was commenting on his support for running people down on purpose.
On point and well within discussion parameters Ma'am.
The racist loving Pastor brought his enthusiasm for attempted vehicular homicide, which is felonious driving, to the thread.
I was commenting on his support for running people down on purpose.
On point and well within discussion parameters Ma'am.

Has either driver been arrested and/or charged with "attempted vehicular homicide" or even a felony, in regards to the videos posted??