Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
FYI ,I met Top on a gay marriage thread! She's against it.
No doubt. TOP is a very unhappy person and she attracts very unhappy people in her web.
FYI ,I met Top on a gay marriage thread! She's against it.
You are obsessed with marriage customs and property transactions, and cling to them in an attempt to score tepid points But those are institutions and practices are an insignificant part of a universal moral order
I am pretty sure Plato, Descartes, Hobbes, Cicero, Boethius, Siddhartha Gautama, Zhuangzi, Zarathustra, Hegel, Kant wasted very little ink writing about marriage contacts and real estate transactions.
They had bigger fish to fry.
"Queers"? WTF![]()
hahahahahaha ...
Yes, I'm sure they did. But, everybody is familiar with marriage and property. And you like to mix religion with everything, so I'm interested in how religion and Queer marriage are co-joined?
Isn't this what you posted?
--->' "Many contemporary secular practices, categories, and judgments are in fact Christian. The Christian language is removed, but the deep Christian structure remains in the universalism of our moral ideals.". "
You talk about everything springing from religion, but when asked about specific things, ramble off a dozen names as a diversion to answering ANY question.
"Queers"? WTF![]()
It always took radicals (by the standards of their day) to bend the arc of history towards equality, respect for human dignity, spiritual and political freedom.
Socrates was a radical.
Jesus was a radical.
Martin Luther was a radical.
Thomas Jefferson was a radical.
William Loyd Garrison was a radical.
Frederick Douglass was a radical.
Susan B. Anthony was a radical.
Martin Luther King, Jr was a radical.
It always took radicals (by the standards of their day) to bend the arc of history towards equality, respect for human dignity, spiritual and political freedom.
Socrates was a radical.
Jesus was a radical.
Martin Luther was a radical.
Thomas Jefferson was a radical.
William Loyd Garrison was a radical.
Frederick Douglass was a radical.
Susan B. Anthony was a radical.
Martin Luther King, Jr was a radical.
And they always had to do it in the face of stiff, and even violent opposition from conservative heirarchy and institutions.
Queers didn't fare well in the Christian world. I certainly would like Cypress to explain it to me, but alas, I know he never will. He can't. I know he wants to.![]()
Translation: 'I can't explain how religion and Queers getting married now are co-joined, so I will fall back on my technique of blathering out a bunch of names ... that usually distracts everyone from the Question that I can't answer'.
Jesus is LORD!
"Before Abraham I AM"
The term "Queer" is offensive!
The term "Queer" is offensive!Queers didn't fare well in the Christian world. I certainly would like Cypress to explain it to me, but alas, I know he never will. He can't. I know he wants to.![]()
It always took radicals (by the standards of their day) to bend the arc of history towards equality, respect for human dignity, spiritual and political freedom.
Socrates was a radical.
Jesus was a radical.
Martin Luther was a radical.
Thomas Jefferson was a radical.
William Loyd Garrison was a radical.
Frederick Douglass was a radical.
Susan B. Anthony was a radical.
Martin Luther King, Jr was a radical.
And they always had to do it in the face of stiff, and even violent opposition from conservative heirarchy and institutions.
You assume I am required to accept the premise of your question, which I don't.Queers didn't fare well in the Christian world. I certainly would like Cypress to explain it to me, but alas, I know he never will. He can't. I know he wants to.![]()
You assume I am required to accept the premise of your question, which I don't.
I told you why. Marriage customs and property transactions are not part of humanity's trajectory towards a natural universal moral order, as far as I can tell. Outside of the fact that it indirectly impinges on the ethics of equality.
That's why the great moral philosophers of history barely ever wrote about marriage customs and real estate deals.
Agreed, Cypress. Unfortunately, Jack only speaks Troll when he gets this way.
Let's face facts, white Americans of European descent, as well as most blacks, practice New Testament ethics, to some extent. Regardless of whether we call ourselves agnostic or secular. You can strip away the Christian language, but the New Testament ethics lurks beneath
Just as someone born in East Asia, whether they realize or not, have their ethical and social perspective colored by Confucian and Buddhist wisdom.
Why does*Cypress fight the Truth?
Why won't Cypress accept Jesus as his Personal Savior?
(sigh) I have a Bad Felling on this one, Mason.
Lake of Fire. One hot motherfucker.
Eternity. A real long time.