Mason Michaels
Verified User
Only to Wokesters.
I'm not a "Wokester" whatever that is!
Only to Wokesters.
You assume I am required to accept the premise of your question, which I don't.
I told you why. Marriage customs and property transactions are not part of humanity's arc towards a natural universal moral order, as far as I can tell. Outside of the fact that it indirectly impinges on the ethics of equality.
That's why the great moral philosophers of history barely ever wrote about marriage customs and real estate deals.
Let's face facts, white Americans of European descent, as well as most blacks, practice New Testament ethics, to some extent. Regardless of whether we call ourselves agnostic or secular. You can strip away the Christian language, but the New Testament ethics lurks beneath
Just as someone born in East Asia, whether they realize or not, have their ethical and social perspective colored by Confucian and Buddhist wisdom.
I never understood why Jewish culture in the Middle East 2000 years ago is supposed to establish reality in my life. Can anyone explain?
I never understood why Jewish culture in the Middle East 2000 years ago is supposed to establish reality in my life. Can anyone explain?
The Holy Spirit that came at Pentecost after Jesus ascended! Is available to you today!
It is no surprise we learn about religion as an adult. I suspect no one would learn for the first time as an adult and convert.
I had zero religious training or experience till an Epiphany at 26 ,on Nov 1 1975.
Because it's not. Who told you it was? Speaking of 2000 year old dead Jews and today, there's this:
And you're still spewing phrases I learned in Sunday school when I was 10 years old.
Sunday School didn't get through to you!
You assume I am required to accept the premise of your question, which I don't.
I told you why. Marriage customs and property transactions are not part of humanity's arc towards a natural universal moral order, as far as I can tell. Outside of the fact that it indirectly impinges on the ethics of equality.
That's why the great moral philosophers of history barely ever wrote about marriage customs and real estate deals.
It's not, you reject Salvation, your file gets sent to another's
DeskView attachment 22199
I'm not a "Wokester" whatever that is!
I never understood why Jewish culture in the Middle East 2000 years ago is supposed to establish reality in my life. Can anyone explain?
Yes. You too can live forever. (have you considered accepting Jesus as your Personal Savior?)