Cal does what they always do

LOL... Topspin knows of what he speaks.

I don't know what kind of crazy mind games winter is playing.
To tell you the truth, I almost did a Sienfeld on it. I was a barternder in the 80's in a Playboy top 50 club for nearly 10 yrs and never ran into anything close to what I saw at 42 hanging with some 20yr olds.
I don't know what kind of crazy mind games winter is playing.
To tell you the truth, I almost did a Sienfeld on it. I was a barternder in the 80's in a Playboy top 50 club for nearly 10 yrs and never ran into anything close to what I saw at 42 hanging with some 20yr olds.

I live in a college town. I know the people that own a few of the more popular college bars. I've heard about the game played by the younger set.

But I also know what the older set is doing. There are plenty of grownup women who are as wild or wilder than any 20something girls. And have the experience to know what they are doing.

If I were going to play, it would definitally be with a grownup instead of some college chick. Nothing is sadder than watching some guy my age try to recapture his youth by chasing kids half his age.
I live in a college town. I know the people that own a few of the more popular college bars. I've heard about the game played by the younger set.

But I also know what the older set is doing. There are plenty of grownup women who are as wild or wilder than any 20something girls. And have the experience to know what they are doing.

If I were going to play, it would definitally be with a grownup instead of some college chick. Nothing is sadder than watching some guy my age try to recapture his youth by chasing kids half his age.

Some college chick = 18+.

With all due respect to cougars and older women, stop trying to rationalize your old age by dissing us properly young people. Thanks.
Some college chick = 18+.

With all due respect to cougars and older women, stop trying to rationalize your old age by dissing us properly young people. Thanks.

I'm not dissing young people. I am praising older women. Not the same thing.

I am also not rationalizing my old age. I am enjoying it.
Listen causal sex is not meant to have a litmus test on would you spend the rest of your life with her.
Take a look at 3d's pick She's under 25, there's not a 40+ woman alive that is in her universe of hottness. Now go back to your dust houchie momma.
Listen causal sex is not meant to have a litmus test on would you spend the rest of your life with her.
Take a look at 3d's pick She's under 25, there's not a 40+ woman alive that is in her universe of hottness. Now go back to your dust houchie momma.

I didn't say they were as hot to look at. If that is your sole measure of who to fuck, then you are missing out on a lotta great fun.

If we were talking about someone to take a picture of, then the young hotties are the ticket. Maybe you just want to look. Or maybe you want someone who will be learning.

Or maybe you don't want to have someone with enough experience to know how lousy you are in bed. If thats the case, then stick with your young ones. They'll be impressed that you have you own car.
OK gramps why do rich and famous older guys bang chicks like the one in 3d's photo?
Because they can,
rationalize all you want, you look gay'r by the moment.
OK gramps why do rich and famous older guys bang chicks like the one in 3d's photo?
Because they can,
rationalize all you want, you look gay'r by the moment.

Probably for the reasons I listed above and because they are interested in trophies over quality.

How old are you Topper?

BTW, if you think my preference for older women makes me look gay, you might want to use that superior college education to look up the meaning of the word "gay". Plus, I am talking about who is the best in bed. You are talking about what looks best. Which of those is more gay?
49 and I'm talking looks grampaw

I am only 3 years older than you are.

This entire argument started when I stated my personal tastes and you decided to insult me because you think I am wrong. If you want a 20 year old, knock yourself out. But I am no more wrong for disagreeing than I would be for saying I prefer white wine over red.

You have become as big an asshole as SouthernMan. Anyone who disagrees with you or has different tastes or makes different choices is gay, a GEDer, or whatever. You TRY and sound open-minded. But you are as closed-minded the neocons you argue with.

Get a grip, man.
I am only 3 years older than you are.

This entire argument started when I stated my personal tastes and you decided to insult me because you think I am wrong. If you want a 20 year old, knock yourself out. But I am no more wrong for disagreeing than I would be for saying I prefer white wine over red.

You have become as big an asshole as SouthernMan. Anyone who disagrees with you or has different tastes or makes different choices is gay, a GEDer, or whatever. You TRY and sound open-minded. But you are as closed-minded the neocons you argue with.

Get a grip, man.

Listen gramps or mr kettle. Nothing I called you in the good natured ribbing is as bad as asswhole you jerk.
If your acting as though what I'm saying is not commonly accepeted you live in ferry land:pke:
Listen gramps or mr kettle. Nothing I called you in the good natured ribbing is as bad as asswhole you jerk.
If your acting as though what I'm saying is not commonly accepeted you live in ferry land:pke:

Ok Junior, I'm listening. Let me know when you say something that isn't wasting my time?

If you live your life what you see other "famous rich men" doing, then you have no room to talk about any one else's ignorance.

And if I live in the land of boats that carry large numbers of passengers and their cars, I would simply be confused. The word you want is "fairy".
P.S. I'm married to a woman 47 that is hotter than the extreemly hot now 25 yr old I was dating.
I'm just not cracking on guys who go young.
P.S. I'm married to a woman 47 that is hotter than the extreemly hot now 25 yr old I was dating.
I'm just not cracking on guys who go young.

I didn't crack on those guys either, until you started trying to say I was wrong or that there was something wrong with me.

Now it turns out you and I have the same tastes. The difference is that I say it out loud.
I refuse to "date" anyone who is not at least 10 years older than my oldest child.

Its a personal choice, and I know lots of guys who want the hot 20somethings.

Personally, I find mature women much sexier. The most important and potent sex organ in the human body is between the ears, not between the legs.

well I still say this gem is garbage,
I'll take the chick in the photo vs the brainiac and so would most men gramps.
well I still say this gem is garbage,
I'll take the chick in the photo vs the brainiac and so would most men gramps.

I didn't say anything bad about the woman in the pic, nor did I say I wanted a brainiac.

I said I prefer (personal choice) women closer to my age that have experience over college age women. And I said that the most potent sex organ in the body is between the ears not between the legs.