Cal does what they always do

I am only 3 years older than you are.

This entire argument started when I stated my personal tastes and you decided to insult me because you think I am wrong. If you want a 20 year old, knock yourself out. But I am no more wrong for disagreeing than I would be for saying I prefer white wine over red.

You have become as big an asshole as SouthernMan. Anyone who disagrees with you or has different tastes or makes different choices is gay, a GEDer, or whatever. You TRY and sound open-minded. But you are as closed-minded the neocons you argue with.

Get a grip, man.

Haha, you're young, my dad is 10 years older than you! :clink:

Seriously, though, I will probably appreciate the older women when I am that age. Sometimes you can see an older woman, realize that she is quite beautiful, and understand that she was probably ultra hot when she was in her 20s, so at least that's something!!
I'll give you brain on long term
less than a year I'll take 3D's pic

Precisely. Less than a year, and she can be fairly unintelligent, so long as she gives me orgasms. Less than a month and she can be dumb as rocks. One night stand or weekend fling and she can be a total bitch.

Any disagreements?