California Condor is rebounding.

Hello Celticguy,

Sounds plausible, but there is this puzzling little problem with the headline. It is not documented. It is conjecture. This sentence from your link gives away the misleading title:

"The fact is, in recent years, many missing condors have most likely perished at wind farms in California."

That is not a fact. That is a guess.

Now, it is very reasonable that if an organization such as "National Wind Watch," "a nonprofit coalition for raising awareness of the shortcomings of industrial wind energy and its negative impacts on the environment, economy, and quality of life," was able to document that condors were being killed by turbines, that they would document that on their site.

But they haven't.

And that strongly suggests no condors have been killed by turbines.

"I am an expert on birds of prey and in my opinion, California condors have died at the Tehachapi Pass wind farm. An independent team of observers having full access to the Tehachapi Pass wind farm could confirm this in 12 to 24 months time. "

This opinion piece you linked was from 2007. It said there were 130 condors in the wild. Now, we hear that there are 1000. Plenty of time has passed for this suggestion of his to occur. Why was this the best link you could find? Is there no newer link providing the results of his proposed study? Is that because the ban on lead bullets in the region had the intended effect? It WAS scientifically documented that lead bullets were responsible for killing condors. Why are you unable to find any documentation that turbines have also taken at least ONE BIRD?

First link of many on google.
Why else would condors need to rebound ?
I first saw the Andean condor up close when I was in the Cordillera de Mérida (Venezuelan Andes).
In re-tracing how my path crossed the condors, I reviewed some key intel about this magnificent bird.

These things are the largest flying birds in the world, they are monogamous for life, and can live to be 75 years old. Holy smoke!

Condor de Los Andes: Messenger of the Sun:

The Andean condor is the largest flying bird in the world. Its scientific name is Vutur Gryphus

The condor is monogamous for life

The condor weighs 9 to 15 kilograms

The condor lives up to 75 years old.
Hello Celticguy,

First link of many on google.
Why else would condors need to rebound ?

You are quite welcome to try again, seeing as how the first one did not work out very well for your argument.

Why don't you just be honest and go ahead and say you really don't care about the condors, you simply oppose alternative energy.
Almost every time I watch a nature show on PBS there is some mention of how Human activity is impacting wildlife. And a lot of the shows treat climate change as if it is FACT. (Because it is.)

I can't imagine how deniers can even watch nature shows any more.

Must really get their hackles up.

They probably just don't watch that stuff.

Go tune in to some more for profit corporate brain-washing...
Hello Celticguy,

You are quite welcome to try again, seeing as how the first one did not work out very well for your argument.

Why don't you just be honest and go ahead and say you really don't care about the condors, you simply oppose alternative energy.

Alternative energy is expensive so yes i oppose it.
But im all for condors and other raptors.
Hello Celticguy,

Alternative energy is expensive so yes i oppose it.
But im all for condors and other raptors.

Alternative energy is being used and expanded for a reason.

That reason is climate change.

Climate change stands to kill far more birds than wind turbines.

If you are all for birds, then you should take a serious look at the daunting prospects of failure to properly address the threat of climate change.

Climate change could result in the extinction of 1 in 6 species, according to a 2015 Study published in Science.

Climate Change Likely To Take At Least One in Six
Hello Celticguy,

Alternative energy is being used and expanded for a reason.

That reason is climate change.

Climate change stands to kill far more birds than wind turbines.

If you are all for birds, then you should take a serious look at the daunting prospects of failure to properly address the threat of climate change.

Climate change could result in the extinction of 1 in 6 species, according to a 2015 Study published in Science.

Climate Change Likely To Take At Least One in Six

Ill worry about climate change when some actual science is provided that demonstrates that CO2 does what is claimed.
And i do not care for grackles. They can all go to hell.
Hello Celticguy,

Ill worry about climate change when some actual science is provided that demonstrates that CO2 does what is claimed.
And i do not care for grackles. They can all go to hell.


Well, that's honesty.

But why does something have to be proven before you believe in it?

Do you believe in love?

There is no proof love exists...

Do you believe in right over wrong?

What proof is there that anything is right or wrong?

Point is we believe in lots of things which are not proven. Why demand proof of this one thing that could threaten our entire planet before acting appropriately? That's a lot to risk on a hunch. The wise thing to do is prepare for the worst case while hoping for the best.

And it has not been proven that climate change does NOT exist, either.
Hello Celticguy,


Well, that's honesty.

But why does something have to be proven before you believe in it?

Do you believe in love?

There is no proof love exists...

Do you believe in right over wrong?

What proof is there that anything is right or wrong?

Point is we believe in lots of things which are not proven. Why demand proof of this one thing that could threaten our entire planet before acting appropriately? That's a lot to risk on a hunch. The wise thing to do is prepare for the worst case while hoping for the best.

And it has not been proven that climate change does NOT exist, either.

Why ?
Well, it is science we're talking about. Proof is the essense of science.
If thats not enough, pols want money because if it. And a lot of it.
Love has been proven.
Theyve even proven it in dogs. Of course its easy in them, they are far more advanced beings. They have trained us to pick up their crap in bags.
Why ?
Well, it is science we're talking about. Proof is the essense of science.
If thats not enough, pols want money because if it. And a lot of it.
Love has been proven.
Theyve even proven it in dogs. Of course its easy in them, they are far more advanced beings. They have trained us to pick up their crap in bags.

Why - because it is foolish to assume the best and act as if there is no threat when a possible threat exists.

Better to Be Prepared, the Boy Scout motto. Be Prepared, no matter what may come your way. If you are prepared, then you have the best chance to survive.

And plus, huge plus here, converting our energy to new sources is providing a lot of jobs and new economic opportunity. We are tapping into sustainable energy sources. Things like coal and oil are finite. They will run out. Sun will shine and wind will blow until the Earth is destroyed by the sun in a billion years. By then we will find the means to move to other planets. If we keep drilling blasting and digging we are destroying our own habitat.
Why - because it is foolish to assume the best and act as if there is no threat when a possible threat exists.

Better to Be Prepared, the Boy Scout motto. Be Prepared, no matter what may come your way. If you are prepared, then you have the best chance to survive.

And plus, huge plus here, converting our energy to new sources is providing a lot of jobs and new economic opportunity. We are tapping into sustainable energy sources. Things like coal and oil are finite. They will run out. Sun will shine and wind will blow until the Earth is destroyed by the sun in a billion years. By then we will find the means to move to other planets. If we keep drilling blasting and digging we are destroying our own habitat.

Sure carbon based is finite but solar and wind can be rendered moot if we start having volcanos go off (Yellowstone is threatening among others).
I have no issues with new sources but wind and solar have not been shown to be affordable. Fusion as discussed in other topical threads has that potential.
I do support actual conservation so i would welcome ways to limit emmissions but not at any costs or for false premises.
If you want to fret about something real, consider that we are fast running out of food and potable water.