California on track to receive Danish universal healthcare, paid maternity leave, subsidized child care, six weeks annual paid vacation

And yet Greenland is not Denmark or in the Caribbean.
No, it isn't. In WW 2, it became a protectorate of the US and continued in that state until 1951 when it was returned to Danish control.

If anything, the US presence and removal from being under the thumb of the Danish government gave Greenland a chance to modernize and grow like it had never done before. Many US economic advantages were introduced such as access to the Sears catalog mail order service (the Amazon of its day). Greenland adopted their own currency, stamps, and US rationing standards that were far higher than Denmark allowed.

If anything, should the US buy Greenland, the island and its people will do far better than remaining under Danish control.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, Greenlanders are fighting for independence from Denmark.
Yes, we forget about the Great Greenland War, where millions of Greenlanders are fighting while mounted on polar bears. The fighting has been so intense that Greenland has become Redland from all the blood. :ROFLMAO:
having to support US defense installations and bases (Denmark is part of NATO and obligated to do that)
NATO makes no such obligations. There are side treaties that some countries have to support some of the costs of bases, but Denmark is not one of them. Denmark does not have a large US presence there. The number of 18 is most often given, which is about the size of an embassy security detail plus a few exchange troops.

California gives more to the federal government than it receives. It has Silicon Valley, and Hollywood. The rest of the world would love to get their hands on California, and apparently trump thinks he would be better off without it.