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Paul was Saul who was a murderer of Christians who on his way to Damascus saw the light, or felt the guilt, and became a Christian. Paul's claim of homosexuality as an abomination is still levitical in nature. Things that were an abomination were punishible by death, but that was under the law, nothing could be an abomination under the new idea of Grace. Merely believing that Christ was the son of god, that he was persecuted and died under Pilate and that he was crucified and on the third day was resurrected. And ALL of this was done for you and that if you only believe you are saved.Matthew was a tax collector, not Paul.
There is no behavioral norm required. Honest belief saves you and you enter the kingdom of heaven. There is no list of things that keep you out EVEN if you believe. Paul never completely expunged himself of the Law and could never completely wrap his mind around Grace which is why he always talked of abominations and the like.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.John 3:16