Can a T-Shirt Be Worth $275?

There are also available actual diamonds that are made in a lab. These are not zircons they are chemically diamond. These are used industrially for example diamond tipped drill bits.
Zircon encrusted tweezers ?

Moving to Montana soon?

I am actually conisdering travelling around in a motorhome for a while. am trying to research and find a suitable wireless ISP that would work. I can work from anywhere as long as I have net access.

Might even ride my pygmy pony over by the dental floss bush.
No just wondering. That's what my wife has for jewelry. No one can tell the difference and no one is exploited. In our society this is almost considered a taboo but neither of us have even been much for established customs.

I've always thought that no one could tell the difference. I've worked with women who claim that they could, but I didn't believe it. I know that I can't tell the difference.
I am actually conisdering travelling around in a motorhome for a while. am trying to research and find a suitable wireless ISP that would work. I can work from anywhere as long as I have net access.

Might even ride my pygmy pony over by the dental floss bush.
You can do Verizon, it is quicker than the Satellite and you don't have to direct a dish. They pretty much have coverage in every major metro area. as you travel you could make sure you were in their coverage area each workday.
yep cehcking on such stuff. DiretcTV stuff won't work as my VPN client will not work thru them, too much delay.
I am comparing coverage areas right now for the wireless providers, and rates too. don't want a 1k/Month net bill.

Have relatives in Idaho, Durango, etc to visit as well as just see the sights some more while I still can. Have pretty much given up on emigrating to NZ.
IH8 -I think you're talking about moissanite (sp?) Ih8. after Christmas, I convinced myself that I was going to get a moissanite tennis bracelet, but they pretty expensive. They actually look like really really shiny diamonds. I researched htem before hand and thought it would be an okay buy, but when I saw them in person, I wasn't too impressed. But, alas. I am part of the problem, because unlike you're wife, I really really really really want a nice fat diamond ring. I can't help it. I'm trying not to. I almost feel sorry for my boyfriend.

Darla - Coach? I'm so dissappointed in you! ;) All kidding aside, every now and then coach will have a unique cool purse, but over all what I've seen in the department stores I haven't been willing to shell out half of my rent money for one.
IH8 -I think you're talking about moissanite (sp?) Ih8. after Christmas, I convinced myself that I was going to get a moissanite tennis bracelet, but they pretty expensive. They actually look like really really shiny diamonds. I researched htem before hand and thought it would be an okay buy, but when I saw them in person, I wasn't too impressed. But, alas. I am part of the problem, because unlike you're wife, I really really really really want a nice fat diamond ring. I can't help it. I'm trying not to. I almost feel sorry for my boyfriend.

I think moissanite is a bit different but I know what you're talking about. My wife has zircons and they look really great. We always say that our marriage will be sucessful because of it because we won't be in debt and thus arguing over spending money.

I really lucked out with my wife we see eye to eye on all the important stuff. I couldn't possibly have done better.
I think moissanite is a bit different but I know what you're talking about. My wife has zircons and they look really great. We always say that our marriage will be sucessful because of it because we won't be in debt and thus arguing over spending money.

I really lucked out with my wife we see eye to eye on all the important stuff. I couldn't possibly have done better.

That's great that you and your wife are in lock in step with stuff like that! I'd feel kind of funny with zircons for an engagement ring though. I'm not on that level yet.
Yeah most women I don't think would go for it. But when we think about it its just a rock. It has no real value. It isn't even that old of a tradition its only been around for like 50 years. Before that things like rubies and sapphires were more popular.

Things seem to be getting more demanding of monetary outlay now. Now I've noticed they have diamond weddng bands for men now.

I paid ten bucks for my wedding ring.
Its a good thing we're like this too. Because my wife stays home with our child and wants to homeschool our children so its on me to make the money. We do without so we can give more to our kids.
That is the way to go. I think parents what both work and keep the kids in childcare is a mistake. However some peoples income does require it, but most can lower their living standards a bit and spend more time on raising their kids as opposed to contracting the job out to others.
That is the way to go. I think parents what both work and keep the kids in childcare is a mistake. However some peoples income does require it, but most can lower their living standards a bit and spend more time on raising their kids as opposed to contracting the job out to others.

I don't necessarily agree with that. As long as the parents make an effort to spend quality time with their kids, the time they have learning social skills with other kids at daycare is valuable as well.
Its a good thing we're like this too. Because my wife stays home with our child and wants to homeschool our children so its on me to make the money. We do without so we can give more to our kids.

I tend to look at homeschooling with one eye crooked. Unless the school system is really bad, I don't think a parent (who typically doesn't have an education degree) is going to be nearly as effective as 12 years and over 20 different teachers some of which specialize in subjects. Don't you fear that you're kids are going to miss out on variety? I'm sure you and you're wife are quite capable of the basics or even have you're own specialties, but what if they want to take woodworking or Latin or Italian? Not to mention the learned social skills like networking and such.
I tend to look at homeschooling with one eye crooked. Unless the school system is really bad, I don't think a parent (who typically doesn't have an education degree) is going to be nearly as effective as 12 years and over 20 different teachers some of which specialize in subjects. Don't you fear that you're kids are going to miss out on variety? I'm sure you and you're wife are quite capable of the basics or even have you're own specialties, but what if they want to take woodworking or Latin or Italian? Not to mention the learned social skills like networking and such.

Tiana you've been talking to me for some time and I think you have a good feel for by wide and diverse array of knowledge.

My wife does as well in different areas.

Areas that I have a good enough base level of knowledge to instruct a child up to a high school level would be.

History both US and World
Computer Science
Government & Politics

My wife has that ability in the areas of

Also when you homeschool a child much of their time is spent in self education. Most of the various things that I know I have learned on my own time and my wife can say the same. We are avid readers. Homeschooling is done to foster in the child a love of learning and they will teach themselves in what they are most interested in.

We are not completely anti-classroom though. We agreed that if our child was interested in a subject we were not qualified to sufficiently teach such as economics, Mandarin or auto repair we could send them to a community college course for that.

I'm not knocking teachers but in my experience only about 10% that I had I would consider good or exceptional. The rest I can say without arrogance that I can outperform in an environment in which I could focus on my child. Teaching a class to competence is much harder than teaching 2 or 3 children. Your primary concern is to teach them how to learn.

Jefferson and Edison were both home schooled with excellent results. My daughter has already shown signs of being very bright and I fear that school may be stifling for her intellectually. It was for me and my wife when we were children and I tended to misbehave when I was bored. I would only get involved when teachers showed an interest in me and allowed me to work more independently.
I don't necessarily agree with that. As long as the parents make an effort to spend quality time with their kids, the time they have learning social skills with other kids at daycare is valuable as well.

Tiana that is one of the backwards type ways we know think in our modern society. Places like daycare and grade school segregate children based on age group. This is not good to do on a long term basis as you have other children socializing children. Traditionally it has been adults and to a lesser degree older children who socialize children and the results are often better.

Unless being trained by wacky fundamentalists homeschooled children tend to be more mature and are just as if not more socially adapted as kids who are in day care type environments. In fact day care environments tend to foster more aggressive behavior patterns in children.