Can anyone name one thing about evolution that is true?

Its a FACT that Evolution is a theory …………...based upon assumption, conjecture, and speculation that does not possess the actual evidence to validate it via applying the Scientific Method of observable, reproducible constant results via experimentation.

Gravity is a theory too. In science, everything is.
Gravity is a theory too. In science, everything is.

Gravity is quantifiable via observing its POTENTIAL, thus gravity is more than a theory its a reality. Just like the atom that can't be see by the human eye.....yet its observable potential has lead to a great many scientific discovers. Why don't you QUNATIFIY vertical evolution? You can't. Everything in science is a theory? Why then the scientific discipline of APPLIED SCIENCE? Don't confuse "pseudo science/philosophy with the actual application of SCIENCE. One exist only between the ears of mankind....the other is real as demonstrated through its observation, reproduction qualities, that is always constant when placed to the test of experimentation.

Vertical Evolution always fails the Scientific Method of cannot be reproduced in nature or in the lab. Thus it exist only within the mind of mankind...i.e., its discipline exists only as a philosophy.
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Theory of Electricity. Who knows, maybe it's True?

Electricity can be an is QUANTIFIED via its potential.....and it is both observed and reproducible in a constantly applied format based upon the scientific world of MATHMATICS.
That the world is 5,000 years old and man lived along side Nyasasaurus parringtoni

Geeze....this PASITE as never been parroted before on this website. And this proves evolution of course. Your pretention of intelligence? :palm: What it proves is that you are a SNOWFLAKE that can't string more than 3 words together in order to articulate your own thoughts.
Once again I must point out the obvious. Theoretical Science is not based upon the APPLICATION of SCEINCE...its based upon human PHILOSOPHY were men discuss among themselves the possibilities of things they cannot prove to be true. If....the biggest little word in the English language......Evolution were a fact, there would be no theory of evolution there would be a fact of science that is easily demonstrable via applying the Scientific Method. Evolution fails this test when ever it is attempted.
Electricity can be an is QUANTIFIED via its potential.....and it is both observed and reproducible in a constantly applied format based upon the scientific world of MATHMATICS.

"Evolution is still all too often (but wrongly) downplayed as “just a theory” in public discussions. This is partly due to an unfortunate misunderstanding of what a theory means in science, as opposed to its common language meaning. Evolution by natural selection is much more than just a hypothesis, and is as much a valid and well-accepted scientific theory as the theory of gravitation. What Darwin did for biology is on par with what Newton did for physics — and mathematics plays an important role in both theories."

The REAL question is how 'Life' began. No one can figure THAT part out. (My son claims the Planet was 'seeded' by Aliens)