Can anyone name one thing about evolution that is true?

Gravity is quantifiable via observing its POTENTIAL, thus gravity is more than a theory its a reality. Just like the atom that can't be see by the human eye.....yet its observable potential has lead to a great many scientific discovers. Why don't you QUNATIFIY vertical evolution? You can't. Everything in science is a theory? Why then the scientific discipline of APPLIED SCIENCE? Don't confuse "pseudo science/philosophy with the actual application of SCIENCE. One exist only between the ears of mankind....the other is real as demonstrated through its observation, reproduction qualities, that is always constant when placed to the test of experimentation.

Vertical Evolution always fails the Scientific Method of cannot be reproduced in nature or in the lab. Thus it exist only within the mind of mankind...i.e., its discipline exists only as a philosophy.

I asked for one thing about evolution that is true. Still waiting.

A scientist has been asking this question of his colleagues and none of them could give him an answer.

There are creatures in caves with eyes but their eyes are either non-functional or completely covered up. We see whales that are genetically similar to cows with strong cow stomachs, vestigial pelvises, and fetuses with nub teeth. We find humans with appendixes and tale bones with not much use and hair that bristles in the cold that isn't useful, and babies that grab with their feet that isn't useful. We see apes having about the same emotions as modern humans and being 98% genetically the same, and was even able to teach some of them sign language. We have found fossils of older hominids that look like apes but have somewhat bigger brain cases and the ability to walk upright (Lucy). We see later ones that have ape-like skulls but brains transitional between humans and apes (homo erectus). We have a fossil record that shows simpler organisms on lower layers and the most advanced organisms like humans and larger mammals on the very top. We have most creatures on lower layers not existing today and few species today existing in far in the past. Its like each layer has its own set of organisms and they gradually change layer by layer. We also have numerous transitional fossils in the right order for land animal, bird, horse, whale, mammal and human evolution. We see many examples of evolution today like viruses, dogs, nylon eating bacteria, flies that evolve new species that don't reproduce together, etc. We see retrovirus DNA inserted in other human and ape DNA long ago that perfectly matches showing inheritance. We see one human chromosome being equivalent to two fused ape chromosomes and even having the DNA indicators of fused chromosomes. We see many genes that are turned off in the same way in both humans and apes like vitamin C. In addition the genes of all organisms form a mathematically hierarchical family tree that is only seen in real genetic families and shared traits like five fingers and very similar body plans. We see arteries that are wrapped around the body in strange ways that is only explained by gradual evolution rather than a designer lie the Laryngeal artery in the giraffe.
Gravity is quantifiable via observing its POTENTIAL, thus gravity is more than a theory its a reality. Just like the atom that can't be see by the human eye.....yet its observable potential has lead to a great many scientific discovers. Why don't you QUNATIFIY vertical evolution? You can't. Everything in science is a theory? Why then the scientific discipline of APPLIED SCIENCE? Don't confuse "pseudo science/philosophy with the actual application of SCIENCE. One exist only between the ears of mankind....the other is real as demonstrated through its observation, reproduction qualities, that is always constant when placed to the test of experimentation.

Vertical Evolution always fails the Scientific Method of cannot be reproduced in nature or in the lab. Thus it exist only within the mind of mankind...i.e., its discipline exists only as a philosophy.

What exactly is an observable potential? I have never heard this term in any science book or discourse in my life.
What exactly is an observable potential? I have never heard this term in any science book or discourse in my life.

Exactly "SNOWFLAKE". The "potential" is observable energy. For instance...take GRAVITY as mentioned by another snowflake...declaring it was nothing but a theory and not fact of science. Newton dismissed that false premise by the potential energy that exists in the invisible force known as gravity. How? To simplify it.....take for instance a STEEL BALL has more potential energy when it is raised above the earth and dropped than it does at rest. That potential energy can be quantified...i.e., MEASURED in terms of mathematical science thus revealing as a fact the existence of a force called GRAVITY.

The same observed potential (observable energy) can be witnessed in the scientific field of ATOMIC energy, when a theory is placed to the test using the scientific method....the result of the original theory of splitting the atom (something that was not observable before now becomes observable energy in the form of an atomic explosion. In other words we now know something is real rather than theory because of the observance and reproducibility in a constant manner because the potential energy has now been realized instead of existing only between the ears of some philosopher. The field of ELECTRICTY is also demonstrated in terms of POTENTIAL ENERGY to be real and useful.

One can realize these terms when one deals in APPLIED SCIENCE rather than THEORETICAL SCIENCE (which in reality is nothing but philosophy pretending to be a scientific discipline).

Applied science deals in the reality of physics and the laws that regulate applying science to reality in producing real products, real formulas based upon the laws of mathematical probabilities that demonstrate the Observable Potential through application of those same laws of physics.

Again: The theory of evolution fails the test of the Scientific Method each and every time it is tested....that's why it will always be a theory, an idea of the mind based upon speculations and conjectures rather than the application of real science.

Here is some thought for pondering: Why is it that the Theory of Evolution fails the test of Applied Science (the scientific method of observable, reproducible, constant measurements (quantifiable)…..and Creation has never failed such a test? In fact Scientists such as Pasteur has proven that biological life can only be PROCREATED by pre-existing life within that same species....never has life been subject to reproduction in the lab....never. Science can dismantle a living subject all the way down to the atomic cellular level.....but when they attempt to reanimate that it....something is always missing, LIFE ITSELF. Science cannot explain nor reproduce that creating LIFE FORCE.

What? Is life itself a THEORY?
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Exactly "SNOWFLAKE". The "potential" is observable energy. For instance...take GRAVITY as mentioned by another snowflake...declaring it was nothing but a theory and not fact of science. Newton dismissed that false premise by the potential energy that exists in the invisible force known as gravity. How? To simplify it.....take for instance a STEEL BALL has more potential energy when it is raised above the earth and dropped than it does at rest. That potential energy can be quantified...i.e., MEASURED in terms of mathematical science thus revealing as a fact the existence of a force called GRAVITY.

The same observed potential (observable energy) can be witnessed in the scientific field of ATOMIC energy, when a theory is placed to the test using the scientific method....the result of the original theory of splitting the atom (something that was not observable before now becomes observable energy in the form of an atomic explosion. In other words we now know something is real rather than theory because of the observance and reproducibility in a constant manner because the potential energy has now been realized instead of existing only between the ears of some philosopher.

One can realize these terms when one deals in APPLIED SCIENCE rather than THEORETICAL SCIENCE (which in reality is nothing but philosophy pretending to be a scientific discipline).

Applied science deals in the reality of physics and the laws that regulate applying science to reality in producing real products, real formulas based upon the laws of mathematical probabilities that demonstrate the Observable Potential through application of those same laws of physics.

What proof do you have that a ball has higher potential energy when it is higher off the ground or that potential energy even exists? And don't get all smug and vitriolic on me just because I am skeptical of your gravity science religion. Its all a big scam for physicists to get science funding. Nobody has ever with their eyes seen the force behind gravity, only seen things falling which happens because God made things so that when objects have no support they have nothing to lift them and will fall. Scientists themselves admit they don't know what causes gravity. Gravity is just a theory and even scientists call it a theory, and we all knows theories are just speculation. Einstein even showed that Newton's theory of gravity is wrong in many cases and came up with his own unproven theory to explain it. Even his theory and Newton's theory doesn't work on the quantum mechanical level and scientists have failed to unite quantum mechanics and relativity.
There are creatures in caves with eyes but their eyes are either non-functional or completely covered up. We see whales that are genetically similar to cows with strong cow stomachs, vestigial pelvises, and fetuses with nub teeth. We find humans with appendixes and tale bones with not much use and hair that bristles in the cold that isn't useful, and babies that grab with their feet that isn't useful. We see apes having about the same emotions as modern humans and being 98% genetically the same, and was even able to teach some of them sign language. We have found fossils of older hominids that look like apes but have somewhat bigger brain cases and the ability to walk upright (Lucy). We see later ones that have ape-like skulls but brains transitional between humans and apes (homo erectus). We have a fossil record that shows simpler organisms on lower layers and the most advanced organisms like humans and larger mammals on the very top. We have most creatures on lower layers not existing today and few species today existing in far in the past. Its like each layer has its own set of organisms and they gradually change layer by layer. We also have numerous transitional fossils in the right order for land animal, bird, horse, whale, mammal and human evolution. We see many examples of evolution today like viruses, dogs, nylon eating bacteria, flies that evolve new species that don't reproduce together, etc. We see retrovirus DNA inserted in other human and ape DNA long ago that perfectly matches showing inheritance. We see one human chromosome being equivalent to two fused ape chromosomes and even having the DNA indicators of fused chromosomes. We see many genes that are turned off in the same way in both humans and apes like vitamin C. In addition the genes of all organisms form a mathematically hierarchical family tree that is only seen in real genetic families and shared traits like five fingers and very similar body plans. We see arteries that are wrapped around the body in strange ways that is only explained by gradual evolution rather than a designer lie the Laryngeal artery in the giraffe.

You have provided no evidence. You have provided nothing but statements that are not supported by scientific evidence. Most of what you posted has been debunked, or there are alternate explanations for them. Like the blind cave-dwellers. How do you know they weren't created that way? Let's see some scientific facts supported by evidence and experimentation.
What proof do you have that a ball has higher potential energy when it is higher off the ground or that potential energy even exists? And don't get all smug and vitriolic on me just because I am skeptical of your gravity science religion. Its all a big scam for physicists to get science funding. Nobody has ever with their eyes seen the force behind gravity, only seen things falling which happens because God made things so that when objects have no support they have nothing to lift them and will fall. Scientists themselves admit they don't know what causes gravity. Gravity is just a theory and even scientists call it a theory, and we all knows theories are just speculation. Einstein even showed that Newton's theory of gravity is wrong in many cases and came up with his own unproven theory to explain it. Even his theory and Newton's theory doesn't work on the quantum mechanical level and scientists have failed to unite quantum mechanics and relativity.

You might want to crack open a science book and read it. Your ignorance is laughable, not to mention rather appalling.
What proof do you have that a ball has higher potential energy when it is higher off the ground or that potential energy even exists? And don't get all smug and vitriolic on me just because I am skeptical of your gravity science religion. Its all a big scam for physicists to get science funding. Nobody has ever with their eyes seen the force behind gravity, only seen things falling which happens because God made things so that when objects have no support they have nothing to lift them and will fall. Scientists themselves admit they don't know what causes gravity. Gravity is just a theory and even scientists call it a theory, and we all knows theories are just speculation. Einstein even showed that Newton's theory of gravity is wrong in many cases and came up with his own unproven theory to explain it. Even his theory and Newton's theory doesn't work on the quantum mechanical level and scientists have failed to unite quantum mechanics and relativity.

Its called MATH and the ability to measure speed v. weight. Geeze what snowflakes. Never heard of Gravimetric measurement? What about a Gravimeter? Newton? The Space Programs usage of applied science?

As I said, "I once knew a snowflake that once admitted they were wrong...turns out in his own words, he was not wrong he was merely mistaken." The FACT that gravity is subject to mathematical measurement proves its existence as a reality of physics. Through absolute results may not exist......they exist within a minuet margin of error that allows spaceflight and exploration...or you would have dead astronauts that could have never successfully existed or reentered earth's atmosphere and sphere of gravity because the force that was required to overcome the effect of gravitational force would still be unknown.
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Gravity is a theory too. In science, everything is.

True. And in science theories are facts. After facts has been established they are put together in a theory to explain something. The facts in a theory might not be put in the proper order or some facts may be missing, but theories are facts.

The scientist who asked his colleagues to name something about evolution that is true obviously did not ask any scientists; otherwise, they would have shown him millions of years of fossil evidence.