Can anyone name one thing about evolution that is true?

You have provided no evidence. You have provided nothing but statements that are not supported by scientific evidence. Most of what you posted has been debunked, or there are alternate explanations for them. Like the blind cave-dwellers. How do you know they weren't created that way? Let's see some scientific facts supported by evidence and experimentation.

Everything in my post was evidence. In fact it was jam packed full of evidence. But your trick is to just not listen and deny it is evidence. In fact you only directly responded to my first sentence. Laughable. I could make a thread denying atomic theory and just claim that every response had no evidence.

There is no reason for a designer to make creatures with broken eyes or functional eyes covered with skin never to see light. Evolution predicts we will find them and its prediction is confirmed which is evidence for the theory. This is one point for evolution and one point against creationism.
True. And in science theories are facts. After facts has been established they are put together in a theory to explain something. The facts in a theory might not be put in the proper order or some facts may be missing, but theories are facts.

The scientist who asked his colleagues to name something about evolution that is true obviously did not ask any scientists; otherwise, they would have shown him millions of years of fossil evidence.

He’s playing the old creationist game of raise the bar. You notice he uses the word “truth” as opposed to facts. It’s childish.
So is evolutionary theory and the mechanisms of evolutionary theory are far better understood than Gravity. Einstein’s theory of special relativity showed just how little we know about gravity outside of its attractive for e.

Show us where someone has made a species evolve intentionally. I can drop an apple all day every day and it will fall down.
Evolution being solely responsible for mans present form is mathematically, physiologically and statistically impossible

That doesn’t mean that selective pressures don’t exist.
Just because you have math and devices in your theory doesn't make it true. I will admit that Newton's equations have worked in some situations but that doesn't mean the theory that there is a force coming from all mass is true. Nobody has ever seen this force coming from mass or know what it even is. Its just a theory based on equations and there is no proof. There is also no guarantee that future measurements will follow his equations and scientists found that on the scale of stars and planets, and the micro scale Newton's equations don't work. You sound very elitist and treat any God fearing person skeptical of your atheistic scientists as idiots.
That’s what I keep pointing out to him. His issues are philosophical and not scientific.

Now I actually don’t mind discussing that as long as we are clear on what science is and is not. Science does not nor is intended to be an explanation for everything. Science is by definition self limiting and self correcting...which is why it works. It only explains the natural world and what can be empirically observed.

So if the discussion on the philosophy of evolutionary theory can be discussed without attempting to undermine the scientific basis the discussion can be far more productive.

Neo-Darwin Evolutionary Theory combined with our knowledge in genetics and computers for calculations has opened a Pandoras Box of staggering power.

We should be having discussions not on the validity of evolutionary theory but on how that knowledge is applied because that knowledge has mind boggling consequences and dangers.
The "superbug" bacteria that are resistant to anti-biotics can be seen evolving.

"Superbugs evolve in a few ways. When bacteria grow and spread, they can develop mutations in their DNA that make them resistant to certain types of drugs. When antibiotics are used to treat an infection, bacteria without the resistance mechanism die, while those" that have the resistance mechanism may continue to live and multiply. Bacteria can also give certain resistance mechanisms to other bacteria in a process called horizontal gene transfer, which increases the speed at which bacteria can evolve into superbugs." [see video in link below]
#1. The law of inheritance. The offspring of a species inherit most of their traits from their parents. One only has to observe their own children to observe this fact.

#2. The law of variation. The offspring of a species will vary from their parents. Again, one only has too look at their children to observe this fact.

#3. The law of super fecundity. A species will produce more offspring than will survive to maturity. Again an easily observable fact.

if that's the scope of evolution, I won't argue with you.....
None of it. Gravity is. Drop an apple and tell me if it falls up or down.

How does gravity warp the space time continuum? Einstein’s theory of special relativity only predicts that a large enough would. It doesn’t tell us how gravity does it. We just don’t know.
So is evolutionary theory and the mechanisms of evolutionary theory are far better understood than Gravity. Einstein’s theory of special relativity showed just how little we know about gravity outside of its attractive for e.

evolution is not repeatable or provable......all you can do is restate your assumptions and claim they are fact.......