Can anyone name one thing about evolution that is true?

Evolution being solely responsible for mans present form is mathematically, physiologically and statistically impossible

That doesn’t mean that selective pressures don’t exist.

Statistical fallacy. You can’t calculate the probability of an event that has already occurred.
Fair enough. Go to a farm. Farmers have been doing it for millennia.

Or a dog breeder. Or a breeder of specialty-hued parrots like cockatiels, budgies, and Quakers. Or a microbiology lab.

Sheesh, still can't believe I or anyone else is responding to Gurgle's gurgling about evolution.
Gravity is a scientific theory because of repeatable experiments. Show us one scientific experiment that supports evolution. Oh. That's right. YOU CANT! LOLOL! Next contestant, Johnny.

Proper science does not involve experimentation to support, confirm, or prove a theory.

Proper scientific experimentation is intended to falsify a theory.

That is because a good scientific theory sticks its neck out, puts its reputation on the line, and runs the risk of being shown to be wrong. That is how we sort the wheat from the chaff.

Einstein's general theory of relativity put its neck on the line, and could have been falsified by the Eddington experimental test in 1919. The fact that Eddington was unable to falsify Einstein's theory allowed it to live on to fight another day, and start to gain general acceptance.

The fossil record is body of evidence that can be used to falsify evolutionary theory. If we ever find fossil lemurs in Precambrian rocks, the theory of evolution will be utterly falsified.
Gravity is a scientific theory because of repeatable experiments. Show us one scientific experiment that supports evolution. Oh. That's right. YOU CANT! LOLOL! Next contestant, Johnny.
[FONT=&quot]In the summer of 1995, students from the New Country School in Le Sueur, Minnesota, found large numbers of deformed frogs in a restored wetland on a farm near the Minnesota River. By the end of 1996, the MPCA had received numerous reports of deformed frogs from around the state.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Deformed frogs were also found in other parts of the country, generating widespread concern among scientists, health officials, and state and federal agencies. The MPCA began fieldwork in 1996 and researched the problem from 1997 through 2000. As of July 1, 2001, funding was eliminated for the MPCA to study the frogs.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]To learn more about where the deformed frogs were first found, the research, and why it’s a concern visit:[/FONT]
Other than sharing about 99%+ of DNA?

So, how did that work? One type of human became extinct and God created the next version until it became extinct and so on.......

no.....there is micro evolution.....various species of halibut evolved from other species of halibut......if anything DNA proves intelligent design........if life evolved from random shit acting randomly we should DNA and SBC and MSNBC and a dozen other bases of life......oh, and there has never been more than one kind of human......the rest were just your imagination.......
My thought on the subject?

Anybody who doesn't see evolution as being obvious should be humanely euthanized for being brain dead.
lol....sorry dude......a million years worth of evolution and nothing to show from it except more bacteria........not even a single dinosaur....they didn't even get color variation.....

Well no experiment can perfectly recreate things that already happened. You could also say the Big Bang can't be proven because our experiments that prove the Big Bang don't result in a new universe just like ours being created.

What scientists have done is shown how species evolve over time, much like ours has.