Can anyone name one thing about evolution that is true?

agreed......scientists have shown there is micro evolution.....a species evolving.........what science has not proven and never can is macro evolution....a chain of new species evolving from old tracing from the first single cell creature that supposedly crawled out of a lightning struck mud puddle through the ages to your own pre-human existence......

Saying there is "micro-evolution" and "macro-evolution" shows a lack of understanding in how evolution works. There is no "micro" or "macro." There are just mutations and natural selection.
Saying there is "micro-evolution" and "macro-evolution" shows a lack of understanding in how evolution works. There is no "micro" or "macro." There are just mutations and natural selection.

no.....saying that science has proven that man evolved from single celled organisms shows a lack of understanding how science and evolution work.......and I agree there is no "macro".......that is non-scientific fantasy.......
no.....saying that science has proven that man evolved from single celled organisms shows a lack of understanding how science and evolution work.......and I agree there is no "macro".......that is non-scientific fantasy.......

Science doesn't prove anything. It offers theories that are either disproven or are regarded as most likely true.

Is this just because you're religious?
Evolution is consider a law too.
Well that's news to me. I've never ever seen it classified as a Physical Law.Only Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Maybe you have a link ?
But in science, even laws are still theories.
Dude, you have completely fucked that up .
Unlike religious people, scientists acknowledge that a theory can be proven wrong.
No such thing as a religious scientist? But yes, a theory can be proven wrong.
Because the moving rotors create lift. When the rotors stop, down it comes.
You're trying to equate the theory of gravity to that of evolution, citing evolution as impossible. Gravity can be defied, so why not your delusions about creationism?
No because they are not “designing” live stock or crops. What farmers are doing is “selecting” specific traits in a species and breeding plants and animals with desired traits to enhance those traits.

The key concept here is “selection” vs. “design”.
And quite often, natural disasters/occurrences created situations where species were sequestered, creating mutations due to inbreeding. Humans included

Scientists have spent the past 30 years carefully tracking evolution across more than 68,000 generations of E. coli bacteria - the equivalent of more than 1 million years of human evolution.

